Saturday, April 7, 2012

[OOC] Discussions...

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Okay.. Since the other thread is full of reservations.. This will be the thread where you all ask questions or just talk... Debate... Whichever.

Chloe De Luca: umm I was going to assign it but would you all prefer picking yourself?

<3 <3 BLackstar!


Poor Tsubaki though, dealing with his immaturity...

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Idk really, Im a weapon so ill let my meister pick. Or you either way, Im neutral.


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Chloe De Luca
Member for 0 years

I have a small suggestion, perhaps..

Maybe, you could do a small quiz and match which partners are better to be? Like, we answer a couple questions you post up, and you compare them and think which weapons/meisters are good for the opposite. Just a suggestion, though.

EDIT: Either that, but I'd prefer you pick the weapons/meisters. I mean, I don't mind you picking mine. c:

Last edited by KuruLesperance on Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Happiness is not material.

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Member for 1 years

Thats a wonderful idea! That way we get paired with people we will more than likely work well with :)

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Chloe De Luca
Member for 0 years

KuruLesperance wrote:I have a small suggestion, perhaps..

Maybe, you could do a small quiz and match which partners are better to be? Like, we answer a couple questions you post up, and you compare them and think which weapons/meisters are good for the opposite. Just a suggestion, though.

EDIT: Either that, but I'd prefer you pick the weapons/meisters. I mean, I don't mind you picking mine. c:

I agree! However, we would be taking the quiz in character correct? It would make everything much simpler. It could ruin the RP if everyone try to scramble for a certain weapon or meister.

If this does not work than you can have the meisters send in there top 3 picks for weapons and then assign each meister there weapon. They could then PM there weapon match and let them know. They can also work out some things (Small details) before the RP starts.

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Of course, we'd take it in-character. It's much simpler, and in my perspective, it's fun to do, and it's fair too! :)

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