Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Professor James Tracy says he?s facing university probe over Newtown conspiracy

By Eric W. Dolan
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 18:51 EST


A tenured professor who controversially claimed the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut never happened is worried that he may now lose his job.

Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy told the university?s student newspaper that the university plans to have a meeting with him later this week regarding his conspiracy theory, which he published online.

?They?re getting people calling them saying that this person shouldn?t be teaching, he?s an awful person and what have you, so I think that they have to do something,? Tracy told University Press.

?I don?t know what there?s going to be. I don?t know if that would involve stripping me of my tenure and dismissing me, or what. That?s something that?s ultimately for them to decide.?

Last month, Tracy claimed the tragic shooting of 20 young schoolchildren in Newtown could be part of a conspiracy to push for gun control. He went so far to question whether the shooting even actually happened, or was just an invention of Obama and the media.

His conspiracy theory gained national attention after numerous media outlets, including CNN?s Anderson Cooper, reported on it.

On Wednesday, Tracy raised questions about the recent shooting at Taft Union High School in California, suggesting it could have been orchestrated by the government.







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