Yesterday evening, I spent over an hour in an ?online CHAT??.only to receive confirmation of the original license number - that is not being recognised.
This morning, I have spent two hours on the telephone speaking to two different agents (possibly) located in the USA or one of it?s off shore call centres?.and constantly being put on hold to await a technician?s response?.which doesn?t I eventualy hung up - TWICE.
PROBLEM; I tried to update AVG Tune UP 2012.?on doing so, the original programme was removed from the laptop?and the new ?trial? version installed. When entering the existing license number?it simply transfers me to a web page where I can purchase the new version.
As the original version was valid until February 7th 2013.?I do not currently wish to purchase again.
I believe all it requires a new license number to be generated for the trial version that is currently on the laptop - that will take me to February 7th 2013 - when I would need to renew!
I am extremely disappointed with the difficulty experienced in trying to contact AVG UK direct?..and with the unacceptable level of delays - plus, the time kept on hold. My time is extremely valuable.....
If this is the standard of AVG customer support?.I regret that I will not renew in future (Our home & business runs two computers?.. each running AVG Internet Security - plus, AVG Tune Up) - and will no longer recommend to colleagues/friends.
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