Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Growth Oriented List Building | Online Business Ideas - Sanford ...

It?s true ? profitable internet marketing depends on how well many other aspects are done. But email list marketing will always remain the very life of the most successful online business. Now why is having your own email list so necessary? There are two reasons, and one depends on the other. You need to stay in touch with them so you can market to them, plus ? you need their contact info so you can do that! It?s a lot easier to sell to a prior customer than it is to total strangers the first time. It?s more expensive to acquire a first-time customer than it is to make repeat sales to the same people. That?s the simple reason why building your subscriber list matters so much. Most first-time visitors to your site won?t be ready to buy, but following-up with them will increase the chances of making a sale. Of course, it takes more effort to build a marketing list, but the rewards of building one makes it worth it. Another great benefit is you?ll be able to do cross-promotions to earn even more. All marketing giants will tell you, ?the real money?s in the backend.? We?ll explore more list-building ideas so you can truly gain the most from your online business.

If you?re starting off with Internet marketing, then chances are you haven?t begun to build your email list yet. You may be surprised to know that a lot of the more experienced marketers avoid this critical step, too. So the most important suggestion is to do it the right way from the beginning. You?ll waste a lot of your time if you only read ? it?s important to take action, right away. You can find an incredible amount of info about IM, and that makes it very easy to get lost. You can also get easily confused if you read too many forums and newsletters, and if you listen to everyone with an opinion. If you want your business to really take off, then start building your marketing list and everything else will fall into place.

And if you really want to get your subscribers involved just send them a survey to participate in. The use of surveys show that you care about your subscribers plus you can use their feedback in order to find out exactly what the majority wants. You?ll be able to learn a lot about your target market this way and it will give you an opportunity to interact with your subscribers and strengthen the relationship. Taking surveys is a great way of putting your subscriber?s in the spotlight instead of yourself.

Building a list is not hard when you?re taking the right action. If you treat your subsribers with respect and courtesy, and you offer high value to them ? they will respond positively to you.

Tags: email marketing, list, list building tactics

Source: http://myonlineactionplan.com/growth-oriented-list-building/

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Source: http://mack39.typepad.com/blog/2012/03/growth-oriented-list-building-online-business-ideas.html

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