Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our 6th Child - Forums

I am a Mommy to five...Birdman (17), Shmoobi (16), Sport (11), Princess (3) & Jazzy (2). Shmoobi is our biological son, the other four our our adoptive/foster children. I run an in-home daycare caring for my two daughters, three 2 year old girls and two school age girls. Well Sport & Jazzy's biological mother delivered a healthy baby girl last Friday and the baby was placed into foster care into our home. I am trying to manage my daycare plus my toddler daughters with a newborn baby girl. Here are some questions for those with infants and toddlers?

* Do you go outside often? We were going out 2-4 hours a day? I am in Western NY so it can get cold here!
* Do you ask the toddlers not to touch the baby (germs)?
* Do you limit field trips and outings? We currently attend an outside pre-school T/Th and ballet Friday plus a field trip Wednesdays.
* Do you have any advice for a Mommy of six/ having three girls ages 3 and under?

My husband and I are so happy to have such a big family but are working on finding our new routine and making it work for us giving all our children attention, love and guidance!


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