Thursday, January 31, 2013

UNC Charlotte goes red to promote awareness for women's heart ...


According to data from the National Vital Statistics Report from December 2011, of almost 2.5 million U.S. deaths in 2009, 24.6 percent were caused by heart disease. This percentage is higher than any other single cause of death reported.

Go Red for Women, a national initiative sponsored by the American Heart Association, has come to UNC Charlotte to raise awareness for heart disease.

The Department of Public Health will host an event Friday, Feb. 1, as a way to conclude two weeks of raising awareness for the disease. On that day, the department encourages students to wear red and attend a social gathering which will feature heart healthy snacks.

Associate Professor and coordinator for the event, Jan Warren-Findlow is looking forward to the final leg of the event. She has spent weeks planning, working with other directors and becoming comfortable with the Facebook page in an attempt to spread awareness across campus.

Jan. 21, the department asked students to wear red, take photos and post them to the department?s Facebook page. The captions of these photos were ?Go Red,? encouraging others to become aware of heart disease. Jan. 28, photos uploaded had the caption of ?Got Red.? This caption showed the support system of the aware participants and the transition of the cause. Feb. 1, the final caption will be ?Show Red.?

To conclude the Go Red for Women event there will be a campus social event, sponsored by the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services and community partners. The event, which will be from 4 to 6 p.m. in Room 128 of the College of Health and Human Services, will have food and beverages that are healthy for the heart. Guests are encouraged to wear red. Students interested in attending are required to register for the event online.

For students in the College of Health and Human Services there will also be a heart disease themed poster contest Feb. 1. First, second and third place winners will win gift cards to stores such as Barnes and Noble.

A five-year partner of the American Heart Association, Warren-Findlow was ecstatic to take on the opportunity of coordinator this year for many reasons.

?Women?s heart disease doesn?t get a lot of press. Not as much as breast cancer, which effects far fewer people,? said Warren-Findlow.

For more information contact Jan Warren-Findlow at

Tags: american heart association, go red for women, heart disease, UNC Charlotte, uncc

Category: Campus, News, Niner Times


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Southern Union's Opelika campus to receive major upgrades

OPELIKA, AL (WTVM)- The Opelika campus of Southern Union State Community College is about to undergo some significant changes and today marks the beginning of the $32 million project that has been four years in the making.

With the enrollment of nearly 4,200 students on the Opelika campus, parking has been a concern of both students and administrators.

"Parking is probably the hardest thing to do on this campus. Every time you come to class and you don't have an 8 AM, you're not going to find parking anywhere," explains Southern Union student, James Heath.

Phase I of the plan will add an addition 764 parking spaces by tearing out the existing track, and creating a new walking trail.

Two new entrances to the campus will also be constructed to alleviate traffic on US Highway 431.

"Because there is a walking trail used by the community a great deal, we're going to put a walking trail on the backside of campus that will go 1/4 of a mile," states Southern Union President, Dr. Amelia Pearson.

Phase II of the improvement project will feature construction of two state of the art buildings, a new Center for Integrated Manufacturing and a Business and Technology Center fulfilling the need for more classrooms and computer labs.

The business and technology center will also house a storm shelter that is designed to be open 24/7 to employees, students, and citizens of Opelika.

"Some colleges have fees that are passed on to students that are for building projects specifically and are only charged till that project is paid for, but we're not asking for any increases in fees for our students," explains Pearson.

The final aspect of the project will be the creation of a pedestrian green space that will tie all the improvements together and give the campus a more collegiate feel.

Phase I will be completed August 1, 2013 and the schedule calls for the entire project to be finished in 2015.

Copyright 2013?WTVM. All rights reserved.?


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

10 Ways to Write Good Copy | Copyblogger

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Writing effective copy is both an art and a science.

It?s an art because it requires creativity, a sense of beauty and style ? a certain aptitude, mastery and special knowledge. Artistic advertising allows you to create content marketing that?s not just practical and persuasive, but awe-inspiring and breathtaking.

Writing effective copy is also a science, because it exists in the world of tests, trial and failure, improvement, breakthroughs, education and predictability. Scientific advertising allows you to develop an idea, and then test that idea. It?s how you know if your content marketing is working.

In bad copy, one (or both) of these elements are missing. In good copy, they are both abundant.

Read on, in the next few minutes we?ll explore ten examples of good copy living (and selling) out in the wild ?

1. Plain copy

The most basic approach to writing effective copy is to simply introduce the product without gimmick or style. It?s a simple presentation of the facts and benefits.

There is no story. There is no conversation. There is no ?sizzle? and no superlative claims.

Think Google Analytics.

That copy isn?t going to win any literary awards, but it will get the job done. It will give a prospect the information she needs to make an informed decision about the product.

2. Storytelling copy

Everyone loves a good story.

We like hearing about people ? especially interesting people. People who?ve suffered challenges we can relate to, and can tell us how they overcame those challenges.

And the moral of the story, coincidentally, is that your product was the catalyst to overcoming those odds.

You might find this storytelling technique in an email series, a landing page, or a short video. Whatever the format, you?ll get four basic traits in the story:

  1. Opening: Introduce the pain. Show how the character of the story had a normal life, then how that life was shattered by a change of events.
  2. Conflict: How is the life of the main character threatened if he or she does not respond to the problem? What does her journey look like as she tackles this challenge?
  3. Dialogue: People are drawn to conversations in a story. It?s human interest at its root: two people talking to each other. We are also drawn to dialogue because it?s easy to read. ?Our eyes flow over dialogue like butter on the hood of a hot car,? says novelist Chuck Wendig.
  4. Solution: Finally, your product is introduced as the cure for your character?s problem. You increase the credibility of your product by sharing specific results (347% increase in conversion, for example).

Your story doesn?t have to be dramatic. It just has to be interesting to your target audience. And this is where good research comes in.

3. Conversational copy

John Caples calls conversational copy ?You and Me.?

In this style of copy, you write as if there is a conversation between two people: the copywriter and the prospect.

The language here would be no different than a salesman sitting down for lunch with a customer and talking through a sales presentation. It?s a straightforward approach that tries to identify with the reader:

I know how you feel. I felt the same way. That all changed when I found x, y and z.

Keep in mind that you don?t have to be a polished copywriter to create effective conversational copy. Often the sheer passion for what you?re trying to promote breathes off the page.

In fact, you can record a conversation about the product, transcribe that conversation, and use it as a rough draft.

4. John Lennon copy

When John Lennon asked us to imagine there was no heaven or hell, no countries, religion or war, he was using an effective tool of persuasion: imaginative copy.

As an advertiser, you can ask your target audience to imagine a painless way to lose weight, or what it would feel like to be a successful travel writer.

Imaginative copy typically begins with words like ?imagine,? ?close your eyes,? ?pretend for a moment,? ?discover,? or ?picture this? in the first paragraph of the text.

This is the concept behind AWAI?s Barefoot Writer presentation.

In this example, you are asked to imagine your life in a certain way ? to pretend what it would be like to live your dream, whatever that dream might be.

Then the copywriter paints a picture of achieving that ideal life through your product.

5. Long copy

The fundamental premise behind long copy is ?The more you tell, the more you sell.? Ads that are long on facts and benefits will convert well.


Unlike a face-to-face conversation with a salesperson, a written ad has only one chance to convert a reader. If you get in front of the reader, you?ve got to lay it all out on the table.

Take the Google Analytics example above.

Page after page of facts and benefits are presented because the proposition isn?t simple ? typical prospects are going to be asking a lot of questions. Better to anticipate those questions, and answer them in the copy.

But when you?re following the basic rules of content marketing that works, remember that you don?t have to present all the facts and benefits up front.

You can leak the presentation over a period of weeks through an email autoresponder (like our Internet Marketing for Smart People course), or a registration-based content library (like the Scribe Content Marketing library).

In this way, you?re turning long copy into short, easily-digestible snippets.

6. Killer poet copy

Here at Copyblogger we love Ernest Hemingway and David Sedaris. But we aren?t so enamored by their writing abilities that we try to imitate their styles at the expense of teaching and selling.

Our goal isn?t to convince our audience that we?re smart ? it?s educating and selling with our copy.

As David Ogilvy once said, ?We sell, or else.? But we try to sell with style. We try to balance the killer with the poet.

Killer poet copy sees writing as a means to an end (making a sale), and the ad as an end in itself (beautiful design and moving story).

In other words, the killer poet combines style with selling. Creativity with marketing. Story with solution.

7. Direct-from-CEO copy

It?s a known fact ? third-party endorsements can help you sell products.

But it?s equally effective to position your selling argument as a direct communication between the company founder and his or her customer.

This down-to-earth approach levels the playing field. It telegraphs to the customer, ?See, the CEO isn?t some cold and remote figurehead interested in profit only. He?s approachable and friendly. He cares about us.?

Jeff Bezos of Amazon is a superb example:

Notice this letter is conversational as well as plain: it?s a simple statement of the facts and benefits between two people: Jeff and you.

8. Frank copy

Some copy will explain the ugly truth about the product.

This approach doesn?t start with the jewels of your goods ? it?s going to start with the warts.

When selling a car, you might point out the endless repairs that need to be done ? thin brake pads, leaky transmission, busted sway bar, and inoperable dashboard ? before you introduce the leather seats, Monsoon stereo system, sun roof, brand-new tires and supercharged engine.

What you?re saying is this car will need a lot of TLC. You might even go as far as to say, ?Make no mistake here ? there?s much work to be done here.?

And here?s a curious thing: when you are honest and transparent about product weaknesses, the customer trusts you.

When the reader trusts you, they will be considerably more likely to believe you when you point out the good qualities of your product.

9. Superlative copy

There are also times when you can make outlandish claims.

Claims like (these are actual ads):

  • ?A revolutionary material from this Nevada mine could make investors a fortune in 2013?
  • ?Stores across U.S. selling out of what some call a new ?miracle? diet fighter?
  • ?Obey this one weird loophole to get car insurance as low as $9?

But you can make only make extraordinary claims when you have the proof to back it up. The evidence can be in statistics, testimonials, or research ? or preferably all three.

The problem with superlative copy is that it?s often hard to make outlandish claims and not sound like you are hyping it up ? so use this type of copy sparingly.

Generally, it?s good to follow the ?Remove All Hype? policy.

10. Rejection copy

Rejection copy turns conventional wisdom on its head. and tries to discourage people from being interested in your product.

This type of copy is a direct challenge to the reader that leverages the velvet rope approach ? the idea that only an exclusive set of people are invited to use a product.

The American Express Black Card is a good example here ? this card is reserved for the world?s wealthiest and most elite. The only way you can get your hands on one is if you are invited.

Similarly, consider the dating site Beautiful People. If you want to be part of this exclusive dating club made up of ?beautiful? people, then you have to be voted in by existing members:

Potential rejection startles readers ? they don?t expect to be turned down, especially not from an advertiser.

This approach also keys into our sense of wanting to belong. It generates that curiosity itch and activates our pride. We think, ?How dare they say I might not be good enough to get into their club? I?ll show them.?

Over to you ?

In the end, great copy often combines several of these techniques into one ad.

The CEO of a company writes a conversational sales letter built around a story about his passion for his product (whether it is peaches or water pumps).

A copywriter writes a long rejection ad that explains why certain people are excluded from receiving an invitation to dine at an exclusive restaurant.

Or a Savile Row tailor writes a plain but elegant sales letter about his suits, which have been worn by kings and presidents.

This is the art and science of copywriting.

Can you share any examples of good copy you?ve secently out there in the wild?

Want more? Click here to learn how to write copy that converts.

About the Author: Demian Farnworth is Chief Copywriter for Copyblogger Media. Follow him on Twitter or Google+.



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Economists feeling more optimistic about 2013

15 min.

Economists are increasingly optimistic about growth in the year ahead with hiring expected to pick up in coming months.?

A quarterly survey by the National Association for Business Economists released Monday shows half of the economists polled now expect real gross domestic product ? the value of all goods and services produced in the United States ? to grow between 2 and 4 percent in 2013. That's up from 36 percent of respondents who felt the same way three months earlier.?

About half expect sluggish or negative performance, down from 65 percent in October.?

The latest survey was conducted between Dec. 20 and Jan. 8 and asked 65 economists and others who use economics in the workplace about conditions at their firms or industries. It found that 34 percent of firms now expect to expand their payrolls in the next six months, the highest percentage since April of last year. Meanwhile, 2 percent said they expect their companies to cut payrolls through layoffs, while 14 percent see payrolls trimmed through attrition.?

A quarter of respondents also said employment grew at their firms in the fourth quarter, which is comparable to the levels seen in the first half of 2012. The same percentage also reported a rise in wages at their firms in the final three months of the year, up 10 percentage points from the last survey.?

Overall sales growth was stable in the fourth quarter with results mixed across industries. For instance, growth slowed in the services, finance, insurance and real estate sectors, but rose in the transportation, utilities, information and communications sectors.?

Timothy Gill, chair of NABE's survey committee and director of economics at the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, noted that sales growth was stable despite "widespread uncertainty surrounding the potential impact of the fiscal cliff."?

The "fiscal cliff" refers to the steep tax hikes and spending cuts that were to take effect Jan. 1 unless the White House and Congress reached an agreement to avoid them. The survey found that 27 percent of respondents postponed at least some hiring and capital spending during the quarter as a result, while 72 percent said the issue didn't affect hiring.?

Despite stable sales growth, survey respondents noted that profit margins deteriorated in the fourth quarter, with 25 percent saying their margins increased, down from 27 percent in October. On the flipside, 18 percent reported declining profit margins, compared with 15 percent a year ago. Over the next three months slightly more than a third said they expect primary non-labor costs to rise. That's down from 43 percent in the previous survey.?

Expectations for capital spending over the next year weakened from the last survey. Only 40 percent expect their firms to grow capital spending, down from 52 percent.?

For consumers, the survey suggests modest inflation could be in the works, with two-fifths of respondents ? the highest share over the past year ? saying they expect prices to rise in coming months. Most of those expecting hike prices think the increases will be less than 5 percent.?


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Jeter on field for 1st time since breaking ankle

(AP) ? Derek Jeter has worked out on a baseball field for the first time since breaking his left ankle last October.

The 38-year-old New York Yankees captain fielder 55 grounders on the grass in front of the infield dirt at shortstop Monday at the team's minor league complex. He also hit in a batting cage.

"Everything went well," Jeter says.

The 13-time All-Star expects to start in New York's opener against Boston on April 1. This is the time of year Jeter usually starts his onfield pre-spring training routine.

Jeter broke the ankle lunging for a grounder in the AL championship series opener against Detroit on Oct. 13. He had surgery a week later, and the Yankees said recovery time would be four to five months.

Jeter has been walking on an underwater treadmill at the team's facility since early January.

Associated Press


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New publication guidelines for systematic reviews from BMC Medicine

New publication guidelines for systematic reviews from BMC Medicine [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Jan-2013
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Contact: Rebecca Fairbairn
BioMed Central

Two articles in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine by Geoff Wong, Trisha Greenhalgh and colleagues, propose publication guidelines for both realist synthesis and meta-narrative reviews.

These are the first set of extensive guidelines covering the two types of analysis and will be invaluable to clinical researchers as well as journal editors. The standards were developed as part of the RAMESES (Realist And Meta-narrative Evidence Syntheses Evolving Standards) project. The RAMESES project is a NIHR funded international collaboration to produce such guidance and standards for these new forms of systematic review - Realist synthesis and Meta-narrative reviews. The guidelines are co-published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing and are freely accessible on Wiley Online Library.

There is growing interest in realist synthesis as an alternative systematic review method. This approach offers the potential to expand the knowledge base in policy-relevant areas - for example by explaining the success, failure or mixed fortunes of complex interventions. Meta-narrative review is one of an emerging menu of new approaches to qualitative and mixed-method systematic review.

A systematic review is a review done according to an explicit, robust and reproducible methodology. Author Geoff Wong explains, "For many years reviewers undertaking Cochrane reviews and meta-analyses have followed the PRISMA publication guidelines. Other forms of systematic review, oriented to summarising and synthesising quantitative, qualitative and/or mixed-method studies, are increasing in popularity, especially in the context of policymaking, but such approaches have up to now suffered from lack of systematic guidance or publication standards."

These new guidelines for realist synthesis and meta-narrative reviews are also expected to be welcomed by journal editors, as Jigisha Patel, Medical Editor at BioMed Central explains, "The provision of a clear set of publication reporting standards is important for researchers, editors and, most importantly, reviewers. By defining a standard framework for researchers to report their methods and findings they aid thorough peer-review and ensure that published research is consistent in its methodology. The RAMESES publication standards provides much needed clarity for these new forms of literature analysis, and the upcoming publication of quality assessment tools will be needed to complement these before researchers can follow the guidelines fully "


Media Contact

Rebecca Fairbairn
Public Relations Manager, BioMed Central
Mob: 44-782-525-7423

Notes to Editors

1. RAMESES Publication standards: meta-narrative reviews

Geoff Wong, Trish Greenhalgh, Gill Westhorp, Jeanette Buckingham and Ray Pawson
BMC Medicine 2013: 11:20 DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-20

RAMESES Publication standards: realist syntheses

Geoff Wong, Trish Greenhalgh, Gill Westhorp, Jeanette Buckingham and Ray Pawson
BMC Medicine 2013: 11:21 DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-21

Please name the journal in any story you write. If you are writing for the web, please link to the article. All articles are available free of charge, according to BioMed Central's open access policy.

Article citation and URL available on request on the day of publication.

2. BMC Medicine is the flagship medical journal of the BMC series, publishing original research, commentaries and reviews that are either of significant interest to all areas of medicine and clinical practice, or provide key translational or clinical advances in a specific field. @BMCMedicine

3. BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher which has pioneered the open access publishing model. All peer-reviewed research articles published by BioMed Central are made immediately and freely accessible online, and are licensed to allow redistribution and reuse. BioMed Central is part of Springer Science+Business Media, a leading global publisher in the STM sector. @BioMedCentral

4. The Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN) is a world-leading international peer reviewed Journal. It targets readers who are committed to advancing practice and professional development on the basis of new knowledge and evidence. JAN contributes to the advancement of evidence-based nursing, midwifery and healthcare by disseminating high quality research and scholarship of contemporary relevance and with potential to advance knowledge for practice, education, management or policy.

Wong G., Greenhalgh T. , Westhorp G., Buckingham J . & Pawson R. (2013) RAMESES publication standards: meta-narrative reviews. Journal of Advanced Nursing ,doi: 10.1111/jan.12092.

Wong G., Greenhalgh T. , Westhorp G., Buckingham J . & Pawson R. (2013) RAMESES publication standards: realist syntheses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, doi: 10.1111/jan.12095

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New publication guidelines for systematic reviews from BMC Medicine [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Jan-2013
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Contact: Rebecca Fairbairn
BioMed Central

Two articles in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine by Geoff Wong, Trisha Greenhalgh and colleagues, propose publication guidelines for both realist synthesis and meta-narrative reviews.

These are the first set of extensive guidelines covering the two types of analysis and will be invaluable to clinical researchers as well as journal editors. The standards were developed as part of the RAMESES (Realist And Meta-narrative Evidence Syntheses Evolving Standards) project. The RAMESES project is a NIHR funded international collaboration to produce such guidance and standards for these new forms of systematic review - Realist synthesis and Meta-narrative reviews. The guidelines are co-published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing and are freely accessible on Wiley Online Library.

There is growing interest in realist synthesis as an alternative systematic review method. This approach offers the potential to expand the knowledge base in policy-relevant areas - for example by explaining the success, failure or mixed fortunes of complex interventions. Meta-narrative review is one of an emerging menu of new approaches to qualitative and mixed-method systematic review.

A systematic review is a review done according to an explicit, robust and reproducible methodology. Author Geoff Wong explains, "For many years reviewers undertaking Cochrane reviews and meta-analyses have followed the PRISMA publication guidelines. Other forms of systematic review, oriented to summarising and synthesising quantitative, qualitative and/or mixed-method studies, are increasing in popularity, especially in the context of policymaking, but such approaches have up to now suffered from lack of systematic guidance or publication standards."

These new guidelines for realist synthesis and meta-narrative reviews are also expected to be welcomed by journal editors, as Jigisha Patel, Medical Editor at BioMed Central explains, "The provision of a clear set of publication reporting standards is important for researchers, editors and, most importantly, reviewers. By defining a standard framework for researchers to report their methods and findings they aid thorough peer-review and ensure that published research is consistent in its methodology. The RAMESES publication standards provides much needed clarity for these new forms of literature analysis, and the upcoming publication of quality assessment tools will be needed to complement these before researchers can follow the guidelines fully "


Media Contact

Rebecca Fairbairn
Public Relations Manager, BioMed Central
Mob: 44-782-525-7423

Notes to Editors

1. RAMESES Publication standards: meta-narrative reviews

Geoff Wong, Trish Greenhalgh, Gill Westhorp, Jeanette Buckingham and Ray Pawson
BMC Medicine 2013: 11:20 DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-20

RAMESES Publication standards: realist syntheses

Geoff Wong, Trish Greenhalgh, Gill Westhorp, Jeanette Buckingham and Ray Pawson
BMC Medicine 2013: 11:21 DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-21

Please name the journal in any story you write. If you are writing for the web, please link to the article. All articles are available free of charge, according to BioMed Central's open access policy.

Article citation and URL available on request on the day of publication.

2. BMC Medicine is the flagship medical journal of the BMC series, publishing original research, commentaries and reviews that are either of significant interest to all areas of medicine and clinical practice, or provide key translational or clinical advances in a specific field. @BMCMedicine

3. BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher which has pioneered the open access publishing model. All peer-reviewed research articles published by BioMed Central are made immediately and freely accessible online, and are licensed to allow redistribution and reuse. BioMed Central is part of Springer Science+Business Media, a leading global publisher in the STM sector. @BioMedCentral

4. The Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN) is a world-leading international peer reviewed Journal. It targets readers who are committed to advancing practice and professional development on the basis of new knowledge and evidence. JAN contributes to the advancement of evidence-based nursing, midwifery and healthcare by disseminating high quality research and scholarship of contemporary relevance and with potential to advance knowledge for practice, education, management or policy.

Wong G., Greenhalgh T. , Westhorp G., Buckingham J . & Pawson R. (2013) RAMESES publication standards: meta-narrative reviews. Journal of Advanced Nursing ,doi: 10.1111/jan.12092.

Wong G., Greenhalgh T. , Westhorp G., Buckingham J . & Pawson R. (2013) RAMESES publication standards: realist syntheses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, doi: 10.1111/jan.12095

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Getting Targeted Traffic Is the Only Way for Success in All Online ...


One of the most important inventions of technology, internet, has knitted different parts of the world. People rely on internet for making transactions, shopping, booking tickets, searching jobs and for carrying out many other useful tasks. In this competitive market, many companies have started establishing online businesses too. This offers great conveniences to the customers.

Now people can buy products and enjoy services rendered by different companies anytime of the day, while sitting at home. The companies that have still not launched websites might be at a great disadvantage.

There are many benefits of starting a business online. Some of them are enlisted below ?

  • You could popularize your company within a short span
  • You need not require any kind of start up costs. You just have to spend few hundred dollars on training, hosting and domain name.
  • You could conveniently sell your products anywhere round the globe
  • There is no need to pay any kind of leasing fees
  • You could work sitting at your home
  • Work according to your convenience. You could spend considerable amount of time with your family
  • Earn high profits without investing much

Things to consider before choosing an online business

Whatever business you choose, ensure that it has a proven marketing system. When you analyze different online job opportunities with this criterion, you will observe that 97% of businesses fail in this area. You will not be able to achieve the targets if you fail to understand how to market your company.

Try to establish a unique online organization to increase its demand. Before starting any business, ensure that you have complete knowledge about the product you specialize in. You will not be able to make best out of what you have, with inadequate knowledge about the products and services you want to sell.

Here is the list of some online businesses, which might help earn a desired living. Select the one that suits you the best-

  • Website contents
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Copy writing for webmasters
  • Online research
  • Online business mentoring
  • e-Commerce
  • Blogging
  • Web development
  • Custom software development
  • and lots more

Blogging is considered as one of the best ways to earn money. To start with, you need to create an attractive blog. Post genuine, attractive, unique and interesting contents on your blog. If the readers find it interesting, they will join your group. If your blog attracts high traffic, then you can earn a lot with 3rd party advertisements and affiliate links. Many people are reaping huge profits around the globe by adopting this type of business.

Readymade websites is another business, which is in high demand these days. Under this category, people develop attractive blogs or websites and sell them for high prices. To develop eye-catching and approachable websites, you need to devote several hours into this profession. You could also take help from professional developers for the job.

Some proven ways to attract people to your website

To popularize your internet business, you could follow different strategies like Email marketing, discussion forums, Search engine optimization and Content writing to name a few.

To generate more traffic to your website, you could adopt email marketing. To start with, you need to develop a contact page where interested customers could drop their contact details. Make your contact page as approachable as possible by adopting the right SEO practices. As soon as the customers post their contact numbers and other details, the browser will redirect them to your main website.

To advertise your company, you could join user forums or groups. There, you will get the opportunity to interact with different people who visit these forums with their own needs. Introduce them to your services and products. You could describe them the facilities you offer to develop their interests. Social media marketing is fast catching up as one of the strong platforms for marketing online businesses.

Author?s Bio:

Thomas is a successful online businessman, and he has been able to efficiently reach out to customers from across the world. He also writes articles on other businesses like the private equity group.



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Monday, January 28, 2013

Lawmakers see immigration overhaul this year

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Republican and Democratic lawmakers were cautiously optimistic Sunday that a long-sought overhaul of the nation's immigration system that includes a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the country will clear Congress this year, the result of changes in the political landscape shown in November's election.

"We are trying to work our way through some very difficult issues," said Illinois' Sen. Richard Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate. "But, we are committed to a comprehensive approach to finally, in this country, have an immigration law we can live with. We have virtually been going maybe 25 years without a clear statement about immigration policy. That's unacceptable in this nation of immigrants."

Sen. Robert Menendez, who along with Durbin and Sen. John McCain, is part of the six-member, bipartisan Senate group working on a framework for immigration legislation to be announced this week, said current politics dictate that a pathway for citizenship must be included.

"Let's be very clear: having a pathway to earned legalization is an essential element. And I think that we are largely moving in that direction as an agreement," said Menendez, D-N.J.

But the package "will have the enhancement of the border security," he said, nodding to Republicans' priority to tighten borders to prevent future illegal immigration.

He also said the package would have to crack down on employers hiring undocumented workers.

Arizona Republican McCain has returned to the issue after having led a failed push to fix the nation's broken immigration system ahead of his 2008 bid for the White House.

McCain said: "What's changed is, honestly, is that there is a new, I think, appreciation on both sides of the aisle ? including, maybe more importantly on the Republican side of the aisle, that we have to enact a comprehensive immigration reform bill."

Despite making little progress on immigration in his first term, President Barack Obama won more than 70 percent of the Latino vote, in part because of the conservative positions on immigration that Republican nominee Mitt Romney staked out during the GOP primary. Asians, who immigrated to the U.S. in higher numbers than Hispanics in 2010, also overwhelmingly backed Obama. Latino voters accounted for 10 percent of the electorate in November.

Obama is to press his case for immigration changes during a trip to Las Vegas Tuesday: a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants that includes paying fines and back taxes; increased border security; mandatory penalties for businesses that employ unauthorized immigrants; and improvements to the legal immigration system, including giving green cards to high-skilled workers and lifting caps on legal immigration for the immediate family members of U.S. citizens.

In an opinion piece published online Sunday in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Sen. Marco Rubio, also a member of the bipartisan Senate group, laid out his proposal to address the issue. The Florida Republican, son of Cuban immigrants, wrote that "significant progress" on enforcing immigration laws must be certified before unauthorized immigrants now in the country are allowed to apply for residency and "get in the back of the line."

Rep. Paul Ryan, the 2012 Republican candidate for vice president, said he backs Rubio's proposal.

"Immigration is a good thing. We're here because of immigration. We need to make sure it works," Wisconsin's Ryan said.

If Republicans fail to act, they will pay the price in elections for generations, McCain warned.

"Well, I'll give you a little straight talk: Look at the last election... We are losing dramatically the Hispanic vote, which we think should be ours for a variety of reasons," McCain said.

McCain and Menendez spoke with ABC's "This Week," Durbin appeared on "Fox News Sunday" and Ryan was on NBC's "Meet the Press."


Associated Press writer Philip Elliott contributed to this report.


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Republican spelunkers for comprehensive immigration reform - Le ...

Illegal is the new legal, but way cooler and more hip

They?re going to cave.

You know it, it?s just a matter of when.

Via Washington Free Beacon, McCain: Immigration Bill ?Not That Much Different? from 2007:

Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.) said Sunday a group of bipartisan senators will propose a comprehensive immigration bill in the next week ?not much different? from the failed effort of 2007.

?What?s changed is, honestly, there is a new appreciation on both sides of the aisle? including maybe more importantly on the Republican side of the aisle?that we have to enact a comprehensive immigration bill,? McCain said in an interview with ?This Week





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Researchers break million-core supercomputer barrier

Jan. 28, 2013 ? Stanford Engineering's Center for Turbulence Research (CTR) has set a new record in computational science by successfully using a supercomputer with more than one million computing cores to solve a complex fluid dynamics problem -- the prediction of noise generated by a supersonic jet engine.

Joseph Nichols, a research associate in the center, worked on the newly installed Sequoia IBM Bluegene/Q system at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) funded by the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) Program of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). Sequoia once topped list of the world's most powerful supercomputers, boasting 1,572,864 compute cores (processors) and 1.6 petabytes of memory connected by a high-speed five-dimensional torus interconnect.

Because of Sequoia's impressive numbers of cores, Nichols was able to show for the first time that million-core fluid dynamics simulations are possible -- and also to contribute to research aimed at designing quieter aircraft engines.

The physics of noise

The exhausts of high-performance aircraft at takeoff and landing are among the most powerful human-made sources of noise. For ground crews, even for those wearing the most advanced hearing protection available, this creates an acoustically hazardous environment. To the communities surrounding airports, such noise is a major annoyance and a drag on property values.

Understandably, engineers are keen to design new and better aircraft engines that are quieter than their predecessors. New nozzle shapes, for instance, can reduce jet noise at its source, resulting in quieter aircraft.

Predictive simulations -- advanced computer models -- aid in such designs. These complex simulations allow scientists to peer inside and measure processes occurring within the harsh exhaust environment that is otherwise inaccessible to experimental equipment. The data gleaned from these simulations are driving computation-based scientific discovery as researchers uncover the physics of noise.

More cores, more challenges

"Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, like the one Nichols solved, are incredibly complex. Only recently, with the advent of massive supercomputers boasting hundreds of thousands of computing cores, have engineers been able to model jet engines and the noise they produce with accuracy and speed," said Parviz Moin, the Franklin M. and Caroline P. Johnson Professor in the School of Engineering and Director of CTR.

CFD simulations test all aspects of a supercomputer. The waves propagating throughout the simulation require a carefully orchestrated balance between computation, memory and communication. Supercomputers like Sequoia divvy up the complex math into smaller parts so they can be computed simultaneously. The more cores you have, the faster and more complex the calculations can be.

And yet, despite the additional computing horsepower, the difficulty of the calculations only becomes more challenging with more cores. At the one-million-core level, previously innocuous parts of the computer code can suddenly become bottlenecks.

Ironing out the wrinkles

Over the past few weeks, Stanford researchers and LLNL computing staff have been working closely to iron out these last few wrinkles. This week, they were glued to their terminals during the first "full-system scaling" to see whether initial runs would achieve stable run-time performance. They watched eagerly as the first CFD simulation passed through initialization then thrilled as the code performance continued to scale up to and beyond the all-important one-million-core threshold, and as the time-to-solution declined dramatically.

"These runs represent at least an order-of-magnitude increase in computational power over the largest simulations performed at the Center for Turbulence Research previously," said Nichols "The implications for predictive science are mind-boggling."

A homecoming

The current simulations were a homecoming of sorts for Nichols. He was inspired to pursue a career in supercomputing as a high-school student when he attended a two-week summer program at Lawrence Livermore computing facility in 1994 sponsored by the Department of Energy. Back then he worked on the Cray Y-MP, one of the fastest supercomputers of its time.

"Sequoia is approximately 10 million times more powerful than that machine," Nichols noted.

The Stanford ties go deeper still. The computer code used in this study is named CharLES and was developed by former Stanford senior research associate, Frank Ham. This code utilizes unstructured meshes to simulate turbulent flow in the presence of complicated geometry.

In addition to jet noise simulations, Stanford researchers in the Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program (PSAAP), sponsored by the Department of Energy, are using the CharLES code to investigate advanced-concept scramjet propulsion systems used in hypersonic flight (with video) -- flight at many times the speed of sound -- and to simulate the turbulent flow over an entire airplane wing.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stanford School of Engineering. The original article was written by Andrew Myers.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Professor James Tracy says he?s facing university probe over Newtown conspiracy

By Eric W. Dolan
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 18:51 EST


A tenured professor who controversially claimed the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut never happened is worried that he may now lose his job.

Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy told the university?s student newspaper that the university plans to have a meeting with him later this week regarding his conspiracy theory, which he published online.

?They?re getting people calling them saying that this person shouldn?t be teaching, he?s an awful person and what have you, so I think that they have to do something,? Tracy told University Press.

?I don?t know what there?s going to be. I don?t know if that would involve stripping me of my tenure and dismissing me, or what. That?s something that?s ultimately for them to decide.?

Last month, Tracy claimed the tragic shooting of 20 young schoolchildren in Newtown could be part of a conspiracy to push for gun control. He went so far to question whether the shooting even actually happened, or was just an invention of Obama and the media.

His conspiracy theory gained national attention after numerous media outlets, including CNN?s Anderson Cooper, reported on it.

On Wednesday, Tracy raised questions about the recent shooting at Taft Union High School in California, suggesting it could have been orchestrated by the government.







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Danish national killed in La Union road accident, the Philippines

15 January 2013 | news Newsdesk
A Danish national was killed in a hit-and-run accident last Saturday in La Union, police said Monday.

Police Officer Eric Boac identified the victim as Helge Jensen, 50, who was struck by an unknown type of vehicle bearing license plate TBV 571, according to Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Jensen was hit while he was crossing the National Highway in Barangay (village) Paringao in Bauang around 6 p.m., police said.

He sustained injuries in different parts of his body and was rushed by an ambulance of the Bauang Lying-In Center to the Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center in San Fernando City for medical treatment, but was later pronounced dead.

The unidentified driver escaped towards north, Boac said, but added that the plate number of the vehicle has been flashed to nearby police stations.

Helge Jensen, 50, was crossing the road when another car ran over him, causing a deathly accident. The driver escaped.

Helge Jensen, 50, was crossing the road when another car ran over him, causing a deathly accident. The driver escaped.


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Many People Underestimate How Long a Cough ... -

cough SS36087 Many People Underestimate How Long a Cough Should Last

MONDAY, Jan. 14 (HealthDay News) ? You?ve been hacking and coughing for a week now ? isn?t it time that the cough was through?

Sadly, the answer is often ?no,? and experts report that many people have a mistaken idea of how long an acute cough should last. This misconception can lead to the unnecessary (and, for public safety, dangerous) overuse of antibiotics, a new study finds.

?No one wants or likes a lingering cough. Patients simply want to get rid of it,? said Dr. Robert Graham, an internist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

?After exhausting over-the-counter regimens for about a week, they visit their doctors with the hopes of obtaining a prescription antibiotic for a self-limited condition [that is] usually caused by viruses,? which do not respond to antibiotics, said Graham, who was not involved in the new study.

So how long does the average acute cough really last? The team of researchers from the University of Georgia, in Athens, reviewed medical literature and found that the average duration of an acute cough is nearly three weeks (17.8 days).

They then surveyed nearly 500 adults and found that they reported that their cough lasted an average of seven to nine days. And if a patient believes an acute cough should last about a week, they are more likely to ask their doctor for antibiotics after five to six days of having a cough, the researchers noted.

The trouble is, these patients can then be fooled into thinking that the antibiotic helped. If a patient begins taking the drug seven days after their cough began, they may begin to feel better naturally three to four days later, with the cough disappearing 10 days later. That coincides with the average duration of an acute cough and could lead a patient to incorrectly believe that the antibiotics cured their cough, the researchers explained.

Needlessly prescribing antibiotics for virus-linked coughs is another cause of antibiotic overuse, and the overuse of antibiotics can foster genetic mutations that help germs resist the drugs, experts note.

Therefore, it?s important for doctors to explain to patients how long an acute cough typically lasts, the researchers said.

Graham agreed. ?This study is a great reminder to doctors to remember that the evidence once again says no antibiotics for cough,? he said. ?Time may be the best medicine we can offer our patients.?

Dr. Neil Calman is chairman of the department of family medicine and community health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. He said the scenario described in the study is all too familiar.

?Oftentimes, unnecessary [medicating] is the result of impatience on the part of the patients to get better and the failure of [doctors] to know and/or explain to their patients [the realistic] expectations for the partial or complete resolution of their symptoms,? he said.

?This study is important in reminding providers that the resolution of cough in an acute illness will often take weeks, and, further, in reminding us of the importance of informing patients of those expectations,? Calman said.

The study appears in the January/February issue of the journal Annals of Family Medicine.

More information

The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has more about cough.

HEALTHDAY Web XSmall Many People Underestimate How Long a Cough Should Last


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The CommLaw Group to Address Tax Consequences of Cloud ...

Money Image

McLean, VA, January 14, 2013 ?( On January 16, 2013, Jonathan Marashlian, Managing Partner at Marashlian & Donahue, LLC, will moderate a Law Seminars International telebriefing focused on the tax and regulatory consequences of cloud-based services including SaaS and Hosted VoIP. Other panelists include Allison Rule, co-chair of the firm's Communications Taxes & Fees Practice Group, and Robert Dumas, co-founder of TaxConnex.

Participants should expect the following topics will be covered:

- What you need to know about the different ?nexus? standards and why some cloud-based services are taxed and others are not
- Recent governmental and judicial decisions and how they affect the landscape
- How adding a ?Communications? component to a cloud-based computing solution changes the equation
- Strategies for compliance:

* What are the basics?
* How is risk measured?
* Steps you can take to minimize risk and mitigate exposure in an evolving tax and regulatory environment

TeleBriefing Coordinates:

Date & Time: January 16, 2013, 10-11 am Pacific / 1-2 pm Eastern

To Register, visit:

Who Should Call In

Attorneys; CPAs and sales tax professionals; business executives in the Cloud Computing, Telecommunications/VoIP, and venture capital industries; business consultants; and anyone involved in providing cloud-based services.

Why You Should Call In

Businesses are increasingly turning to the proverbial "Cloud" to address their technology, communication and collaboration needs. The benefits of cloud-based solutions are well documented ? but what about the associated taxes and regulations?

With states and local governments facing large budget shortfalls, pressure is mounting to find new tax revenue. While state taxing statutes have traditionally failed to keep pace with technological developments, a number of states have their eyes on potential revenue that can be tapped by taxing cloud-based services, either through rulemakings involving the current statutory scheme or through the implementation of legislation specifically targeting cloud-based services.

In this one-hour TeleBriefing, their distinguished panel of attorneys and tax professionals will provide practical guidance for navigating cloud-based enterprises through this increasingly complex and dangerous tax and regulatory landscape. The panelists will address the fragmented ? and at times perplexing ? transaction tax and regulatory issues confronting both providers and consumers of two types of cloud-based services: Software as a Service ("SaaS") and Cloud Communications (or Hosted PBX). Although the program will focus on these two variants, the taxation issues and consequences addressed will be applicable to other cloud-based solutions as well.

About Marashlian & Donahue, LLC

The CommLaw Group is unique among its peers, offering clients a scope of capabilities rarely found in boutique law firms. With a headcount rivaling the Telecom Practice Groups of most major law firms, we boast a team of attorneys, paraprofessionals and consultants possessing the skills, focus and resources necessary to serve the communications law needs of Fortune 100 companies, all without sacrificing the range of services and affordability which makes us the "go to" firm for new entrants and service providers of all sizes.

In association with The Commpliance Group, which specializes in fixed-fee licensing & compliance services tailored to the communications industry, The CommLaw Group offers businesses the ?Full Spectrum? of legal, regulatory, administrative and consultative services.

Contact Information:
Marashlian & Donahue, LLC
Jonathan S. Marashlian
703 714 1313
Contact via Email

Click here to read the full story: The CommLaw Group to Address Tax Consequences of Cloud Computing and Communications Services

Press Release Distributed by


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Monday, January 14, 2013

Apple reduce los pedidos de componentes del iPhone 5 por d?bil demanda

(Reuters) - Apple ha recortado los pedidos de pantallas de LCD y otros componentes del iPhone 5 este trimestre ante la d?bil demanda, inform? el lunes Nikkei, en una muestra m?s de que la firma estadounidense est? perdiendo terreno ante sus rivales asi?ticos de 'smartphones'.

Apple ha pedido a Japan Display, Sharp y la surcoreana LG Display que reduzcan a la mitad el suministro de pantallas de LCD, desde el plan inicial de unos 65 millones de pantallas en enero-marzo, dijo el diario japon?s, citando personas familiarizadas con la situaci?n, que a?adieron que la firma estadounidense tambi?n recort? pedidos para otros componentes del iPhone.

La iniciativa, si se confirma, coincidir?a con la apreciaci?n de los analistas de que las ventas del nuevo iPhone 5 no han sido tan fuertes como se preve?a.

Apple ha perdido terreno en el mercado mundial de los 'smartphones', valorado en 200.000 millones de d?lares, ante rivales como la surcoreana Samsung Electronics y otros grupos chinos m?s peque?os como Huawei Technologies [HWT.UL] y ZTE.

Samsung dijo el lunes que las ventas globales de sus tel?fonos de bandera Galaxy S hab?an superado los 100 millones desde que se lanzaron los primeros modelos en mayo de 2010. El Galaxy S3, que sali? en mayo, vendi? m?s de 40 millones en siete meses. El nuevo Galaxy S IV saldr? previsiblemente en los pr?ximos meses, y podr?a tener una pantalla irrompible, resoluci?n de alta calidad y un procesador m?s potente.

Samsung ha superado a Apple, en parte debido a la popularidad de su tel?fono-tableta Galaxy Note II, reforzando los beneficios de ofrecer una amplia serie de dispositivos m?viles, mientras que Apple sac? s?lo un nuevo tel?fono el a?o pasado.

Se espera que Samsung incremente las ventas de 'smartphones' en m?s de un tercio este a?o, ampliando su ventaja frente a Apple, seg?n el investigador Strategy Analytics, que ha previsto que Samsung vender? 290 millones de smartphones en 2013 frente a los 180 millones del iPhone. Kim Sung-in, analista de Kiwoom Securities en Se?l, prev? que Samsung despache 320 millones de tel?fonos avanzados este a?o y que doble las ventas de sus tabletas a 32 millones.

No hab?a nadie disponible de inmediato en Sharp para comentar la informaci?n en una jornada de fiesta en Jap?n y los suministradores de componentes de Apple en Taiw?n no quisieron hacer declaraciones. No hab?a nadie disponible en Apple para referirse a este tema fuera del horario laboral de Estados Unidos.

Se espera que la planta de Japan Display en Nomi, en el suroeste de Jap?n, donde Jap?n ha invertido con fuerza, reduzca temporalmente la producci?n en hasta un 80 por ciento desde los niveles de octubre-diciembre, inform? el Nikkei, mientras que la planta de Sharp dedicada a las pantallas LCD para el iPhone 5 reduzca la producci?n en enero-febrero en aproximadamente un 40 por ciento.


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vLite & unattended Windows 7 install?

For those who tried helping me with the Lenovo problem - i've given up & i'm going a different route as nothing suggested ever worked out, despite following it to the letter.

I've installed vLite http://www.intowindo...allation-setup/ & i got to the bit where it wants me to install the WAIK.

Now this is downloading a 1.3GB file & i'm all set to go out for a few hours, so will leave this downloading. I've looked through the how-to on that link & at no point does it mention actually doing anything with the WAIK .iso. I have UltraISO which is the program i use to open them.

What good is this WAIK .iso where it doesn't get mentioned again throughout the guide?


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Cancer suppressor gene links metabolism with cellular aging

Jan. 13, 2013 ? It is perhaps impossible to overstate the importance of the tumor suppressor gene p53. It is the single most frequently mutated gene in human tumors. p53 keeps pre-cancerous cells in check by causing cells, among other things, to become senescent -- aging at the cellular level. Loss of p53 causes cells to ignore the cellular signals that would normally make mutant or damaged cells die or stop growing.

In short, the p53 pathway is an obvious and attractive target for drug developers. But that strategy has so far proven difficult, as most p53 regulatory proteins operate via protein-protein interactions, which make for poor drug targets, as opposed to ones based on enzymes.

Now, a team of researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, has identified a class of p53 target genes and regulatory molecules that represent more promising therapeutic candidates.

As Xiaolu Yang, PhD, professor of Cancer Biology and investigator in Penn's Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, and his team describe in an advance online Nature publication, p53 participates in a molecular feedback circuit with malic enzymes, thereby showing that p53 activity is also involved in regulating metabolism.(The Yang lab identified p53's role in glucose metabolism in the past.)

The new findings, Yang says, suggest that p53 acts as a molecular sensor of metabolic stress and explains how metabolic stress can lead to senescence in cells.

"We uncovered an important regulatory mechanism for p53 as well as an effector mechanism for p53," Yang says.

Significantly, the findings also identify malic enzymes as novel and potentially useful pharmaceutical targets for anticancer therapy, as well as possible mediators of the normal aging process -- though neither possibility was actually addressed in the current study.

As cells become damaged and precancerous, the p53 protein prevents those cells from continuing towards becoming tumors by causing the cells to senesce. Metabolic cues also regulate senescence, but the molecular relays coupling those two processes -- senescence and metabolism -- remained unknown.

Yang and his team decided to test if a pair of enzymes, malic enzyme 1 and malic enzyme 2 (ME1 and ME2), could be involved. Malic enzymes recycle malate -- an intermediate molecule -- back into an end-product of glycolysis -- pyruvate -- storing energy in the process. Malic enzymes are important for adjusting metabolic flux to suit proliferating cells' demands for energy and biosynthesis. Thus, these two enzymes are attuned to the energy and proliferative state of the cell.

Yang's team found that p53 inhibits malic enzyme expression, such that loss of p53 causes malic enzyme abundance to increase. Conversely, malic enzymes keep p53 in check; loss of malic enzymes ramps up p53 activation and induces senescence via either downregulation of a p53 inhibitor (Mdm2) or production of oxygen radicals. Overexpression of malic enzymes inhibits senescence.

The result, Yang explains, is a "feed-forward loop" in which activation of p53 suppresses malic enzyme expression, reducing malic enzyme levels and further upregulating p53, leading to senescence. On the other hand, upregulation of malic enzymes inhibits p53. p53 inhibition loosens the protein's grip on malic enzyme expression, allowing malic enzyme levels to rise.

"This is a circuit," he says. "Going around this loop, you get pretty robust activation."

These same results played out in animal models described in the Nature study. Loss of either ME1 or ME2 reduced tumor weight, even with p53-null tumor cells, which suggests an additional, p53-independent function of malic enzymes.And, overexpression of malic enzymes led to more substantial tumors.

According to Yang, the study pegs malic enzymes as molecular players linking senescence and metabolic state. Those enzymes could potentially serve as anticancer drug targets, he says. But equally important, they may also play a role in the normal process of cellular aging.

"Senescence is aging at the cellular level," says Yang, who notes that considerable research has demonstrated a correlation between caloric restriction and lifespan. "We may have identified a good starting point to understand how aging works."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Peng Jiang, Wenjing Du, Anthony Mancuso, Kathryn E. Wellen & Xiaolu Yang. Reciprocal regulation of p53 and malic enzymes modulates metabolism and senescence. Nature, 2013 DOI: 10.1038/nature11776

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Apple Might Launch the iPhone Mini in 2014, Reports

(EMAILWIRE.COM, January 12, 2013 ) Bogor, West Java -- According to Blackberry, iPhone and smartphone news portal, Apple plans on countering competition?s control on the smartphone market and appeal directly to budget-conscious users by releasing the iPhone Mini set for 2014.

?There is still no clear evidence that Apple has started working on the iPhone Mini but, if you come to think of it, there wasn?t much evidence when the company started work on iPad Mini either. So there?s a strong possibility to see the iPhone mini in stores in a couple of years ? a phone addressing the budget conscious smartphone users who want their own iPhones, but find the existing devices way too expensive?, says Marketing Director for

The website has already published several articles indicating the reasons behind Apple?s intentions of launching an iPhone mini and the features the potential device might have. According to spokesperson for, the device would enjoy huge popularity in countries like China and India where hundreds of millions of smartphone users don?t have the financial possibility of acquiring the pricey Apple devices currently on sale. Apple is expected to also gain traction in the US and other developed countries, where Apple fans might consider switching to a smaller and cost-effective handset. has many years of experience in providing smartphone users with the professional assistance they need in selecting the right portable computing devices and handsets that match both their preferences and budget. has recently made the transition to a full-service iPhone and BlackBerry Nevada news website once the two devices started gaining more and more popularity among users. Currently, the news portal offers updated information, resources such as free music downloads for iPods, latest reviews and info spanning all aspects of the smartphone market.

For more information surrounding the potential launch of the iPhone Mini in 2014, please visit the BBiPhones Fanpage at

About delivers the latest BlackBerry and iPhone news and latest information across the globe. They provide comprehensive and up-to date coverage of everything smartphone related in order to provide readers with the top exclusive Blackberry and iPhone news stories from around the


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David Dewhurst, Texas Lieutenant Governor, Calls For State-Funded Weapons Training For Teachers

AUSTIN, Texas ? Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst called Friday for state-funded, specialized firearms training for teachers and administrators to guard against school shootings.

Dewhurst, a Republican, said school districts would nominate who they wanted to carry weapons on campus. The training would be more extensive than what is currently required for a Texas concealed handgun license and include how to react technically and emotionally in an active shooter situation.

"God forbid we should have an active shooter crisis in our schools," Dewhurst said. "Eight hours of instruction and two hours on the range is not sufficient."

Dewhurst's proposal came in the aftermath of last month's mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., where a gunman slaughtered 20 children and six adults before killing himself. Vice President Joe Biden has been meeting with groups this week to develop policy recommendations on how to prevent such tragedies.

The National Rifle Association has called for armed guards in every school in America and rejected any further restrictions on gun purchases or ownership.

Dewhurst offered no other details of his plan on Friday any specifics of what the training should include. The amount of state funding needed would depend on the number of school districts that participate and how many people want the training. School districts would not be required to participate.

Dewhurst has a concealed handgun license and made his comments in a speech to the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Texas is a state where gun ownership is typically embraced. Concealed handgun license holders are allowed to bring weapons into the state Capitol and don't have to pass through security metal detectors.

Although state law generally bans guns from schools, school districts may grant teachers and staff permission to carry weapons on to campus if they are licensed.

But lawmakers don't pass every gun bill that gets proposed. In 2011, most of the state's lawmakers signed on in support of a bill allowing concealed weapons into college classrooms, but the bill failed without a final vote in the Republican-majority House.

Dewhurst said his plan would not be a mandate for more guns in schools, but would allow school districts to seek the state's help in guarding against a mass shooter.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has said concealed handgun license holders should be allowed to carry their weapons wherever they want. A Perry spokesman did not immediately return a telephone message seeking comment on Dewhurst's proposal.

Also on HuffPost:

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

American troops in Afghanistan the big issue as Obama meets Karzai

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton meets Thursday with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, left, at the??President Barack Obama hosts President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan Friday for talks likely to center on whether America will keep some sort of troop presence in that war-torn country after the NATO-crafted withdrawal deadline of 2014. No major announcement is expected about the fate of the 66,000 American troops there now.

Obama campaigned for reelection on a promise to end what is now America?s longest war. ?The war in Afghanistan is ending? he promised at one of his final rallies.

"We are leaving. We are leaving in 2014, period,? Vice President Joe Biden said in his debate with Republican rival Paul Ryan.

Except?maybe not. The Obama Administration has been negotiating with Karzai on a possible residual fighting force?a notion that?s always been part of the White House?s strategy, just not necessarily one that it has highlighted. When Obama traveled to Afghanistan in May 2012, a senior administration official told reporters that any fighting force left there after 2014 would focus on ?very specific, narrow missions? like counter-terrorism and training Afghan troops.

Right now, both sides seem to be in a negotiating posture. Senior Obama national security aide Ben Rhodes got headlines this week by saying that Americans might leave entirely (White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said roughly the same thing in late November).

Karzai took a tough line on the issue in an early December interview with NBC News, saying he had written to Obama to say NATO-led forces would have to leave entirely unless the U.S. turns over hundreds of detainees held at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and a nearby facility. (American officials say the logistics of that are being worked out).

Obama aides have long trumpeted the pullout from Iraq as a major foreign policy victory. But that came about in part because of the collapse of negotiations over maintaining an American presence there. The Iraqi government refused to give U.S. forces immunity from prosecution?a deal-breaker for Washington. In the NBC interview, Karzai raised the specter of another possible deal-breaker.

Would Afghanistan consider giving American forces immunity?

"We can consider that question. I can go to the Afghan people and argue for it," said Karzai. "But before I do that, the United States of America must make absolutely sure that they respect Afghanistan's sovereignty, that they respect Afghanistan's laws, that no Afghan is hurt or his or her rights violated by U.S. soldiers."


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