Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wrongful Termination Lawyer of Orange County

August 29th, 2012 by admin

Sexual harassment is a sensitive and serious issue. If you have ever been victimized by someone at work, you should contact a Wrongful Termination Lawyer in Orange County.

California law defines sexual harassment as ?unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.?

Consider the following sexual harassment example:

Say you are a young female who has been working at a natural gas company for a few years. As a junior chemical engineer, you work closely with a senior engineer who is an older male. Over the years the two of you have gotten to know each other well. Recently, your male co-worker revealed he has broken up with his long term girlfriend. A few days later, you are horrified as your co-worker makes an unusual proposition. He asks if you will come to his apartment once a week to fulfill his sexual needs to exchange for high marks on your next bi-yearly work evaluation. He tells you that this could be the push you need to be promoted with a higher salary. You immediately say no, but the following week you are harassed on a daily basis by inappropriate nude pictures from your co-worker via text with reminders about the upcoming work evaluations.

Now say that later, your co-worker ends up writing a false work evaluation on you and as a result, you are fired. This would be grounds for wrongful termination and you should contact Wrongful Termination Attorney in Orange County for a consultation.


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