Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to Deal with Menopause - Managing ... - Personal Growth

How to Deal with Menopause - Help with Menopause

Menopause is a period experienced by women between 4 to 5 years before the cessation of the menstruation and is known as perimenopause and 2 or 3 years after the period ends and is called post menopause. It normally happens between the ages of 45 to 53.

It is a life transition period when women's hormones, lifestyles, and responsibilities change. It is also the time when women should focus more on their health especially to avoid bone atrophy which is a major cause of osteoporosis.

Menopause begins with changes in the menstrual cycle. The early signs of menopause include experiencing a shorter or longer period of bleeding, a heavier or lighter amount or an increase or decrease in the premenstrual symptoms.

Hot flashes are common. This is experienced through sudden intense heat and sweating caused by changes in the estrogen level in the body. Vaginal dryness may cause discomfort during sexual intercourse because the vagina secretes less moisture due to the thinning of the vaginal mucous membrane. Other symptoms of menopause include stress, thinning hair, anxiety, depression and mood swings.

Here are tips on how to deal with menopause.

How to Deal with Menopause No. 1 - Healthy Eating

The tendency to put on weight is high. Eat foods that are high in dietary fiber such as brown rice and psyllium husk. These foods make you fill full longer and may help you control your appetite.

Avoid processed foods because they contain saturated fats. Go for low fat diet and it will decrease the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer. Consume less animal protein and salt and eat more vegetables and complex carbohydrates. The proper diet prevents bad cholesterol.

Eat foods that are high in vitamin B3, B6, D and E and calcium. Some examples are almonds, sardines, soybean, mustard greens, wheat germ oil, tuna, salmon, peanuts and low fat cheese.

Try to avoid drinking excessive coffee and alcohol because they contribute to the excretion of more calcium from your kidney. Your body requires calcium to prevent bone thinning and osteoporosis. Change to decaffeinated beverages and herbal teas.

How to Deal with Menopause No. 2 - Take Vitamins and Health Supplements

If you are not getting sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals from the foods that you eat, take dietary supplements. Vitamin E which is an antioxidant supports your heart health. Vitamins B3 and B6 may provide relief from depression, irritability, moodiness, fatigue, hot flashes and insomnia.

Herbs for menopause relief include evening primrose oil, dong quai, black cohosh root and rhodiola rosea. These herbs contain estrogen-like compounds and may help replace the drop of estrogen level that are causing menopause symptoms.

How to Deal with Menopause No. 3 - Lifestyle Changes

Walking, jogging and weight bearing exercises improve bone mass and maintain your weight and your general health. Put aside at least 30 minutes for exercise a day. Weight exercises strengthen your bones and reduce the risk of bone thinning. Exercising regularly will help you avoid fatigue and manage stress and mood swings. Include tai chi or yoga in your exercise plan because it releases muscle tension.

In addition to doing regular exercise and developing healthy eating, do something that you enjoy such as gardening to help you cope with menopause. It is highly recommended that you quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol.

How to Deal with Menopause No. 4 - Alternative Treatments for Menopause

Here is another tip on how to deal with menopause. Practice doing regular relaxation exercise or meditation. Relaxation exercise involves deep breathing and it helps calm your nerves, helps you deal with anxiety, depression, fatigue and insomnia. Furthermore, when your brain gets sufficient amount of oxygen, it will combine with blood sugar to ensure normal cell functions for energy production.

Another alternative treatment that you may want to consider is acupuncture. Acupuncture makes use of needles which are inserted on certain meridian points on your body. It is believed to release blocked negative related energy and balance your energy flow and help alleviate pain.

How to Deal with Menopause No. 5 - Get Support

Talk to your friends or family members who have gone through the discomforts. They will let you know what to expect and provide tips on how to deal with menopause.

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