Wednesday, August 15, 2012

George Allen Tours Manassas Defense Small Business

August 13, 2012

George Allen Tours Manassas Defense Small Business

Manassas, VA ? Today, George Allen continued his Virginia Voices tour in Manassas where he visited ASSETT, Inc, a small business defense contractor and member of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership. Allen saw firsthand the innovation of this small business and listened to the uncertainty they face with Washington?s deal leading to $500 Billion defense cuts scheduled to begin January 2.

Established in 2001, ASSETT is an engineering firm that provides end-to-end engineering and management support for the defense and commercial industries. ASSETT?s complex systems work includes submarine combat systems, surface ships and aircraft, operating as a prime contractor to the Navy and as a subcontractor on various programs. ?ASSETT also advances research and development with Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) contracts. During his visit, Allen received a briefing on the company?s history and work, and then toured the facility and met employees. ASSETT currently employs approximately 40 people.

?At ASSETT, we understand that the freedom given to us for innovation helps America stand head and shoulders above the rest of the world, and we?re proud to support our military with leading-edge services,? said Evan Kohn, President of ASSETT, Inc.? ?However, there are two issues that give rise to concern over our ability to meet current and future challenges through innovation.? These issues include the potential impact of sequestration and changes in the Small Business Innovative Research program. Small businesses need opportunities for additional innovation and research. I?m glad to know George Allen understands the unique opportunities and challenges small businesses face and wants to ensure our voices are heard in Washington.?

Sequestration will affect job-creators such as ASSETT as small defense companies are disproportionately hit by the looming cuts. Research and development, such as what ASSETT specializes in, may be at risk under the scheduled defense cuts. Additionally, ASSETT cited concern over proposed changes to eligibility for Small Business Innovative Research contracts that would enable large and foreign businesses to engage in full and open competition with small businesses that are attempting to establish themselves in the marketplace.

?It?s inspiring to see the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit at work in a small business such as ASSETT,? said George Allen. ?ASSETT is an important reminder of what is at stake this election.? These defense cuts would be devastating to our military and to jobs in Virginia as over 200,000 jobs are at risk because of Washington?s failure to lead. Now some want to use these devastating defense cuts as an opportunity to raise taxes on small business owners. I opposed this deal from the beginning, and I will stand up for real leadership in Washington to set priorities and be the voice of hard-working men and women whose jobs and security depend on saving our military from these cuts.?

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