Friday, December 23, 2011

Ron Paul to Launch Third Party White House Bid?

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is doing well in the polls these days, but it's talk of potential third-party bid that really worries the GOP establishment.

In a campaign stop in Plaistow, N.H., the first primary state (the Iowa caucuses are Jan. 3, followed by New Hampshire's election 10), the topic came up again.

The Texas Congressman was asked if a third party run for the presidency would lead to easy re-election for President Barack Obama, and if he'd consider it.

"You'll have to ask the other candidates if they're interested," Paul said.

Paul's libertarian views, devoted followers and strong fundraising all fuel talk that if he fails to win the GOP nomination, he could mount an independent run next fall.

He denies interest in any such thing, but won't rule it out altogether. Paul also fielded the same question on Hannity after last week's GOP debate. Check it out:


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