Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Android Is The New Windows

Android Is The New WindowsA flexible, customizable operating system that's farmed out to third-party hardware makers and dominates market share but not profits? You're not the only one experiencing d?j? vu. The parallels of Android and Windows are striking. But can that which is unique about Android save it from the fate befalling Microsoft's stumbling OS?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/Rz72PgE_JR4/

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ex-Pro Wrestler Stabs Girlfriend To Death Before Posting Bloody Photo To Facebook

By Alan with comments July 27, 2013 08:15

He then led cops on a car chase until he crashed and was arrested.

Brian McGhee, 29, who wrestled under the names DT Porter and Donovan ?The Future? Ruddick, stabbed girlfriend Bianca McGaughey, 25, several times outside her Tampa home at around 8:30 p.m. [Thursday]?Around the same time, he posted a photo of a bloody body part on Facebook, cops said.

He then led police on a chase through Tampa in a Pontiac Grand Prix before he crashed into a guardrail and was captured, the Times reported.

Source: http://www.alan.com/2013/07/27/ex-pro-wrestler-stabs-girlfriend-to-death-before-posting-bloody-photo-to-facebook/

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

India launches advanced weather satellite

Bangalore, July 26 (IANS): India's advanced weather satellite Insat-3D was launched early Friday onboard Ariane-5 rocket from Kourou in French Guiana off the Pacific coast.

"After a perfect lift-off at 01:24 a.m. from the European Arianespace spaceport at Kourou, the two-tonne advanced weather satellite was placed in the geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) 32 minutes later, about 36,000 km above from earth," the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said in a statement here.

The sophisticated spacecraft is orbiting at perigee (closer to earth) 249.9 km and apogee of 35,880 km in the orbit.

"The satellite's solar panel was automatically deployed soon after it was separated from the rocket's upper cryogenic stage and our master control facility at Hassan took over its control for further manoeuvres," the statement said. Hassan is about 200km from Bangalore.

Preliminary checks of the subsystems showed the health of the spacecraft was satisfactory.

"The MCT will perform the orbit-raising manoeuvres over the next few days using the satellite's propulsion system to place it in the intended geostationary orbit," the statement pointed out.

The satellite's observational instruments will be switched on during the second week of August after it reaches the orbital slot at 82 degrees east to the equatorial plane for extensive tests by the MCF.

The four instruments onboard the spacecraft are Imager, Sounder, Data Relay Transponder and Satellite Aided Search & Rescue. The six channel imager can take weather pictures of the earth and has improved features compared to the instrument in (Kalpana-1) and Insat-3A, the two Indian geostationary satellites, which have been providing weather services over the past decade.

"The 19-channel sounder payload adds a new dimension to monitor weather through its atmospheric sounding system, and provides vertical profiles of temperature, humidity and integrated ozone," the statement noted.

Data relay transponder receives meteorological, hydrological, oceanographic parameters sent by the automatic data collection platforms located at remote uninhabited places and relays them to a processing centre for generating accurate weather forecasts.

The search and rescue instrument picks up and relays alert signals originating from the distress beacons of maritime, aviation and land-based users and relays them to the mission control centre to facilitate speedy search and rescue operations.

The state-run space agency will process the satellite's data and the derivation of meteorological parameters with the Indian meteorological department in New Delhi.

An indigenously designed and developed meteorological data processing system has been commissioned at IMD, with a mirror site at the space agency's space applications centre at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh and Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

Source: http://www.daijiworld.com/news/news_disp.asp?n_id=181088

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Homeland Security Is Moving Into an Abandoned Insane Asylum

Homeland Security Is Moving Into an Abandoned Insane Asylum

Did you know that the US government's third-largest agency is ramping up a 20-year, $4.5 billion construction project that will turn the grounds of a former mental hospital into an "elaborate" headquarters for its sprawling network of agencies? It's already a decade behind schedule and $1 billion over budget.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/pQtC4LcniyU/homeland-security-is-moving-into-an-abandoned-insane-as-922239941

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SAMUELSON: Trend toward part-time jobs shows economy's weakness

WASHINGTON ? Just when you thought that America?s labor market was improving, with employment gains averaging about 200,000 a month, comes Mort Zuckerman, real estate magnate and chairman of U.S. News & World Report, throwing cold water on any optimism.

The truth, writes Zuckerman in The Wall Street Journal, is that, according to the Labor Department?s household survey, almost three-quarters of new jobs in 2013 have been part time. These need to be discounted in judging the economy?s strength, argues Zuckerman.

?At this stage of an expansion you would expect the number of part-time jobs to be declining, as companies would be doing more full-time hiring,? he writes. ?Not this time. In the long misery of this post-recession period, we have an extraordinary situation: Americans by the millions are in part-time work because there are no other employment opportunities.?

Ugh. To Zuckerman, work is increasingly catch as catch can, with firms relying more ?on independent contractors and part-time, temporary and seasonal employees.? He also blames the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), which has been criticized as discouraging full-time hiring. Companies with fewer than 50 full-time workers don?t have to provide health insurance; nor are part-time employees (defined as less than 30 hours a week) entitled to company coverage. These are powerful deterrents to adding full-time workers.

On some counts, Zuckerman?s critique is overwrought.

For starters, it belittles genuine job progress. Gains since the recession?s trough in 2009, though inadequate, are still substantial. ?Companies (now) seem to be holding on to their employees,? says economist Beth Ann Bovino of Standard & Poor?s. Initial weekly unemployment claims peaked at about 650,000; now they?re about half that, 334,000 in a recent week, she says. The unemployment rate has dropped from 10 percent in October 2009 to 7.6 percent.

Nor is there much evidence that, in the recovery, part-time workers have represented a disproportionate share of new jobs. Economist Scott Anderson of the Bank of the West analyzed employment gains since January 2009 and found that in June part-time jobs accounted for 19.5 percent of total employment, ?exactly the average share ... since January 2009.? Part-time jobs sometimes surge for a few months, he noted, but then the rapid gains have been reversed.

(Page 2 of 2)

Finally, Zuckerman doesn?t acknowledge that most part-time jobs are desired by workers. Of the 27 million part-time workers in June, slightly more than 19 million were voluntary: students splitting jobs and studies; retirees wanting extra income or human contact; and parents juggling the demands of jobs and child-rearing.

Still, the core of Zuckerman?s argument stands. This recovery, compared to its post-World War II predecessors, has been exceptionally weak. The number of part-time workers who would like full-time jobs (defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as 35 hours a week or more) has dropped very slowly. In May 2009, it peaked at 9.1 million; as of last month, it was 8.2 million. Moreover, the level was almost twice as high as before the recession ? 4.2 million in December 2006. As Zuckerman argues, this suggests many companies are quietly shifting employment practices.

Firms seek to minimize fixed labor costs by using contractors, ?temps? and part-timers. Obamacare intensifies the pressures, because of the incentives against hiring full-time workers.

Up to a point, part-time jobs reflect the flexibility of the U.S. economy ? but we are well beyond that point. They increasingly signify weakness.

Source: http://www.app.com/article/20130725/NJOPINION03/307250010/1028/OPINION&source=rss

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President Obama Addresses America's Real Concern: Jobs

Major policy addresses are as rare in non-presidential campaign years as payphones in Manhattan. But Wednesday, President Obama braved the media obsession with the new royal baby and a childish mayoral candidate to deliver a major speech on economic policy.

Yesterday's speech at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., was the first in a series of speeches that the president hopes will focus Congress on the economy. You would never know it by listening to what passes for debate in D.C., but Americans are more concerned about the economy and jobs than they are about the budget and the national debt.

Last month, CBS News and the New York Times conducted a national survey and asked Americans what they thought was the most important problem facing the nation. It really wasn't much of a contest, as the survey indicated that concern about the economy and jobs overwhelmed everything else.

[See a collection of political cartoons on the budget and deficit.]

One in three (34 percent) Americans indicated that the economy was the biggest problem facing the United States. Concern about everything else, ?including the national debt (6 percent), religious values (3 percent) and big government (3 percent), was in single digits. But Washington is obsessed with the budget. This is just one of many examples of Washington's indifference to the public's concerns. Unless the president gets his way, we'll hear a lot of talk about the deficit but little discussion of jobs for the next several months.

Hopefully, Americans and members of Congress will hear what the president says and tune out wall-to-wall Weiner media and the coverage of the naming rights to the royal baby.

Wednesday, the president honed in on economic inequality. He pointed out that the economic gains in the last 10 years have mostly benefitted rich people at the expense of the middle class."This growing inequality is not just morally wrong: it's bad economics," he said. "Because when middle-class families have less to spend, guess what? Businesses have fewer consumers."

[Read the U.S. News debate: Is Obama Turning the Economy Around?]

It's unlikely that the president can get the House Republican caucus to pass or even consider his proposals. The GOP majority in the U.S. House of Representatives never took a vote or even debated the merits of the American Jobs Act when President Obama submitted it to Congress in 2012. That legislation would have given tax breaks to companies that hire new employees, put unemployed Americans to work rebuilding our failing bridges and water systems and put thousands of public school teachers, police officers, firefighters and paramedics back to work.????

With his economic speech, the president took his second opportunity in a week to speak from the bully pulpit. His remarks about Trayvon Martin and yesterday's speech on the economy suggest that the president has decided to speak directly to Americans. The president sees the radical Republican majority as a lost cause, but he still has faith in the American people.

Source: http://www.usnews.com/blogs/brad-bannon/2013/7/25/president-obama-addresses-americas-real-concern-jobs?s_cid=rss:brad-bannon:president-obama-addresses-americas-real-concern-jobs

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Frenzied crowds greet Pope Francis in Brazil

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) ? Frenzied crowds of Roman Catholics mobbed the car carrying Pope Francis on Monday when he returned to his home continent for the first time as pontiff, embarking on a seven-day visit meant to fan the fervor of the faithful around the globe.

During the pope's first minutes in Brazil, ecstatic believers swarmed around the closed Fiat several times when it was forced to stop by heavy traffic on the drive from the airport to an official opening ceremony in Rio's center. A few security guards struggled mightily to push the crowd back in scenes that at times looked alarming. A city official told Globo TV that the pope's driver turned into the wrong side of a boulevard and missed lanes that had been cleared.

Francis looked calm during the frenzy. He rolled down the window on the back passenger-side of the car where he was sitting, waving to the crowd and touching those who reached inside. At one point, a woman handed the pontiff a dark-haired baby, whom he kissed before handing it back.

After finally making it past crowds and blocked traffic, Francis switched to an open-air popemobile as he toured around the main streets in downtown Rio through mobs of people who screamed wildly as he waved and smiled. Many in the crowd looked stunned, with some standing still and others sobbing loudly.

Idaclea Rangel, a 73-year-old Catholic, was pressed up against a wall and choking out words through her tears. "I can't travel to Rome, but he came here to make my country better ... and to deepen our faith," she said.

At the airport earlier, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff vigorously shook Francis' hand after he descended the stairs following a no-frills charter flight that arrived about 4 p.m. (3 p.m. EDT, 1900 GMT). He made no public statements. The pope was handed two bouquets of white and yellow flowers by two adolescent girls, each of whom he kissed on the cheek.

Reaching the end of the red carpet full of church leaders and other dignitaries, Francis and the Brazilian president paused to be serenaded by a choir of about three dozen young people singing an anthem linked to World Youth Day, an event uniting hundreds of thousands of young faithful from around the globe. Before singing, the kids robustly yelled soccer-like chants in the pope's honor.

Outside the Guanabara government palace in Rio where the pope was being officially welcomed, Alicia Velazquez, a 55-year-old arts teacher from Buenos Aires, waited to catch a glimpse of the man she knew well when he was archbishop of her hometown.

"It was so amazing when he was selected, we just couldn't believe it, we cried and hugged one another," Velazquez said. "I personally want to see if he's still the same man as simple and humble whom we all knew. I have faith that he's remained the same."

It was the first time the Argentine-born Francis returned to his home continent since his selection as pope in March.

During his stay, the 76-year-old pope will meet with legions of young Catholics converging for the church's World Youth Festival in Rio. More than 1 million people are expected to pack the white sands of Copacabana for ceremonies presided over by Francis. He will also visit a tiny chapel in a trash-strewn slum and make a side trip to venerate Brazil's patron saint, Our Lady of Aparecida.

Earlier on the flight from Rome, Francis expressed concern for a generation of youth growing up jobless as the world economy sputters. He warned about youth unemployment in some countries in the double digits, telling journalists there is a "risk of having a generation that hasn't worked."

"Young people at this moment are in crisis," he said.

He didn't specify any country or region, but much of Europe is seeing those gloomy youth joblessness numbers, especially in Greece, Spain and Italy. Brazil is in far better shape than European nations, with unemployment at an all-time low after a decade of economic expansion.

"I'm here for faith! I'm here for joy! And I'm here for the first Latino pope!" Ismael Diaz, a 27-year-old pilgrim wrapped in the flag of his native Paraguay, said as he bounded down the stone sidewalks of Copacabana hours ahead of Francis' arrival.

Diaz gave high fives to four fellow pilgrims, then turned toward local beachgoers who looked back at him while calmly sipping green coconut water and staring from behind dark sunglasses.

"I'm here because I have the force of God in me and want to make disciples of all. Arghhhhhhhhhh!" he yelled, lifting his head and howling into Rio's hot, humid air before flexing his arms and striking a bodybuilder's pose.

Alex Augusto, a 22-year-old seminarian dressed in the bright green official T-shirt for pilgrims, said Monday that he and five friends made the journey from Brazil's Sao Paulo state to "show that contrary to popular belief, the church isn't only made up of older people, it's full of young people. We want to show the real image of the church."

It would be easy for Francis if all Catholics shared the fervor of some of its younger members. But Diaz, Augusto and their fellow pilgrims are the exception in Brazil and much of Latin America, a region with more faithful than any other in the world but where millions have left the church for rival Pentecostal evangelical churches or secularism.

A poll from the respected Datafolha group published Sunday in the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo said 57 percent of Brazilians age 16 and older call themselves Catholic, the lowest ever recorded. Six years ago, when Pope Benedict XVI visited, a poll by the same firm found 64 percent considered themselves among the faithful. In 1980, when Pope John Paul II became the first pontiff to visit Brazil, 89 percent listed themselves as Catholics, according to that year's census.

Pentecostal evangelicals stood at 19 percent of the population in the latest poll, rising from virtually nothing three decades ago by aggressively proselytizing in Brazil's slums.

There is also a huge gap in the level of participation in the different churches, a fervor factor that deeply troubles the Catholic Church. The Datafolha poll said 63 percent of Pentecostal evangelicals report going to church at least once a week, while only 28 percent of Catholics say they attend Mass weekly.

Datafolha interviewed 3,758 people across Brazil on June 6-7 and said the poll had a margin error of 2 percentage points.

Playing out alongside the papal visit is political unrest in Brazil, where widespread anti-government protests that began last month have continued.

With the exception of gay rights groups and others angered by the church's doctrine against abortion and same-sex marriages, the target of most protesters won't be Francis but the government and political corruption

When Francis talks with Rousseff, they are likely to focus on the poor. Upon taking office, the Brazilian leader declared that eradicating extreme poverty was her top goal as president, and she has expanded a network of social welfare programs that have helped lift almost 30 million Brazilians out of poverty in the last decade.

"God chose wisely when he decided to send this humble man to lead the church," said Maria Nascimento, a 60-year-old Catholic living in the Varginha slum that Francis will visit this week.

"There's going to be a huge impact on Brazil after he has come and left, after his feet have walked these streets in our slum, she said. "He's going to help the church in Brazil, the love here for him is growing so fast."


Associated Press writers Jenny Barchfield, Vivian Sequera and Marco Sibaja contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/frenzied-crowds-greet-pope-francis-brazil-204637461.html

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Wellington Retailers Suffer Most from Earthquake | Stuff.co.nz

[unable to retrieve full-text content]"If there's a further earthquake or a number of buildings in the CBD shown to have structural issues so it goes on for three, four or five days, you do start to see some issues with business productivity, and, of course, with ...

Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/8951540/Retailers-suffer-most-from-quake

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Source: http://www.techspot.com/downloads/4733-windows-defender-definition-update.html

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Rio cuts 78 jobs at Argyle diamond mine in Australia

Rio Tinto (ASX, LON:RIO) may have decided to hold onto its diamond business, ending more than a year of speculation about a potential sell off, but the diversified miner is not keeping its workforce intact and it is already letting go of 78 people at its Argyle diamond?mine in Australia.

A spokesman for the company, quoted by The West Australian, said the decision was a continuation of Rio?s current focus on costs, drive for improved efficiencies and the planned transition of Argyle to a fully underground mine.

According to the source the measure only affects temporary construction workforce providing administrative, advisory and mining services to the project.

Rio's diamonds unit, which includes a 60% percent stake in Canada?s Diavik mine and 78% in Murowa mine in Zimbabwe, reported a profit loss of $43 million in 2012, down from a $10 million profit in 2011.

However, Rio surprised the market by posting last week a 47% year on year production increase to 4.135 million carats in the second quarter of 2013.

Production at Argyle alone climbed 87% to 3.13 million carats as mining has fully transitioned to higher-grade underground operations.

Source: http://www.mining.com/rio-cuts-78-jobs-at-argyle-diamond-mine-in-australia-97530/

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Abe's Bloc Wins Big in Japan's Upper House Vote

? Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling bloc won a decisive victory in an upper house election on Sunday, cementing his grip on power and setting the stage for Japan's first stable government since the charismatic Junichiro Koizumi left office in 2006.

The victory gives the hawkish leader a stronger mandate for his "Abenomics" recipe to revive the economy, but it also raises questions over whether he will shift his focus to his nationalist agenda, or be able to keep his party in line to push through structural reforms many say are vital for growth.

The win spells a personal political redemption for Abe, who led his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to a humiliating defeat in a 2007 upper house poll during his first term as premier.

The ensuing parliamentary deadlock allowed the opposition to block legislation and led to Abe's resignation two months later. That "twisted parliament" has hampered policies for most of the six years since and led to a string of revolving-door leaders.

"People wanted politics that can make decisions and an administration with a stable grounding, which led to today's result," LDP Vice President Masahiko Komura told public broadcaster NHK. "'Abenomics' is proceeding smoothly and people want us to ensure the benefits reach them too. That feeling was strong."

Abe, 58, who returned to power after a big win in December's lower house poll for his LDP and coalition partner New Komeito, has said he will remain focused on fixing the economy with a mix of hyper-easy monetary policy, fiscal spending and a growth strategy including structural reforms. LDP leaders repeated that pledge on Sunday as the votes were being counted.

"What the public is demanding the most is to solidify the trend of economic recovery," said LDP Secretary-General Shigeru

But concerns have already surfaced that the size of the LDP-led bloc's victory will weaken Abe's resolve for economic reform in the face of opposition to deregulation from LDP lawmakers with close ties to industries that would suffer from change.

"So far, Abe's opponents were opposition parties. But from now on, he might find himself having to fight with people within his own party," said Tomoaki Iwai, a political science professor at Nihon University in Tokyo.

"It is too early to tell if he can maintain his leadership as he did so far."

Critics also worry Abe will shift focus to the conservative agenda that has long been central to his ideology, and concentrate on revising the post-war pacifist constitution and recasting Tokyo's wartime history with a less apologetic tone.
Such a shift, along with moves to strengthen Japan's defense posture, would further fray ties with China and South Korea, where bitter memories of Japan's past militarism run deep. Tokyo is already engaged in tense territorial rows with Beijing and Seoul over tiny, uninhabited islands.

"I have the impression that Prime Minister Abe wants to revise the constitution, though I don't think it will be easy," said apparel firm employee Etsuko Yamada, 35, who voted for the opposition Japanese Communist Party.

"I want him to show Japan's presence through diplomacy with strong negotiating power, not though military power by spending money to rearm."

Opposition drubbing

Abe has declined to say whether as premier he will visit Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine for war dead, where Japanese leaders convicted by an Allied tribunal as war criminals are also honored. A visit on the Aug. 15 anniversary of Japan's defeat in World War II would spark outrage in the region.

A Reuters poll showed Japanese firms generally wanted the LDP to win the election but they worry a landslide victory would allow Abe to prioritize nationalist policies over the economy, as critics say he did during his troubled 2006-2007 term.

Final results will be known late on Sunday or early on Monday.

Media exit polls showed the LDP and New Komeito would win more than 70 of the 121 seats up for grabs in the 242-seat upper house. With the coalition's uncontested 59 seats, that hands it a hefty majority, solidifying Abe's grip on power and raising the chances of a long-term Japanese leader for the first time since the reformist Koizumi's rare five-year term ended in 2006.

No election for either house of parliament need be held until 2016.

The exit polls showed, however, that the LDP fell short of winning an upper house majority in its own right for the first time since 1989, although it could put in a better performance than in 2001, when the party was led by the popular Koizumi.
The LDP and two smaller parties that back Abe's drive to revise Japan's pacifist constitution to legitimize the military looked to fall short of the two-thirds majority needed to take revisions of the charter to a public referendum, the exit polls showed. Those parties have two-thirds of the lower house seats.

Despite the LDP-led bloc's win, the party's pro-nuclear power stance is unpopular, and plans to restart reactors that have been off-line since the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster could run into trouble.

Abe will also have to decide whether to go ahead with an increase in a 5 percent sales tax to 8 percent next April, the first stage in a planned doubling of the levy to rein in Japan's massive public debt.

The main opposition Democratic Party of Japan, which surged to power in 2009 to end more than half a century of almost non-stop LDP rule only to be ousted last year, suffered its biggest drubbing since its founding in 1998. Exits polls showed the party winning 21 or fewer seats.

"Given that this government is getting a big mandate out of what seems to be a low turnout, it's not like there's a popular enthusiasm strongly behind Abe," said Kochi Nakano, a political science professor at Sophia University. "It's sort of an empty victory that's exaggerated both by the electoral system and because of the low turnout, so we can talk about the crisis of Japanese democracy. It's unhealthy for any parliamentary democracy not to have opposition that would keep the government in check."

Many anti-LDP voters, faced with a fragmented opposition, cast their ballots for the Japanese Communist Party to vent their frustration.

Source: http://www.voanews.com/content/japans-ruling-coalition-projected-to-win-parliamentary-election/1706065.html

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

(SR5) And here comes the Hasslblad Luxurious Sony RX100 clone!

Hasselblad Stellar camera with Mahogany wood grip


Hassy isn?t done yet with luxurious clone of Sony stiff. After the Hasselblad Lunar, a l$7,000 luxurious version of the NEX-7 they are now going to launch the $1,600+ clone of the Sony RX100. It?s named ?Hasselblad Stellar?. And certainly the price is ?stellar? :)

The pictures have been leaked at Photorumors who writes:

?The official announcement will be on July 26th. The price is expected to be between $1,600-$3,200 depending on the selected materials?

You can see all the different versions on the images below. I don?t expect any imrpovement in terms of image quality. The hardware and lens is exactly the same of the RX100 (not even from the newer RX100MII.

Hasselblad Stellar camera with Olive wood grip


Hasselblad Stellar camera with carbon fibre grip

Hasselblad Stellar camera with Walnut wood grip

Hasselblad Stellar camera with Wenge wood grip

Hasselblad Stellar camera with Mahogany wood grip

Source: http://www.sonyalpharumors.com/sr5-and-here-comes-the-hasslblad-luxurious-sony-rx100-clone/

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

'Monkey: Journey To the West' Connects With Chinese-Americans First, Indie Rockers Second

There?s a new show in town, and it?s trying to bring the indie kids to Lincoln Center. And Chinese Americans. And, by default, Chinese-Americans who love indie music, meaning yours truly. I?m the first to admit when I?m part of a target demographic (see: Portlandia, Bushmills), so I made the trek uptown to see Chen Shi-Zheng?s opera Monkey: Journey To The West.

The production, part of this month?s Lincoln Center Festival, sees Chen recruiting Gorillaz main men Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett to reinvent the classic Chinese folk tale of a monkey tasked with helping a monk recover lost Buddhist scriptures. No matter if you?re unfamiliar with the story--as I was--Lincoln Center promises an audiovisual extravaganza with something for everyone.

There is one hitch. At face value, billed as the Gorillaz opera, Monkey: Journey To The West looks suspiciously like white British people?s latest conquest of another culture. But what?s actually served up is another story entirely.

Oddball pop?s cartoon dream team may be the marquee name, but Gorillaz actually feature less heavily than the musically-inclined crowd might anticipate. In fact, I found myself wishing for more of Hewlett?s work--the first half of the performance features animated video interstitials between scenes, and their notable absence later on makes for some uneven transitions and pacing.

And while Albarn, first of Blur fame, injects some glitchy electronica into the soundtrack, the majority of the arrangements come across as sounding quite traditional. With an all-Chinese cast and a script penned by Chen completely in Mandarin, it?s ultimately the director?s world--he?s just invited Albarn and Hewlett along for the ride.

And what a ride it is. Clocking in at about 100 minutes, acrobats, martial artists, contortionists, plate spinners, and one plucky wire-walker all show what they?re made of. While performers may make the occasional quaver, they?re necessary to remind the audience that they?re well-trained humans rather than an army of robots.

Monkey: Journey To The West is also being touted as fun for the whole family, and while some children?s attention spans may not hold up, the opera seems like a safe bet for any parents who want to expose their kids to spectacular gymnastic feats and basic Buddhist principles. Trying to appeal to everyone is a challenge, but Chen appears to have made it work--the audience on the night I went was diverse in terms of both race and age. But between the indie rockers and the Chinese-Americans, it?s the former that won?t be getting quite what was expected.

[Photo:?Stephanie Berger, More by Katie Chow; Follow Katie on Twitter]

Source: http://www.blackbookmag.com/music/monkey-journey-to-the-west-connects-with-chinese-americans-first-indie-rockers-second-1.63738

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From boom to bust, Washington County real estate market back on rebound

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Contractors work on a home on Granite Way, in the Cobblestone Subdivision in Washington, Utah, Friday, July 19, 2013.

Washington County?s real estate market, which fell apart in 2006 after an extraordinary run that attracted national attention, is struggling back to health.

Driven by a revived Utah economy and record low interest rates, sales of existing single-family homes have been moving up since they bottomed out in 2008. Foreclosed and short-sale properties have all but dried up, real estate agents say.


Washington County home sales, prices rebounding

Median sales price

2004 ? $165,000

2005 ? $228,000

2006 ? $265,000

2007 ? $249,000

2008 ? $220,000

2009 ? $190,000

2010 ? $169,900

2011 ? $159,300

2012 ? $169,700

2013 (through June) ? $195,000

Homes sold

2004 ? 3,951

2005 ? 4,234

2006 ? 3,243

2007 ? 2,696

2008 ? 2,063

2009 ? 2,573

2010 ? 2,853

2011 ? 3,149

2012 ? 3,065

2013 (through June) ? 1,834

Source ? Washington County Board of Realtors

New construction, which reached its nadir a year later, is bouncing back, too. Even prices, which lagged behind the recovery of sales, are coming back.

It isn?t a stampede yet, but all signs point to better times in Utah?s Dixie.

"Oh, absolutely," said Ryan Andersen, an agent at ERA Brokers Consolidated in St. George.

"In Washington County, we have probably only 20 bank-owned properties left. A lot of people are no longer upside down [in their mortgages]. The biggest problem we have in our market today is getting enough properties to sell," he said.

Just seven years ago, Washington County was one of the hottest real estate markets in the U.S. Fueled by a population boom and the easy lending policies of some local banks, more than 4,200 homes were sold in a county with fewer than 45,000 households. When the collapse came, it hit hard. By 2008, with the Great Recession in full bloom, sales had fallen by more than half from their high in 2005, according to Washington County Board of Realtors figures.

Prices shriveled, too. The median price of homes sold in the county fell from $265,000 in 2006 to $159,300 in 2011 ? a 40 percent decline.

All that pain hasn?t been forgotten, real estate agents and builders say. But it is being replaced with a noticeable good cheer that wasn?t easy to detect two years ago.

"All indicators for us indicate things are getting better; not in a shooting upwards trend, but things do continue to get better in a very managed, consistent, steady way," said Jair Almarez, who manages Salt Lake City-based Ivory Homes? construction business in St. George. Last year, Ivory Homes sold 31 houses in St. George. This year, the company expects to sell 47 in two subdivisions on the city?s south side.

story continues below

Demand is greatest for homes priced under $300,000; it is close to blistering for houses in the $150,000 to $200,000 range, agents say. A house priced under $200,000 will sell in a week, Andersen said. There is just a 30-day supply of homes for sale priced above $200,000 and below $300,000, he said. In all price categories, the supply is less than six months ? which is where it was at the market?s high point. By contrast, there was a 17-month supply of homes for sale in the fall of 2008, according to the Board of Realtors.

Deby Bauer, a Re/Max Associates agent who works only with buyers, said most of her clients have resorted to building new homes because the inventory of existing houses is skimpy. Anything priced correctly sells in just a matter of days, she said.

Most of her clients are new to the county. Some live in northern Utah. Others are from foreign countries. Recently, Bauer showed houses to a couple from Sydney, Australia. Apparently, they liked what they saw. Bauer said the couple flew home to put their house in Sydney up for sale. They will be back as soon as they find a buyer, she said.

Right now, Bauer has 15 clients who have contracted to buy homes in the St. George area.

"That?s definitely up from where [the number] was a year ago for me," she said.

By most accounts, prices for new and existing homes have jumped significantly. In the first half of 2013, the median sale price averaged $195,000 ? a 20 percent gain over the same period of last year. Many of Bauer?s clients are setting their sights on higher-priced homes. Last year, most didn?t want to go above $200,000. Today, they are shopping for homes priced at $300,000 and above, she said.

"They feel comfortable with the economy. They are also seeing a quicker return on their investment because of the continued price increases of our properties here," she said.

There was a small dip in sales in 2012, but agents think the 2.7 percent decline in the number of houses sold was an anomaly. Last year was the only year since 2009 that didn?t see a rise. And so far this year, sales have rebounded smartly. If the pace holds up, 2013 sales could rival 2006, when more than 3,200 units changed hands.

"I don?t see any reason this recovery has to stop, unless and until values get out of reach for the average buyer," said Jeremy Larkin, who owns the Larkin Group real estate firm.

That?s not likely to happen because banks have imposed more restrictive lending practices, Larkin said.


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Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/56607246-79/homes-county-washington-sales.html.csp

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Oil & Gas - Brazil - Batista vows to honor debt, pledges recovery

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Source: www.bnamericas.com --- Friday, July 19, 2013
Embattled Brazilian tycoon Eike Batista has vowed to pay off "every last cent" of Debt owed by his flagging mining and energy empire. In an open letter published by Brazilian daily O Globo Friday (Jul 19), the 56-year-old entrepreneur said he was a "long way" from renouncing his position as CEO and chairman of the EBX group. "I have a lot of energy to roll up my sleeves and take on new projects," Batista wrote. "Every day my head buzzes with new ideas that spring from nothing and slowly take shape. I will honor all of my commitments and pay every last cent of Debt owed." Batista's comments come as stocks in his EBX subsidiaries continue to reel following missed production targets and reports of looming bankruptcy. Earlier this month risk management consultancy Kamakura rated Batista's oil and gas flagship, OGX, the third most likely to default among 32,000 troubled companies worldwide. According to the consultancy, OGX owes more than US$4bn to creditors. Batista said he was "profoundly sorry" for his failure to deliver on EBX's promises, which he blamed on the "prognoses of renowned auditing agencies approved by equally renowned executives." "Two years ago, I put over a billion dollars out of my own pocket into the company. I lost and I've been losing billions of dollars with OGX," the magnate said. "No one has lost as much as I have and that's the way it should be. It is unfair and unacceptable, however, to hear that I deliberat ...

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/BusinessNewsAmericas-TopStoriesEN/~3/NEFxoMK8hmc/batista-vows-to-honor-debt-pledges-recovery

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Nancy Pelosi Lambastes GOP Over Anti-Abortion Laws: Pro-Life Colleagues May Need ?a Lesson on the Birds and the Bees?

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is known for making some controversial statements when it comes to abortion and related reproductive issues. This week, she took particular aim at Republican-led legal measures that aim to crack down on abortion, claiming that conservatives may need a lesson on ?the birds and the bees.?

?What is at risk is the discretion of a woman to make judgments about the size and time, timing of her family,? Pelosi said in an interview that is set to air on MSNBC on Thursday. ?It?s respect for the judgment of women about what is good for them, for their families, their health, which is important to their families.?

Nancy Pelosi Has a Message That Is Likely to Offend Her Pro Life Colleagues    and It Involves the Birds and the Bees

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks to the media at her weekly news conference on Capitol Hill, July 11, 2013 in Washington, DC. Leader Pelosi talked about issues before Congress including Immigration and the upcoming Farm Bill vote. Credit: Getty Images

The House Minority leader, who is Catholic, warned that laws in Texas and North Carolina could end up having a negative impact on women, as they would lead to the shuttering of essential clinics. Pelosi maintained that these locations offer women much-needed medical services and that closing them down puts females at a disadvantage.

?This is women?s health, reproductive part of us is part of our health, and-and, especially young women,? she said in the interview. ?How can they say that we?re not going to be doing contraception or we?re not going to be doing family planning. And so people focus on the most extreme cases in terms of terminating a pregnancy.?

It seems Pelosi has used this ?birds and the bees? quip before. In 2011, while, again, speaking about family planning, she also alleged that her conservative colleagues may need education in this area.

Watch the 2011 ?birds and bees? clip, below:

While Pelosi and those who agree with her maintain that the Texas and North Carolina laws would lead most abortion clinics in those states to shut down, as they are not currently in compliance with new-found regulations, others, like LifeNews.com?s Steven Ertelt, have maintained that the provisions are necessary to protecting women.

?Even though the legislation is intended to protect women?s health by holding shoddy abortion clinics that can?t meet even basic health and safety standards to higher ones that legitimate medical facilities must adhere to, Pelosi framed her opposition in false terms of protecting women,? he wrote earlier today.

Others, too, have criticized the politician, especially faith leaders who see her abortion views as running in opposition to her Catholic faith.

Pelosi?s most recent comments from her interview with MSNBC, though it hasn?t yet aired, were originally transcribed by The Hill.

(H/T: LifeNews.com)


Source: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/07/18/nancy-pelosi-lambastes-gop-over-anti-abortion-laws-pro-life-conservatives-may-need-a-lesson-on-the-birds-and-the-bees/

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TRANSCRIPT: President Obama?s remarks on Trayvon Martin

OBAMA:? That?s so disappointing, man.
QUESTION:? What?re you doing here?
OBAMA:? Jay, is this the kind of respect that you get?
You know, on television, it usually looks like you?re
addressing a full room.
OBAMA:? I got you.? All right.? Sorry about that.? Do you
think anybody else is showing up?? Good.
Well, I wanted to come out here, first of all, to tell you
that Jay is prepared for all your questions, and is very much
looking forward to the session.
Second thing is, I want to let you know that over the next
couple of weeks, there are going to obviously be a whole range
of issues ? immigration, economics, et cetera.? We?ll try to
arrange a fuller press conference to address your questions.
The reason I actually wanted to come out today is not to
take questions, but to speak to an issue that?s obviously gotten
a lot of attention over the course of the last week, the issue
of the Trayvon Martin ruling.
I gave a preliminary statement right after the ruling on
Sunday, but watching the debate over the course of the last
week, I thought it might be useful for me to expand on my
thoughts a little bit.
First of all, I want to make sure that once again I send my
thought and prayers, as well as Michelle?s, to the family of
Trayvon Martin, and to remark on the incredible grace and
dignity with which they?ve dealt with the entire situation.? I
can only imagine what they?re going through and it?s remarkable
how they?ve handled it.
OBAMA:? The second thing I want to say is to reiterate what
I said on Sunday, which is there are going to be a lot of
arguments about the legal ? the legal issues in the case.? I?ll
let all the legal analysts and talking heads address those
The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner.
The prosecution and the defense made their arguments.? The
juries (sic) were properly instructed that in a ? in a case
such as this, reasonable doubt was relevant.? And they rendered
a verdict.
And once the jury?s spoken, that?s how our system works.
But I did want to just talk a little bit about context and
how people have responded to it and how people are feeling.
You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that
this could have been my son.? Another way of saying that is
Trayvon Martin could have been me, 35 years ago.
And when you think about why, in the African-American
community at least, there?s a lot of pain around what happened
here, I think it?s important to recognize that the
African-American community is looking at this issue through a
set of experiences and a ? and a history that ? that doesn?t
go away.
There are very few African-American men in this country who
haven?t had the experience of being followed when they were
shopping in a department store.? That includes me.
OBAMA:? There are probably very few African-American men
who haven?t had the experience of walking across the street and
hearing the locks click on the doors of cars.? That happens to
me ? at least before I was a senator.
There are very few African-Americans who haven?t had the
experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her
purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to
get off. That happens often.
And, you know, I ? I don?t want to exaggerate this, but
those sets of experiences inform how the African-American
community interprets what happened one night in Florida.
And it?s inescapable for people to bring those experiences
to bear.
The African-American community is also knowledgeable that
there is a history racial disparities in the application of our
criminal laws, everything from the death penalty to enforcement
of our drug laws.? And that ends up having an impact in terms of
how people interpret the case.
Now, this isn?t to say that the African-American community
is naive about the fact that African-American young men are
disproportionately involved in the criminal justice system, that
they?re disproportionately both victims and perpetrators of
violence. It?s not to make excuses for that fact.
OBAMA:? Although, black folks do interpret the reasons for
that in a historical context.? They understand that, some of the
violence that takes place in poor black neighborhoods around the
country is born out of a very violent past in this country.? And
that the poverty and dysfunction that we see in those
communities can be traced to a very difficult history.
And so, the fact that sometimes that?s unacknowledged adds
to the frustration.? And the fact that a lot of Africa-American
boys are painted with a broad brush and the excuses given,
?Well, there are these statistics out there that show that
African-American boys are more violent,? using that as an excuse
to then see sons treated differently causes pain.
I think the African-American community is also not naive in
understanding that, statistically, somebody like Trayvon Martin
was probably, statistically, more likely to be shot by a peer
than he was by somebody else.
So ? so folks understand the challenges that exist for
African- American boys.? But they get frustrated, I think, if
they feel that there?s no context for it, or ? and that context
is being denied. And ? and that all contributes, I think, to a
sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of
scenario that, from top to bottom, both the outcome and the
aftermath might have been different.
OBAMA:? Now, the question, for me, at least, and ? and I
think for a lot of folks is, ?Where do we take this?? How ? how
do we learn some lessons from this and move in a positive
You know, I think it?s understandable that there have been
demonstrations and vigils and protests and some of that is just
going to have to work its way through as long as it remains
nonviolent.? If I see any violence, then I will remind folks
that that dishonors what happened to Trayvon Martin and his
But beyond protests or vigils, the question is:? Are there
some concrete things that we might be able to do?? I know that
Eric Holder is reviewing what happened down there, but I think
it?s important for people to have some clear expectations here.
Traditionally, these are issues of state and local government.
The criminal code and law enforcement is traditionally done at
the state and local levels, not at the federal levels.
That doesn?t mean, though, that as a nation, we can?t do
some things that I think would be productive.? So let me just
give a couple of specifics that I?m still bouncing around with
my staff, you know, so we?re not rolling out some five-point
plan, but some areas where I think all of us could potentially
OBAMA:? Number one, precisely because law enforcement is
often determined at the state and local level, I think it would
be productive for the Justice Department, governors, mayors to
work with law enforcement about training at the state and local
levels in order to reduce the kind of mistrust in the system
that sometimes currently exists.
You know, when I was in Illinois, I passed racial profiling
legislation, and it actually did just two simple things.? One,
it collected data on traffic stops and the race of the person
who was stopped, but the other things was it resourced us
training police departments across the state on how to think
about potential racial bias, and ways to further professionalize
what they were doing.
And, initially, the police departments across the state
were resistant, but actually they came to recognize that if it
was done in a fair, straightforward way that, it would allow
them to do their jobs better and communities would have more
confidence in them, and in turn be more helpful in ? in
applying the law.? And, obviously, law enforcement?s got a very
tough job.
So that?s one area where I think there are a lot of
resources and best practices that could be brought to bear, if
state and local governments are receptive, and I think a lot of
them would be.? And let?s figure out, are there ways for us to
push out that kind of training.
Along the same lines, I think it would be useful for us to
examine some state and ? and local laws to see if it ? if they
are designed in such a way that they may encourage the kinds of
altercations and confrontations and tragedies that we saw in the
Florida case, rather than diffuse potential altercations.
OBAMA:? I know that there?s been commentary about the fact
that the ?Stand Your Ground? laws in Florida were not used as a
defense in the case.
On the other hand, if we?re sending a message as a society
in our communities that someone who is armed potentially has the
right to use those firearms, even if there?s a way for them to
exit from a situation, is that really going to be contributing
to the kind of peace and security and order that we?d like to
And for those who ? who resist that idea, that we should
think about something like these Stand Your Ground laws, I just
ask people to consider, if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed,
could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk?? And do we
actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr.
Zimmerman, who had followed him in a car, because he felt
threatened?? And if the answer to that question is at least
ambiguous, then it seems to me that we might want to examine
those kinds of laws.
Number three ? and this is a long-term project ? we need
to spend some time in thinking about how do we bolster and
reinforce our African-American boys?? And this is something that
Michelle and I talk a lot about.? There are a lot of kids out
there who need help, who are getting a lot of negative
reinforcement.? And is there more that we can do to give them
the sense that their country cares about them, and values them,
and is willing to invest in them?
You know, I?m not naive about the prospects of some grand
new federal program.? I?m not sure that that?s what we?re
talking about here.? But I ? I do recognize that, as president,
I?ve got some convening power.? And there are a lot of good
programs that are being done across the country on this front.
And for us to be able to gather together business leaders and
local elected officials and clergy and celebrities and athletes
and figure out, how are we doing a better job helping young
African-American men feel that they?re a full part of this
society and that ? and that they?ve got pathways and avenues to
succeed?? You know, I think that would be a pretty good outcome
from what was, obviously, a tragic situation.? And we?re going
to spend some time working on that and thinking about that.
And then, finally, I think it?s going to be important for
all of us to do some soul-searching.? You know, there?s been
talk about, should we convene a conversation on race?? I haven?t
seen that be particularly productive when, you know, politicians
try to organize conversations.? They end up being stilted and
politicized, and folks are locked into the positions they
already have.
On the other hand, in families and churches and workplaces,
there?s a possibility that people are a little bit more honest
and at least you ask yourself your own questions about, am I
wringing as much bias out of myself as I can?? Am I judging
people as much as I can based on not the color of their skin,
but the content of their character?? That would, I think, be an
appropriate exercise in the wake of this tragedy.
OBAMA:? And let me just leave you with ? with the final
thought that, as difficult and challenging as this whole episode
has been for a lot of people, I don?t want us to lose sight that
things are getting better.? Each successive generation seems to
be making progress in changing attitudes when it comes to race.
It doesn?t mean we?re in a post-racial society.? It doesn?t mean
that racism is eliminated.
But, you know, when I talk to Malia and Sasha and I listen
to their friends and I see them interact, they?re better than we
are. They?re better than we were on these issues.? And that?s
true in every community that I?ve visited all across the
country.? And so, you know, we have to be vigilant.? And we have
to work on these issues.? And those of us in authority should be
doing everything we can to encourage the better angels of our ?
nature as opposed to using these episodes to heighten divisions.
But we should also have confidence that kids these days, I
think, have more sense than we did back then and certainly more
than our parents did or our grandparents did, and that along
this long and difficult journey, you know, we?re becoming a more
perfect union, not a perfect union, but a more perfect union.
All right?
Thank you, guys.
OBAMA:? Now you can ? now you can talk to Jay.

Source: http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/blogs/Gretawire/~3/04J3Sl-smSI/

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Shailene Woodley in Interview Magazine: Topless, Introspective

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/07/shailene-woodley-in-interview-magazine-topless-introspective/

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The Left Waits For Crisis, And That Has To Change (OliverWillisLikeKryptoniteToStupid)

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April showers bring church flowers


Global Advance conference in Kenya. (Screen grab courtesy Global Advance)

Kenya (MNN) ? For 23 years at Global Advance, team members have trained, resourced, and encouraged hundreds of thousands of pastors worldwide.

Four months ago at the Apostolic Leaders Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, 98 bishops and overseers of denominations and church planting networks came together and figured out a way to win their nation for Christ, with the help of Global Advance.

The plan called on everyone to take missions to a different level and incorporate "Gospel Sunday." Global Advance founder David Shibley explains, "Gospel Sunday is a cooperative effort of churches who agreed together that on a particular Sunday, they would each hold something of an evangelistic meeting in all of their churches, all of their Sunday Schools, and that a clear presentation of the Gospel would be given."

At the end of the Summit, all 98 leaders unanimously endorsed The Nairobi Commitment, which states in part:

We commit to utilize the fourth Sunday of June each year as "Gospel Sunday" throughout all the churches in our stewardship. On that day, a clear presentation of the Gospel will be given in all our classes and services along with a call to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We joyously anticipate a great harvest of souls.

This year, the date was 23 June. Shibley says the initiative yielded some of the greatest results in the history of Global Advance. "Hundreds of churches participated together, all of them reporting a real uptick in evangelistic fervor in their churches and a strong number of people coming to Christ. In fact, 1,301 is the count, but the full report isn't even yet received."

Shibley acknowledges that Kenya has a rich spiritual history; however, "like every nation, there is a continual need for Gospel proclamation because always, there's an upcoming generation." He goes on to say this strategy differs somewhat from the "revival meeting." "This was an opportunity for people throughout these churches to invite their family, to invite their friends, to come under the sound of the gospel with the assurance that the sermon that day would be a clear presentation of the death and the resurrection of Christ and how we can know Him in a personal way."

Since that April meeting, the church leaders representing 15,000 churches across Kenya have formed a loose, evangelical coalition. Again, it goes back to the why of the Great Commission. "There has been a lot of desertion from many of the churches, plus the encroachments of other religions and the secularizing influences which we often see in an open society like Kenya."

What's more, because of Kenya's success, the idea is building steam, Shibley adds. "A return to the Gospel there is very hopeful. Other churches around the world are now beginning to hear about Gospel Sunday on the fourth Sunday of every June, and they're beginning to pick up the idea."

The greater challenges come now through discipleship: learning what this new faith in Christ does,and how to grow and apply God's Word. It's very much like Christ taught: "First, the blade. Then, the ear. And then, the full crop of corn," explains Shibley. "A very important seed has been planted this year. There's been a wonderful harvest of over 1300 people coming to Christ. We are poised to see even greater results in the future."

Click here to come alongside this evangelism explosion.


Source: http://mnnonline.org/article/18775

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Clemson coach Swinney wants Tigers focused on work and not on stellar 2012 season

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FILE - In this Dec. 3, 2011, file photo, Clemson coach Dabo Swinney, center, is carried on the shoulders of his players after their 38-10 win over Virginia Tech in the Atlantic Coast Conference championship NCAA college football game in Charlotte, N.C. Swinney stated plainly a short time into the new year that his Tigers were a national championship caliber club. He's seen nothing this offseason to disuade him that opinion. (AP Photo/Bob Leverone, File)

SUNSET, South Carolina ? Clemson coach Dabo Swinney wants little to do with last year's breakthrough, 11-win season and tossed out a magazine featuring ACC player of the year Tajh Boyd to prove it.

The accolades that often follow special seasons don't matter to Swinney or the Tigers as they prepare for preseason camp and the new year. So far, Swinney says his players haven't proved they can match what happened a year ago.

So that's why Swinney threw a preseason glossy in the trash during a team meeting, even with Boyd's smiling face on the cover. "They all come out and say this team's this or this guy's that," Swinney said Tuesday. "And that stuff is so irrelevant."

"You've heard me say this a hundred times," Swinney continued, "let's talk about it in November."

By then the Tigers could be in the hunt for second Atlantic Coast Conference crown in three years or even a spot in the BCS title game. Swinney says there's plenty of time before Clemson gets to that point.

"You have to go and stay focused on the formula, stay focused on the fundamentals and try to get better," he said. "You can draw from your experiences, but still understand there's a price to be paid."

The cost of winning got a bit easier in this offseason when the Tigers offense held on to two of its key members in coordinator Chad Morris and Boyd, last year's ACC player of the year who looked hard at giving up his senior season for the NFL.

Morris has led the Tigers revamped, fast-paced offense to school record with 512 yards and 41 points a game last season. His named popped up for several head-coaching vacancies, including the opening at Texas Tech. But nothing stuck and Morris was glad to have another year in charge. His vow this season: "Get even faster."

Boyd thought he'd leave on a high-note after leading the Tigers on a fourth-quarter, last-second scoring drive to defeat LSU 25-24 in the Chick-Fil-A Bowl last December. Instead, Boyd discovered he wasn't done with college and hoped to have a final standout season before moving on.

And he'll have speedy receiver Sammy Watkins back to catch all the passes. Watkins had a subpar year ? 57 catches, 708 yards, 3 touchdowns compared with 82 catches, 1,219 yards and 12 TDs as a freshman All-American ? in part because he missed four games due to suspension and illness.

When he returned, Boyd had latched on to DeAndre Hopkins as the team's outside threat. Hopkins set a school mark with 1,405 yards receiving and an ACC mark with 18 touchdowns.

Boyd won't have all his playmakers back. Hopkins did leave for the pros and top rushing Andre Ellington was a senior, meaning openings for some of Clemson's skill position backups.

Charone Peake, Adam Humphries and Martavis Bryant figure to get first look at Hopkins spot while Rod McDowell, D.J. Howard and Zac Brooks will vie for time in the backfield.

"We think we're going to have some good competition," running backs coach Tony Elliott said. "That's going to make us better."

Things on defense will be smoother in coordinator Brent Venables' second season after coming over from Oklahoma. The defensive line features three returning starters and backup Vic Beasley, who led the team with eight sacks last season.

Defensive ends coach Marion Hobby said the staff has more familiarity Venables and are better prepped on his system. "You could see that as the year went on last year," Hobby said. "We got better."

Especially against LSU when the Tigers defense had eight three-and-outs to give Clemson a chance in a contest where they trailed much of the way.

It was certainly a great way to finish a season, offensive line coach Robbie Caldwell said, because it put Clemson's name out there as a strong team. "But as coaches, we've got to play whoever they put in front of us," he said.

To start this year, that'll be Georgia at Death Valley on Aug. 31 in a return of a rivalry that should tell a lot about both programs' direction.

Swinney likes the single-mindedness his players have shown this offseason in not getting caught up in the sky-high expectations. Clemson, he says, won't win a game simply based on what they did last year. "It doesn't work that way," Swinney said. "You have to grind and have that blue-collar work ethic every single day."


Source: http://www.dailyjournal.net/view/story/a05a11e243f24b0ba9758c450e6f053c/FBC--Clemson-Chasing-Championships/

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