Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Iran Unveils Its Own Stealth Fighter Jet, the Qaher F-313

An anonymous reader writes "Iran has unveiled a new home-made combat aircraft, which officials say can evade radar. The single-seat Qaher F313 (Dominant F313) is the latest design produced by Iran's military since it launched the Azarakhsh (Lightning), in 2007. President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad said it had 'almost all the positive features' of the world's most sophisticated jets.Footage from state TV showed the jet in flight, but not its take-off or landing."

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/AvVh247-T8Y/story01.htm

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Biden raises possibility of direct talks with Iran

MUNICH (Reuters) - The United States is ready for direct talks with Iran if it is serious about negotiations, Vice President Joe Biden said on Saturday, backing bilateral contact many see as crucial to easing a dispute over Tehran's nuclear program.

Speaking at a security conference in Munich, Biden said Iran - which says it is enriching uranium for peaceful energy only - now faced "the most robust sanctions in history" meant to ensure it does not develop nuclear weapons.

"But we have also made clear that Iran's leaders need not sentence their people to economic deprivation and international isolation," Biden said. "There is still time, there is still space for diplomacy backed by pressure to succeed. The ball is in the government of Iran's court."

To date, fitful talks on Iran's nuclear program have been between Tehran and the EU's top diplomat representing six world powers including Washington. But analysts have suggested that with his re-election behind him, President Barack Obama might have more leeway to take on direct negotiations with Iran.

That makes the year ahead critical for chances of overcoming a stand-off which, if left to fester further, could see Iran approach nuclear weapons capability, possibly provoking military action by Israel that could inflame the Middle East.

Progress on Iran would also help ease regional tensions as the United States prepares to pull most combat troops out of Iran's neighbor Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Asked whether Washington might consider direct talks with Iran to smooth the process, Biden said, "When the Iranian leadership, Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei), is serious.

"We have made it clear at the outset that we would be prepared to meet bilaterally with the Iranian leadership, we would not make it a secret that we were doing that, we would let our partners know if that occasion presented itself.

"That offer stands, but it must be real and tangible and there has to be an agenda that they are prepared to speak to. We are not just prepared to do it for the exercise."

Negotiations with Iran have so far been overseen by European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on behalf of France, Britain, Germany, China, Russia and the United States. But they have made scant headway, raising fears Iran is simply playing for time while it develops nuclear know-how.

Ashton has asked Iran to hold a round of talks this month and on Friday called on Tehran to abandon plans to install and operate advanced centrifuges that would speed up its ability to enrich uranium - potentially making it easier for it to produce the highly-enriched uranium needed for nuclear weapons.

Many believe no deal is possible without a U.S.-Iranian thaw, requiring direct talks addressing myriad sources of mutual mistrust and hostility lingering since Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution and the hostage crisis at the U.S. embassy in Tehran.

Iran has avoided direct, public talks with the United States, though some suggest Tehran would eventually welcome an opportunity to end its international isolation.

Speaking at a news conference in Munich, Republican Senator John McCain said he would have no objection to direct talks but questioned how much these would achieve if fundamental questions over Iran's nuclear program remained unresolved.

"I don't know when we will have direct talks between the United States and Iran. That is a subject for the president of the United States. I don't think anyone here objects to that," he said. But he added, "to have grounds for optimism, I think, would be a mistake."


With Iran holding its own presidential elections in June, hopes of progress before then are limited.

The United States and its allies, however, do not have an indefinite amount of time to negotiate. Notwithstanding the current stalemate, Iran's nuclear program is advancing and international consensus on sanctions may be hard to maintain.

Israel, which describes the prospect of Iran being able to weaponize enriched uranium as an existential threat, has made clear it would be ready to bomb the nuclear sites of its arch-enemy to prevent that outcome. The United States has also said it would not rule out the use of military force.

Speaking at the Munich conference, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said that "2013 is the decisive year on Iran, especially for political reasons.

"We had elections in the United States and Israel, we will have elections in June in Iran; we see increasing capabilities especially with the issue of enrichment - let us be very frank, we did not have progress in the last 12 months, so it is obvious that we have to use this year.."

Russia, which has been impatient with decades of U.S. hostility to Tehran since its 1979 Islamic Revolution but backed U.N. Security Council sanctions since 2006, repeated on Saturday the need to find a diplomatic solution.

"Iran must know the overall game plan, it must see what is in it for it in this process. We need to convince Iran that this is not about regime change ... this mistrust must be overcome," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told the conference.

That comment was echoed by Westerwelle.

"If we want to reach this goal, it would be wrong to discuss all these military options and possibilities. It is now important to focus our whole attention, all our effort for a diplomatic and political solution."

This would have to include a relief from sanctions as well as recognition of Iran's right to enrich uranium to the lower levels needed for civilian nuclear fuel, security analysts say.

Iran made no immediate comment on the possibility of direct talks with the United States, but its foreign minister was due to address the annual Munich Security Conference on Sunday.

(Additional reporting by Alexandra Hudson in Munich; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Jason Webb)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/biden-raises-possibility-direct-u-iran-talks-135607063.html

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Search and Social Weekly 1.5 | Social Media, Internet Marketing ...

Search and Social


This week we have some great articles covering the worlds of search and social and we also have a great ebook download about social business from SpreadFast. I also have implemented slightly new format to the setup as well and I?m now linking out to the Twitter accounts of the author and including the first paragraph of the original post to get you started. If you like it, don?t like it, or even just don?t care let me know in the comments below!

How Visuals Makes A Story Better by?Baekdal

We all know RSA Animate Revolution?s wonderful videos? and if not, here is the playlist.?But how well does this thing work? Just imagine how much work and effort that goes into it. Wouldn?t it be cheaper just to post the talk directly and then just skip the animation? ?and wouldn?t that have the same effect?

The Social Business Textbook (download) by SpreadFast

A great ebook on creating a social business by the awesome folks at SpreadFast.

The 2013 Community Manager Report [INFOGRAPHIC] by Social Fresh

We are in our 3rd year producing the Community Manager Report, an infographic and white paper we create each year based on a survey of community and social media managers.?This year was very interesting. With 3 years of data, we are starting to see some trends, all of which look like good news for social media professionals.

The Small Business Guide To Google Analytics by Simply Business

Do you know what?s driving leads/sales to your website? Google Analytics can tell you.?The trouble is many small businesses struggle to get Google Analytics set up, let alone use it to pull out meaningful data. This easy to follow guide will take you through the set-up process and help you understand how your website?s performing.

The Most Common Google News Errors and How to Avoid Them by Adam Sherk

Anyone involved with a news or content site can attest to the importance of Google News and news search optimization. And I?d venture to say just as many people have experienced a range of technical and formatting issues that have impeded the indexation and performance of their news content.

How to do a Mobile SEO Audit: Identifying and Maximizing your Website Mobile Potential by State of Search

Thanks to a highly anticipated explosion in 2012 and an expected growing trend, mobile is meant to be one of the top priorities for online businesses this year.?Although I?ve already written a guide to get started with mobile SEO and spoke about the main criteria to identify mobile SEO opportunities and specify a strategy, I would like to share the different steps to perform a mobile SEO audit.

Creating Video Sitemaps for each Video Hosting Platform by Distilled

The TL:DR of getting pages indexed with a video rich snippet is ?submit a video XML sitemap?. Unfortunately, this advice is not much use for the majority of users, who host their content with external providers or social video platforms and are then forced to work out whether or not their hosting service does this for them, and if not, how they should create and structure a video sitemap for their specific circumstances. To help simplify the whole process, I have created this post as a reference guide for those who have video on their site and want an answer to the ?how do i get video snippets?? question without having to do the additional work.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
Josh S Peters

PM says Syrian-style revolt impossible in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) ? Iraq's prime minister said Saturday that a Syrian-style revolt against the government "will not happen" in his country, despite mounting street protests by minority Sunnis against his Shiite-led rule.

In Syria, President Bashar Assad, a follower of a Shiite offshoot of Islam, is battling a nearly 2-year-old Sunni-led uprising that morphed into a civil war in response to a brutal government crackdown.

In Iraq, Sunnis complaining of official discrimination have staged weekly anti-government rallies since December, including on Friday when tens of thousands blocked a major highway west of the capital Baghdad.

Protesters have called for the cancelation of anti-terrorism laws and government policies they believe target Sunnis unfairly, and have called for the ouster of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Al-Maliki told the Arab satellite channel Al-Arabiya on Saturday that he is ready to engage with the protesters to some extent. However, he alleged that some were trying to exploit the protests, including the al-Qaida terror network and supporters of Saddam Hussein, the late dictator ousted during the U.S.-led invasion of 2003.

"There are some people who are planning to transfer the battle from Syria to Iraq, whether they are locals, the al-Qaida organization and (Saddam's) Baath party," al-Maliki said. "These people are working and planning ... and they have been doing it for some time."

Earlier this week, an al-Qaida front in Iraq urged Sunnis to take up arms against the government, though protest organizers later distanced themselves from the group and called for peaceful marches.

Al-Maliki said regional governments were also involved in alleged efforts to destabilize Iraq, but did not name any.

"What happened in Syria will not happen in Iraq," the prime minister said. "In Iraq, there is freedom. There are no detained journalists or politicians. There are parties and elections."

Critics have accused al-Maliki of systematically sidelining political opponents and squashing dissent, a charge his supporters deny.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch said in a report this week that Iraq's leadership has used "draconian measures against opposition politicians, detainees, demonstrators and journalists, effectively squeezing the space for independent civil society and political freedoms in Iraq."

In another development, hackers broke into al-Maliki's official website Saturday, calling him an "oppressor" and comparing him to the embattled Syrian president.

The statement by "Team Kuwait Hackers" told the Iraqi leader: "You want to be like Bashar Assad ... Bashar is over."

The message was accompanied by a picture of wailing black-clad women in mourning. It was up for several hours until the site was taken down.

Telephone calls to al-Maliki's office went unanswered.


Associated Press writer Sameer N. Yacoub in Baghdad contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/pm-says-syrian-style-revolt-impossible-iraq-165043244.html

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Obama: Ed Koch Was The 'Quintessential New Yorker'

  • Ed Koch On The Subway

    UNITED STATES - JANUARY 02: Mayor Ed Koch rides the subway. (Photo by Harry Hamburg/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)

  • Ed Koch

    FILE - In this Sept. 24, 1982, file photo, New York Mayor Ed Koch makes his concession speech after losing the Democratic gubernatorial primary election to New York Lt. Gov. Mario Cuomo in New York. Koch, the combative politician who rescued the city from near-financial ruin during three City Hall terms, has died at age 88. Spokesman George Arzt says Koch died Friday morning Feb. 1, 2013 of congestive heart failure. (AP Photo/Ray Stubblebine, File)

  • Mario Cuomo, Edward Koch

    FILE - In this Sept. 16, 1977 file photo, Democratic Mayoral runoff candidates Mario Cuomo, left, and Edward Koch talk to reporters in New York during the taping of their debate for NBC-TV's "Positively Black" show. Koch died Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 from congestive heart failure, spokesman George Arzt said. He was 88. (AP Photo/Marty Lederhandler)

  • Ed Koch

    In this Sept. 11, 1985 file photo, New York Mayor Ed Koch raises his arms in victory at the Sheraton Centre in New York after winning the Democratic primary in his bid for a third four-year term. Koch died Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 from congestive heart failure, spokesman George Arzt said. He was 88. (AP Photo/Mario Suriani, file)

  • Ed Koch

    In this Sept. 7, 1981 file photo, New York City Mayor Ed Koch, center, gestures as he marches in a Labor Day parade down New York's Fifth Avenue. Koch died Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 from congestive heart failure, spokesman George Arzt said. He was 88. (AP Photo/Perez, file)

  • In this Aug. 13, 1987 file photo, New York Mayor Edward I. Koch waves to onlookers as he arrives at New York's Columbia Presbyterian Hospital Neurological Center. Koch died Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 from congestive heart failure, spokesman George Arzt said. He was 88. (AP Photo/David Bookstaver, file)

  • Ed Koch

    FILE - In this Aug. 21, 1997 file photo, former New York Mayor Ed Koch, now the presiding judge on "The People's Court," tapes a show at a New York studio. Koch died Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 from congestive heart failure, spokesman George Arzt said. He was 88. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, file)

  • Ed Koch

    FILE - In this Nov. 8, 1977 file photo, Rep. Edward Koch, second from left, raises hands with Bess Myerson, left, Carol Bellamy, center Diana Goldin, second from right, and her husband Harrison Goldin at a Midtown New York Hotel. Koch was elected New York City Mayor, Miss Bellamy was elected city council President and Goldin was re-elected city comptroller. Koch, the combative politician who rescued the city from near-financial ruin during three City Hall terms, has died at age 88. Spokesman George Arzt says Koch died Friday morning Feb. 1, 2013 of congestive heart failure. (AP Photo/Ray Stubblebine, File)

  • Ed Koch

    FILE - In this Jan. 30, 1975, file photo, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, center left, and Bess Myerson, center right, walk with architect Philip Johnson, left, and Rep. Ed Koch, right, as they leave New York's Grand Central after holding a news conference for the "Committee to Save Grand Central Station." Koch, the combative politician who rescued the city from near-financial ruin during three City Hall terms, has died at age 88. Spokesman George Arzt says Koch died Friday morning Feb. 1, 2013 of congestive heart failure. (AP Photo/Harry Harris, File)

  • Ed Koch

    FILE - In this March 15, 1987 file photo, New York Mayor Ed Koch gets his head powered by a make-up artist before the start of his new television call-in program, "Koch on Call" at New York's Channel 5. Koch, the combative politician who rescued the city from near-financial ruin during three City Hall terms, has died at age 88. Spokesman George Arzt says Koch died Friday morning Feb. 1, 2013 of congestive heart failure. (AP Photo/David Bookstaver, File)

  • Ed Koch

    FILE - In this Feb. 2, 1978, file photo, New York Mayor Ed Koch, left, and former Rep. Bella Abzug, D-N.Y., center, chat with President Jimmy Carter during a meeting in the Oval Office in Washington. Koch, the combative politician who rescued the city from near-financial ruin during three City Hall terms, has died at age 88. Spokesman George Arzt says Koch died Friday morning Feb. 1, 2013 of congestive heart failure. (AP Photo/John Duricka, File)

  • Ed Koch

    FILE - In this March 1, 2011 file photo, former New York Mayor Ed Koch speaks during a news conference in Albany, N.Y. Koch, 88, has been moved to intensive care, Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013. Spokesman George Arzt said that Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum, who's Koch's cardiologist and lead doctor, wanted to monitor the former mayor more closely. (AP Photo/Mike Groll, File)

  • Ed Koch

    FILE - In this Dec. 10, 2012 file photo, former New York City Mayor Ed Koch says good-bye to reporters as he gets in his car after being released from the hospital in New York. A spokesman says Koch now expects to get out of the hospital on Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013. Spokesman George Arzt said Friday that Koch originally expected to remain over the weekend at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia hospital. But doctors changed their minds and decided to let him out Saturday instead. He was admitted last Saturday night with fluid in his lungs and swollen ankles. Doctors have told the 88-year-old ex-mayor to limit his salt intake. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, file)

  • Ed Koch

    Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, right, speaks to reporters as he is released from the hospital in New York, Monday, Dec. 10, 2012. He was admitted last week to NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital with pneumonia and the flu. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

  • Ed Koch, Rory Lancman

    FILE - In this May 16, 2012 file photo, former New York City mayor Ed Koch, right, talks to reporters as Assemblyman Rory Lancman looks on. Koch, 87, was admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital with a respiratory infection on Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012 and is being treated with antibiotics. It?s Koch?s second hospitalization in three months. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

  • Veteran's Day Parade Held In New York City

    NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 11: Former Mayor Ed Koch takes part in The Wreath Laying Ceremony during the Veteran's Day Parade on November 11, 2012 in New York City. Mayor Koch is the grand marshal for the parade, which expects to draw thousands of spectators and is the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the start of the Vietnam War. (Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)

  • Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Cuomo Campaigns In New York City

    NEW YORK - OCTOBER 05: New York Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo (L) laughs with former New York City mayor Ed Koch at a press conference at John Jay College October 5, 2010 in New York City. Koch, who had defeated Cuomo's dad, Mario, in the New York City mayoral race in 1977, endorsed Cuomo. Cuomo is engaged in a bitter battle with Republican Carl Paladino in the race. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

  • Historic House Trust of New York City Honors Former Mayor Edward I. Koch

    NEW YORK - JUNE 17: (L-R)Franny Eberhart, Joseph Pierson and Ed Koch attend the Historic House Trust of New York City Founders Award Dinner at Gracie Mansion on June 17, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Donald Bowers/Getty Images for Historic House Trust of New York City)

  • Michael Bloomberg Is Sworn In For Third Term As New York City Mayor

    NEW YORK - JANUARY 1: The crowd give applause for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg after he delivered his inaugural speech as Diana Taylor (L), his daughters Georgina Bloomberg (2nd-L) and Emma Bloomberg (R), former New York City Mayors David Dinkins (2nd row-2nd-R) and Ed Koch (2nd row-R) look on January 1, 2010 at City Hall in New York City. Bloomberg launched his third term in office. (Photo by Hiroko Masuike/Getty Images)

  • New York Yankees World Series Victory Parade

    NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 06: (L-R) Former New York City Mayors David Dinkins, Ed Koch, and Rudolph Giuliani talk prior to the start of the New York Yankees World Series Victory Celebration at City Hall on November 6, 2009 in New York, New York. (Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images)

  • The Cinema Society & Details Host A Screening Of "Milk" - After Party

    NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 18: Former New York City mayor Ed Koch attends the after party for a screening of 'Milk' hosted by The Cinema Society at Bowery Hotel on November 18, 2008 in New York City. (Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images)

  • Former New York City mayors Rudy Giulian

    Former New York City mayors Rudy Giuliani (R) and Ed Koch (C) listen as US President George W. Bush speaks during an address on the financial markets and world economy November 13, 2008 at the Federal Hall National Memorial in New York City. AFP PHOTO/Mandel NGAN (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

  • Brooke Astor's Funeral Service - New York

    NEW YORK - AUGUST 17: (L-R) New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former NYC Mayors David Dinkins and Ed Koch leave the church after funeral services for philanthropist Brooke Astor at St. Thomas Church on August 17, 2007 in New York City. Astor died on Monday, August 13, 2007 at age 105. (Photo by Donna Ward/Getty Images)

  • Publisher's Weekly Celebrates The Strand's 80 Years

    NEW YORK - JUNE 02: (L-R) Writer Adam Gopnik shakes hands with former NYC Mayor Ed Koch during Publisher Weekly's celebration party for Strand Bookstore's 80 years in business at Strand Bookstore on June 02, 2007 in New York City. (Photo by Scott Wintrow/Getty Images)

  • Publisher's Weekly Celebrates The Strand's 80 Years

    NEW YORK - JUNE 02: (R) Writer Fran Lebowitz speaks while former NYC Mayor Ed Koch listens during Publisher Weekly's celebration party for Strand Bookstore's 80 years in business at Strand Bookstore on June 02, 2007 in New York City. (Photo by Scott Wintrow/Getty Images)

  • Former New York mayors David Dinkins (L)

    New York, UNITED STATES: Former New York mayors David Dinkins (L) and Ed Koch (R) listen to US President George W Bush speak at Federal Hall 31 January 2007 New York, New York. Bush urged the opposition-held US Congress to renew his sweeping powers to negotiate trade deals before such authority lapses at the end of June. Bush called Trade Promotion Authority, which binds Congress to yes-or-no votes on any trade agreements he negotiates, 'essential' to global free trade talks and bilateral commercial deals. AFP PHOTO/Brendan SMIALOWSKI (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

  • GOP Kicks Off RNC Convention

    NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 30: Former New York Mayor Ed Koch speaks during the opening session of the 2004 Republican National Convention August 30, 2004 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

  • The New York Times Welcomes The Republican National Convention

    NEW YORK - AUGUST 30: Former New York Mayor Ed Koch and former Governor of New York Mario Cuomo attend a party hosted by Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. publisher of the New York Times at the Frederick P. Rose Hall August 30, 2004 in New York City. (Photo by Bowers/Getty Images)

  • The New York Times Welcomes The Republican National Convention

    NEW YORK - AUGUST 30: Ed Koch (L) and Abe Rosenthal attend a party hosted by Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. publisher of the New York Times at the Frederick P. Rose Hall August 30, 2004 in New York City. (Photo by Bowers/Getty Images)

  • US Secretary of State Colin Powell (R) l

    BERLIN, GERMANY: US Secretary of State Colin Powell (R) looks on as Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch is seen in the background at a mayor OSCE international conference on anti-Semitism in Berlin 28 April 2004. Delegates to the conference warn that hatred of Jews is gaining momentum again in parts of Europe and call for united efforts in education and law enforcement to combat the problem. AFP PHOTO DDP/MICHAEL URBAN GERMANY OUT (Photo credit should read MICHAEL URBAN/AFP/Getty Images)

  • Former New york City mayors Ed Koch (L)

    Former New york City mayors Ed Koch (L) and David Dinkins (C) talk with current NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg as they watch from the President's Box during the women's final at the 2003 US Open tennis championships at Flushing Meadows in New York, 06 September 2003. AFP PHOTO Timothy A. CLARY (Photo credit should read TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images)

  • Koch, Bloomberg, and Dinkins at US Open

    FLUSHING, NY - SEPTEMBER 6: Former New York City Mayors Ed Koch (L) and David Dinkins (R) attend the US Open with current Mayor Michael Bloomberg (M) at the USTA National Tennis Center on September 6, 2003 in Flushing, New York. (Photo by M. David Leeds/Getty Images)

  • US First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (R) and daugh

    NEW YORK, UNITED STATES: US First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (R) and daughter Chelsea Clinton (L) wave to supporters before former New York mayor Ed Koch (background, center) following Mrs. Clinton's victory over Republican Congressman Rick Lazio in the New York senate race 07 November 2000 in New York. AFP PHOTO/Matt CAMPBELL (Photo credit should read MATT CAMPBELL/AFP/Getty Images)

  • St. Patrick's Day Parade

    N366199 04: First Lady and Senate hopeful Hillary Clinton talks to former New York City Mayor Ed Koch along the parade route of the St. Patrick's day parade in New York City, N.Y., March 17, 2000. (Photo by Chris Hondros)

  • Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch wears a Bill Br

    NEW YORK, UNITED STATES: Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch wears a Bill Bradley hat as he rests on a park bench while waiting for Bradley, who was a half-hour late, to arrive at a campaign stop in Washington Square Park, 04 March, 2000, during a day of campaigning in New York City. The New York State primary is three days away on Super Tuesday, 07 March.AFP PHOTO/Matt CAMPBELL (Photo credit should read MATT CAMPBELL/AFP/Getty Images)

  • Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch gestures as he

    NEW YORK, UNITED STATES: Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch gestures as he answers questions from reporters at New York University Hospital 22 March, 1999. Koch was rushed to the hospital from the New York Sports Club where he was working out. Doctors said his blood pressure was very low but he is reported in stable condition. AFP PHOTO/Don EMMERT (Photo credit should read DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images)

  • Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch gestures to rep

    NEW YORK, UNITED STATES: Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch gestures to reporters at New York University Hospital 22 March, 1999. Koch was rushed to the hospital from the New York Sports Club where he was working out. Doctors said his blood pressure was very low but he is reported in stable condition. AFP PHOTO/Don EMMERT (Photo credit should read DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images)

  • Queensboro Bridge Renamed In Honor Of Ed Koch

    NEW YORK, NY - MAY 19: Ed Koch celebrates at the renaming of the Queensboro Bridge in his honor at The Water Club Restaurant on May 19, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)

  • Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/01/obama-ed-koch_n_2601603.html

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    Saturday, February 2, 2013

    Online bingo shows its worth at Rank

    LONDON (Reuters) - It may lack the noisy camaraderie of a trip to the bingo hall, but the online version of the numbers game has proved more profitable for Britain's Rank Group than the original.

    The merits of the online business were further emphasized when Rank said a snowy January had cost it 3 million pounds ($4.7 million) in revenue as Britons opted not to venture out to its bingo halls and casinos.

    Operating profit from online bingo was 11.4 million pounds, just beating the 11.1 million earned from the venues themselves.

    The company, majority owned by Malaysia's Guoco, reported a 4 percent decline in pretax profit to 31.3 million pounds in the six months to December, with its loss-making Blue Square betting business proving a drag.

    Many parts of Britain have seen heavy snow over the last two weeks and there are fears that the bad weather will hit economic activity and push the country back into recession.

    Pub groups Enterprise Inns and Mitchell & Butlers both said the recent cold snap had hit sales.

    "Allowing for the slow start to the second half we remain confident in our prospects for the remainder of the year and in our longer-term growth strategy," Rank Chief Executive Ian Burke said.

    Rank's main activities are in Britain where it runs 35 Grosvenor Casinos and more than 100 Mecca bingo clubs.

    Profits growth in its online bingo business mirrors that in the gambling industry as a whole where online betting is the fastest growing part of the market, helped by the popularity of smart phones and tablets.

    However, Rank has said it is reviewing the future of its own struggling online betting business Blue Square, a relative minnow in a crowded sector.

    "We felt the losses were not losses we could continue to sustain," said Burke.

    Blue Square reported an operating loss of 4.8 million pounds in the six months and Rank has now cut its spending on marketing the business.

    "There were 11 or 12 competitors advertising and that spending just wasn't cutting through," said Burke.

    He declined to comment further on the future of the business pending completion of the review.

    Rank is awaiting regulatory clearance for a planned 205 million pound deal to buy the casino business of Gala Coral.

    A preliminary report by the Competition Commission said Rank could have to sell six casinos to get the deal approved.

    ($1 = 0.6332 British pounds)

    (Editing by Louise Ireland and Brenda Goh)

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/online-bingo-shows-worth-rank-104615393--sector.html

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    Friday, February 1, 2013

    Balanced 49ers offense aims to lead Super Bowl win

    NEW ORLEANS (AP) ? Colin Kaepernick is a mystery man under center, a strong-armed passer one moment and a 25-year-old kid who can run right out of the pocket for a huge gain the next.

    Baltimore must brace for the unexpected on every snap in Sunday's Super Bowl.

    There's flashy Michael Crabtree on the edges and Vernon Davis down the middle, Frank Gore and LaMichael James clogging things up in the running game.

    The creative, switch-it-up San Francisco offense sure keeps opposing defenses guessing. The 49ers hope to do it again at the Superdome, when the Ravens will face an array of looks from Jim Harbaugh's team.

    "With Kaepernick, it's like pick your poison," Hall of Fame receiver Jerry Rice said. "Are you going to try to shut down that pistol and not let him get outside, where you've got Frank Gore and LaMichael James going downhill? Then, Crabtree and Vernon Davis on the outside. I think the secondary of Baltimore, right there in the middle, is where they're going to get exposed. ... If you double team Crabtree, it's going to be Vernon Davis. If you get Crabtree one on one ? for some reason he's playing with a swagger right now that's unbelievable."

    Kaepernick has shown two drastically different styles in two postseason games. What he'll show the Ravens is anybody's guess.

    In a 45-31 rout of the Packers in the divisional round, Kaepernick ran for a quarterback playoff record 181 yards and two touchdowns and also threw for 263 yards with two TD passes to Michael Crabtree.

    A week later at Atlanta, everything looked different in a 28-24 win that sent San Francisco to its first Super Bowl in 18 years.

    Kaepernick only ran the ball twice, instead handing off to his go-to guy, Gore, and the Niners rallied from a 17-0 deficit for the biggest comeback in an NFC championship game.

    "He's very good, he's very accurate," Ravens defensive coordinator Dean Pees said of Kaepernick. "They've done a great job with putting him into a system and building a system to make him successful, but to be able to throw the ball deep you have to have guys that can run deep. Crabtree and Vernon Davis and Randy Moss can run deep."

    And Gore can grind out yards.

    Gore, coming off his franchise-record sixth 1,000-yard rushing season, ran for second-half touchdowns of 5 and 9 yards in the comeback in his first career postseason performance with two TDs against the Falcons. He has three touchdowns and 209 yards rushing during this postseason run.

    A balanced offense, indeed.

    "There's a lot," Crabtree said. "I could go on talking about the talent that we have around here. On the tight ends, running backs, you have to remember we have three people injured that played a major part in our offense. But I would say that with all of these weapons, I don't think that you can go wrong."

    After a quiet year in which he faced double-teams and constant attention by defenses, Davis broke out at Atlanta with five catches for 106 yards with a 4-yard TD grab.

    "He does it all. He's a beast," Ravens safety Ed Reed said. "He's one of those guys that you all say has it. He catches touchdowns, he's blocking. I'm surprised they haven't ran him yet, handing him the ball, but he's somebody you really have to know where he is at all times and be mindful of what he's doing, because they give him the ball, for one. You have to give him the ball. Why wouldn't you? But whoever is covering him, whether it's me, (safety) Bernard (Pollard), or anybody on our team covering him, you have to be really mindful of where he's at."

    Crabtree had six catches against the Falcons and Randy Moss ? who this week proclaimed himself "the greatest receiver ever to play this game" only to have Hall of Famer Jerry Rice beg to differ ? made three.

    San Francisco's offensive line will have to do a better job than in a 16-6 loss at Baltimore on Thanksgiving night 2011, when the unit allowed the Ravens to match a franchise record with nine sacks.

    "We've seen enough film to kind of know what to expect, unless they come up with something different," center Jonathan Goodwin said. "But definitely a talented group up front, and that's what makes them a good defense. They try to do some things to confuse you."

    If Crabtree and Kaepernick can pull off another outstanding outing in the game of their lives, they'll take the podium together again for an entertaining back and forth of compliments and good-natured ribbing.

    After one game, they held a joint postgame news conference.

    All-Pro linebacker Patrick Willis, a member of San Francisco's stingy, run-stopping defense, regularly offers a pat on the back and hug to Kaepernick.

    "In a close game, we would win because our defense doesn't give up," Davis said. "Our offense is always aggressive and eager to win."

    Hoisting the Lombardi Trophy is the plan now. In the Niners' rooting section: Rice, Roger Craig, Joe Montana and Steve Young.

    The current 49ers are fully aware of the history, most notably a perfect Super Bowl record that they must protect. San Francisco is 5-0 in championship games and trying to match the Pittsburgh Steelers for most ever.

    "This is incredible, man,' Davis said. "Just being a part of this franchise is legendary ? Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Steve Young ? and to be able to bring a ring back, that's something that you can cherish for the rest of your life."

    PREDICTION: 49ers 31, Ravens 27.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/balanced-49ers-offense-aims-lead-super-bowl-win-012121575--nfl.html

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    Drill-for-dollars underground dentist jailed for assault

    PLANO, Texas ? Inside the unassuming ranch-style house, investigators discovered things like an X-ray machine, grinders, syringes, surgical instruments and anesthetics.

    Police say the homeowner, 63-year-old Jose Santiago Delao, had been running an underground dental clinic in the aging suburban Dallas neighborhood for years: pulling teeth and filling cavities, among other procedures.

    The case against Delao, arrested Jan. 24 for practicing without a license, offers insight into a world of backyard dentistry that caters to illegal citizens, the uninsured and others who can?t find affordable dental care.

    Delao admits he skirted the law, but isn?t remorseful.

    ?Jesus Christ didn?t need or didn?t have a license,? Jose Delao told Yahoo News during a jailhouse interview. ?People hurt and they needed it. People didn?t have enough money to visit the regular dentist.?

    Delao, a former dental lab technician, claims he couldn?t turn his back.

    ?It broke my heart,? he said, tapping his chest, ?because I have the experience.?

    But authorities say Delao, a native of Costa Rica, has never been a licensed dentist in Texas. If convicted, he could get two to 10 years in prison.

    ?This guy was doing some pretty intense work in some cases,? said Plano police officer David Tilley.

    Delao's secret unraveled in mid-January when a woman complained to police about a $75 molar repair that had left her unable to open her mouth and caused a clicking sound in her ear for several days.

    The woman, who had gone to Delao on the recommendation of a church friend, also told officers the man kept her from leaving his makeshift clinic once she arrived.

    ?Jose S. Delao refused to let her leave after he had her in the dental chair,? a detective wrote in a police warrant. ?She raised her hand to indicate she was feeling pain and Jose Delao pushed her hand back down and told her to stop complaining.?

    Any possible assault-related charges are still under investigation. Delao denied the accusations in an interview with Yahoo News.

    A survey of published news reports shows that as many as eight such underground dental clinics have been shutdown in the U.S. since last summer.

    ?I would clearly classify it as a problem,? said Dr. Frank Catalanotto, chair of the Department of Community Dentistry at the University of Florida. ?It is potentially a big problem.?

    Indeed, recent headlines from across the country, chronicle similar operations:

    • Police arrest 1 in rogue dentistry at Moorpark apartment
    • Woman without license to practice treated as many as 30 patients daily
    • 'Operation Tooth Fairy' busts unlicensed Davie dentist

    In September, Miami police arrested an 81-year-old illegal dentist whose shoddy work at his home left a 14-year-old girl?s mouth permanently disfigured. Her mother, who had no dental insurance, hoped the man could fix a chipped tooth for cheap. Instead, police said, he filed four of the teen?s front teeth to the gums and left her with a serious infection.

    ?It just looked awful,? said Dr. Catalanotto, whose students and faculty cared for the girl after the incident.

    An official with the American Dental Association says it doesn?t track the number of rogue practices, but acknowledged the association has heard stories of patients being treated in vans, warehouses and apartment bathrooms.

    ?People have extremely serious and unmet needs for oral healthcare,? said Julia Paradise, an associate director at the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.

    The Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-profit think tank focused on major medical issues, reports the number of adults without dental coverage is three times as large as the number of adults without health insurance coverage and that 30 percent of children with private health insurance are uninsured for dental care. More than one in five low-income adults reported that they had not had a dental visit in five years or more, or had never had a visit, the foundation wrote in a 2012 study.

    Kaiser doesn?t keep stats on unlicensed dentists, but Paradise said it?s troubling to know it?s a choice some patients make.

    ?The solution is to provide the kind of care and access to care that people need so that there isn?t a space or the need for people to seek care that isn?t safe,? she said.

    House where Delao practiced dentistry (Jason Sickles)

    From behind bars, Delao maintained he was operating safely.

    ?I can pull a tooth,? he said. ?I have the experience.?

    When asked if he ever applied to be a dentist in the U.S. Delao replied, ?Not really, but I have the degree.?

    He said a four-year degree in dental lab technology from Costa Rica and 27 years of working as a technician in the U.S. prepared him to practice. Yahoo News could not verify his education or employment history, but acquaintances vouched for his character.

    ?He?s a friendly guy,? said Rubia Albarenga, a travel agent who has known Delao for 10 years. ?He has always been honest to us and is a great customer. He was always very respectful. We feel sorry for him.?

    Dr. Catalanotto said making molds and dentures as a lab tech doesn?t qualify someone to diagnose patients. He worries about the people who opt for such unlicensed caregivers.

    ?You?re doing something potentially very dangerous to your health,? Dr. Catalanotto said. ?You would probably have concerns about infection control issues and catching a communicable disease from unclean instruments. There?s a variety of concerns.?

    Investigators believe Delao, who lived alone, had been treating people inside his modest 1,500-square-foot home for four years.

    He said his cash only, no-questions-asked operation drew one to two patients a day. ?I helped undocumented people, single mothers and uninsured people,? he said.

    Delao said he charged $50 for what might cost $250 elsewhere.

    ?Only enough to pay my bills,? he said.

    Business usually came word of mouth, but news of Delao?s arrest didn?t travel fast enough to stop people from showing up after he was jailed. His neighbor posted a sign on her door, ?Aqui No Vive Dentista? (dentist doesn?t live here).

    ?I have a problem with people banging on the door morning, noon and night,? Francisca Ramos said this week.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/underground-dentist-not-remorseful-illegal-practice-133957201.html

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    Why Hasn't the Whole Universe Collapsed into an Enormous Black Hole? [Video]

    Scientific American contributing editor George Musser answers viewer questions submitted to YouTube's Spacelab Channel

    black hole, astronomy Image: Research.gov

    Questions answered in this episode:

    "Let's say I'm an alien on a ship 65 million or more light-years away. Using a telescope, I look at Earth and I see dinosaurs living their daily lives. If my ship started travelling towards earth near the speed of light. Would I see the dinosaurs moving faster--fast-forwarded?"?sl270703

    "If all movement is relative, how can there be a speed limit? In order to measure speed, you have to measure it against something. So...what is the speed limit measured against?"?lordv27

    "If a black hole's event horizon gets bigger every time its density gets bigger, i.e., it "absorbs" mass, why hasn't the whole universe collapsed into an enormous black hole yet? Shouldn't this kind of expanding black hole be getting bigger exponentially? And will this be the end of our universe and possibly the birth of a new one (or where ours began?a big bang)?"?Shaido666

    Submit your questions for the next round of Ask the Experts by clicking here and posting in the YouTube comments (Google account required). And while you're there be sure to subscribe to the Spacelab channel for weekly videos on space and astronomy.?

    The question with the most "likes" will be answered in the next video by a new guest expert. Previous episodes have featured astronomer Caleb Scharf, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and Scientific American's own editor in chief, Mariette DiChristina.

    Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=c4b041af87857920d45018cb1ba45650

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    Mars Curiosity Wins The 2012 Crunchie For ?Best Technology Achievement?

    marsroverTonight, at the 6th Annual Crunchies Awards, the Mars Curiosity won for Best Technology Achievement. Because, you know, science is awesome. Presented by former Square COO Keith Rabois and VentureBeat's Meghan Kelly, NASA "Mohawk Guy" Bobak Ferdowsi accepted the award on behalf of the whole Mars Curiosity team.

    Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/Vk2PzSpibRY/

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    Cuba dissident says passport request denied

    HAVANA (AP) ? A Cuban dissident who was locked up for years in connection with his political activities said Wednesday he has been denied a passport that would have let him go overseas under recently enacted travel reform.

    Angel Moya, one of 75 anti-government activists imprisoned in a 2003 crackdown on dissent and later released, said he went to file paperwork and the $50 application fee to request a passport, but a clerk turned him down.

    "She told me, after consulting a database, that I was restricted and it couldn't be processed for reasons of public interest," Moya told The Associated Press.

    The denial suggests that Cuba intends to exercise a legal clause by which it retains the right to restrict some citizens' right to travel, and casts an element of doubt over the Jan. 14 measure that eliminated the loathed exit visa required of all Cubans seeking to go abroad.

    Analysts have called such controls arbitrary and humiliating, though authorities long insisted they were necessary to prevent brain drain. Cuba has routinely denied exit visas for dissidents, who are considered "counterrevolutionaries" in the pay of foreign interests and bent on undermining the communist government.

    Moya said the office clerk showed him her computer screen and the file did not contain a specific reason why he was not allowed to apply for the travel document. But the law contains language reserving the right to withhold passports for reasons of national interest and to people with pending legal cases, and he's sure that's affecting his situation.

    Moya's release from prison was conditional and technically he's still serving a 20-year sentence for treason that expires in 2023. The rest of the former prisoners from the 2003 crackdown, like a number of other dissidents with legal issues, presumably could be in the same boat.

    "Their release is very precarious," said Elizardo Sanchez, who monitors and reports on human rights on the island.

    However, other government opponents including frequent hunger striker Guillermo Farinas have explicitly been told they will be allowed to get passports and come and go freely, and some dissident passport requests are being processed.

    Moya's wife Berta Soler, a leader of the Ladies in White protest group, said as far as she knows she's still scheduled to pick up hers on Feb. 8.

    Blogger Yoani Sanchez, who is not related to Elizardo, also says she has been told she can travel, though on Wednesday she was complaining about a more mundane problem: red tape.

    "The long lethargy of bureaucracy in (hashtag)Cuba," she tweeted. "'The passport isn't ready yet, come back next week,' they tell me."

    Government officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Havana usually avoids mentioning the dissidents at all except to accuse them of being traitorous "mercenaries."

    Also Wednesday, Amnesty International formally designated a second prisoner of conscience on the island and urged authorities to free him immediately.

    In a statement, the New York-based international human rights monitor said Calixto Martinez was detained for his work reporting for the non-governmental news agency Hablemos Press and has been held without charge since Sept. 16, 2012.

    Amnesty said Martinez was arrested at an airport while looking into whether anti-cholera medicine provided by the World Health Organization was being held there. He supposedly took photographs and interviewed people there.

    Cuban airports are highly sensitive, well-guarded facilities, and journalists generally are barred from reporting there without special permission.

    Last summer's cholera outbreak in eastern Cuba was also a sensitive subject for the island, which relies on tourism as one of its main sources of foreign income. Authorities say that it was contained, and that another outbreak this month in Havana is under control.

    Amnesty said Martinez was accused of "disrespect" for authorities, which is a crime in Cuba. The relevant legal statute has commonly been used as justification for the detention of dissidents.

    Cuba contends that it does not hold any political prisoners.

    When the last of the 75 walked free under a deal brokered by the Catholic Church, Amnesty said at the time that there were no more inmates it recognized as prisoners of conscience, though rights monitors complain that authorities have adopted a tactic of more short-term detentions to harass dissidents and impede their activities.

    Cuba has long maintained nearly complete control over the island's media, and Hablemos Press has occupied a murky legal gray area.

    "The imprisonment of Calixto Martinez goes to show that authorities in Cuba are far from accepting that journalists have a role to play in society, including by investigating possible wrongdoings," said Guadalupe Marengo, deputy Americas director at Amnesty International.

    In a recently released press freedom index compiled by Reporters Without Borders, Cuba dropped four spots this year to 171st out of 179 countries ? ahead of only Vietnam, China, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea.

    There have been some signs of opening, however. In 2011, President Raul Castro urged state media to be bolder with more "objective, constant and critical" reporting.

    The Catholic Church is allowed to publish its own independent magazine, Palabra Nueva, bloggers are openly critical of the government and state TV recently began carrying programming from Venezuela-based Telesur news channel.

    Amnesty has strict criteria for how it designates prisoners of conscience. One requirement is that the person not have a history of violence.

    In an email to the AP, Amnesty noted the difficulty of accessing independent information in a tightly guarded society such as Cuba. It acknowledged talking to government opponents and other rights groups, but said it conducted its own investigation to verify the information about Martinez.

    He is one of two Cubans who Amnesty considers to be prisoners of conscience, along with Marcos Maiquel Lima Cruz, behind bars since December 2010.


    Peter Orsi on Twitter: www.twitter.com

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/cuba-dissident-says-passport-request-denied-223222624.html

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