Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Need a way to exercise my back - Health, Fitness, and Sports

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:32 am?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

I used to have a yoga ball instead of a chair (but the ball got a flat), and boy did I feel it in my core! I spend a few hours in front of the computer every day, and those core muscles got their workout, let me tell you, Now, I'm not capable to just sit still on a ball like that, I was constantly 'rolling around' on a small scale, a few cm this way, a few cm that way and I guess that helped a lot too. Still, I think you could get one of those balls for 5-10 bucks at wahlmart or something, it might be worth the investment. There are a multitude of youtube vids available for free that will teach you various back-strenghtening excercises too.
Other than that, anything that works your core will help.

Also, try to move around a little at your station instead of standing stock-still (shift your weight between your feet, take a babystep toward/away from your station, shimmey your hips, whatever, just keep your circulation going), and take frequent, short breaks (maybe even just 15-30sec or so) to strech out your back every 10-20 min, and start doing that from the moment you start your shift, not when you are starting to feel the strain.

Oh, and make sure that your shoes are not only comfortable, but gives you the best type of support and cushioning thet you need. In my country you can go to certain sports stores and they will liik ar your feet and gait and stuff like that and they can help you. Of course if you already know you don't have 'perfect feet', go see an orthopedic person who can help you.

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:37 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

Back trouble often requires core strengthening before improving.
Try these:

1. Glute Bridge With Marching

Why: This exercise will improve hip strength and increase pelvic and lumbar stability.

How To:
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slightly brace your abs and lift your hips off the ground. Squeeze your butt to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Without moving your body, lift one foot off the ground. Return it to the ground and switch legs. Alternate sides for 60 seconds and repeat for three sets

2. Offset Reverse Lunge

Why: This exercise will increase lower body strength and improve balance, coordination and pelvic and core stability.

How to:
Hold a weight in your right hand and stand with your feet hip width apart. Take a large step backward with your right leg. Go into a lunge. Return to the starting position by stepping forward and upward with your left leg. Perform 8-12 repetitions and switch sides. Perform 2-3 sets

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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