Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Quest for Epic Content- Part I | Creative Writing and SEO Services


Writing an article is not rocket science anybody who knows how to write regardless of the language they speak and write can create an article. It is only a matter of arranging your thoughts and putting it down on paper or the computer screen in a way that will offer some value to the reader. If you are new to the world of content creation you might feel a little intimidated by the thought that your article could someday be read by hundreds if not thousands of readers and if you do not do it right they all will know. If you begin by pushing yourself to write epic content you are probably not taking the right path to your goal as this will lead to unnecessary pressure and unwanted stress.

There are several articles on the internet that deal with the subject of article writing or content creation. This article however will teach you how to get the basics right, it won?t give you the magic formula to create amazing content but it will surely put you on the right path. Once you are on the right path it is up to you to explore your creative writing side and create content which can truly have the potential to be epic. You will provide the magic required, the magic exists inside you and does not lie in a formula to instant epic content.

Here are a few things you need to keep in mind to make sure you prepare yourself to write epic content:

Relax and set your mind free

To begin writing good content you need to be in the right frame of mind. Do not begin by hoping to have an error free, perfect article ready in 30 to 45 minutes. It is possible to write an article in 30 to 45 minutes but for authors who settle for nothing less than the best, time is not a constraint. You are an author not an article production line. Sure we all have deadlines to meet however exceeding it a little won?t mean the end of the world, it will in fact save you extra time and effort in the future. When you invest time in writing good content it will be read and well received by your writers and your article will not be a waste of space in cyber world.

Make sure you are in a quite environment where there are no distractions. I know some authors who visit the park or the lake to relax their mind and then get down to work on their laptop or notepad. Your mind will perform at its optimum when your mind and body is relaxed devoid of any distractions. This does not mean you shoo your kids and family members away. You should wait for time when they are not as active or you could just go to your room and relax. Make sure you focus only on the task that lies at hand which is to write good content. Drain out all distractions; they can wait for after you finish your article. No stress, no anxiety, no deadlines the computer or your notepad is your canvas, prepare yourself to paint the best picture you can.

Let the ideas flow

Once you have settled down and are relaxed it is time to BRAINSTORM! That is right there is always silence before a storm. Brainstorm for ideas about the subject you wish to create content. Use the notepad on your laptop or an actual notepad to write down all the ideas. Do not pressurize your mind to give birth to ideas. Just let the ideas flow unrestricted like the river which flows swiftly after a thunderstorm and brings water to its banks.

Do not worry about editing your ideas just write them down in the same order that they spring in your mind. Be random, be free, be creative and make sure your hands function as a stenographer taking note of everything that comes to your mind.

Once done what you have is all the material you will need to build an amazing article. All you now have to do is use these ideas and key points to create an article by elaborating more on them. Once the list of ideas is ready you can just copy paste them in an order in which you wish to present to your reader. Once arranged double check to make sure you have all the important points which you wish to present to the reader.

Congratulations! After completing this stage you have almost completed a big chunk of work required to write a good article. Now all you have to do is use these points to create an article by always keeping your reader in mind. However the masterpiece is not yet complete, you need to move on to the next stage which is the advanced stage of article creation. It involves the actual act of drafting the final article and the points you need to remember when get down to it. It involves steps you should follow to breathe life in to your article and how you can ensure your article will be as good as a timeless story.

You do not want to miss the next second and final stage in your quest for epic content ? II .



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