Thursday, October 4, 2012

How To Run A Successful Job Fair Marketing And Business ...

Miscellaneous Written by Anonymous ??Wednesday, 03 October 2012 05:49 Do you remember when you were looking for a job? You might have attended any number of job fairs when they came to town. Remember all the tables that were set up, with people to interview you, hand you information on their company, and try to get you to sign up for their services.

Now it is your trn to sit behind the table. Job fair marketing is a good way to advertise your business, especially if your type of business is in any way associated with the jobs being presented there.

Job fair aren???t just for hiring people, this is especially a good place to market your business at, especially if you have any openings in the company. If you are looking for clerks, general labor, or interns, then set up your booth at a job fair. Hand out your business cards, information packets on your company and contact information.

While you are on break, walk around to the other tables to see what businesses are there. If any on them look like good candidates for clients, hand them your information too. Talk to them for a while and find out what they are looking for as far as your products and services.

Pick up some of their cards and information. Once you have done a study on the businesses that were represented there, you have an idea which ones will benefit from your products and/or services. These are the ones you want to make follow up calls and appointments with.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 03 October 2012 05:49


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