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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/w9S89Z-WyhA/
fireworks fireworks 4th of July Andy Griffith joe johnson scientology Wimbledon 2012 TV Schedule
Posted by Ben Schwartz on Jul 31, 2012 in Blog, Workers' Compensation | 0 comments
Question: ?I am a doctor. My patient was injured on the job and his workers? compensation insurance paid for a little while. Now they have been denying bills after ?utilization review?. The patient?s attorney isn?t doing anything to get the bills paid. Can I go after the workers? compensation insurance company myself to get paid?
Answer:? Yes.?Medical providers have a right to file a petition for compensation due in any case where payment of medical bills is being contested. The issue is addressed several times in Title 19 of the Delaware Code. ?For example, Title 19 Del.C. ? 2346 provides:
If any person charged with the payment of medical and other services and the provider to whom said payment is due fail to reach an agreement in regard to such charges, any interested party may notify the Department of the facts. The Department shall thereupon notice the time and place of hearing sent by certified mail to all parties in interest.?
Also, 19 Del.C. ? 2348(b) states as follows:
(b) In a controversy as to the responsibility of an employer or the employer?s insurance carrier for the payment of compensation and other benefits under Part II of this title [Part II includes medicals], any party in interest may petition the Board in writing for a hearing and award. The petition shall be sent to the Department?s offices in Wilmington and shall set forth the reason for requesting the hearing and questions in dispute which the applicant expects to be resolved.
There is a 45 day rule for appeals from Utilization Review denials, but there is also a Superior Court case invalidating that rule because it conflicts with the 2 year/5 year statute of limitations on workers? compensation claims found in the Delaware Code. ?The case dealing with that issue was Avila-Hernandez, C.A. No. N10A-06-002 DCS (Jan. 6, 2012).?(Please note: Avila-Hernandez is currently on appeal in the Delaware Supreme Court. As of the time of this blog post, en banc oral argument is scheduled for November 14, 2012 at 2 pm.)
If you end up testifying in support of the treatment and charges, then you may be able to recover a fee for your time in testifying. 19 Del.C. ? 2322(e) states, ?[t]he fees of medical witnesses testifying at hearings before the Industrial Accident Board in behalf of an injured employee shall be taxed as a cost to the employer or the employer?s insurance carrier in the event the injured employee receives an award.?
If you win your case for medical bills, you may be able to also collect an award of statutory interest. 19 Del.C. ? 2322F(h) states that ?[u]npaid invoices shall incur interest at a rate of 1% per month payable to the provider.?
In conclusion, the Delaware new workers? compensation laws appear to make it possible for medical providers to pursue claims directly before the Industrial Accident Board for medicals that are not paid by their patients? workers? compensation carriers.
If you are a medical provider and would like to discuss medical reimbursements in automobile accident or workers? compensation cases with Ben, please email him directly at ben.schwartz@schwartzandschwartz.com.
Source: http://www.schwartzandschwartz.com/medical-providers-pursue-workers-compensation-claims-delaware/
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Few of us spend enough time and effort straight into looking for and even obtaining a good product for a property finance loan to shop for our home.Many people, our house is definitely the most powerful and dear obtain we've generate.All of us spend too much effort and effort straight into picking out the great premises in the greatest area sufficient reason for several with the benefits from my desire checklist as you can, but, relating to finding the right package for a property finance loan, we get what's presented rather than looking for and even obtaining the ideal property finance loan for our own circumstance.The fact the fact that the regular homeowner will pay over additional inside attraction over the time of ones own property finance loan in comparison to the your home in the beginning price, you will observe why sometimes a good product for a reverse mortgage information at present, could save you hundreds of thousands of us dollars inside attraction over the 20 ? thirty year period in your home bank loan.
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A mortgage loan in which the payment is simply not designed to pay back the entire bank loan. The very last transaction is really a substantial single payment with the remaining main. Go up reverse mortgage lenders are sometimes simply somewhat amortized and even requesting some sort of single payment reimbursement with adulthood.It's popular property finance loan in the US with regard to home-owners just who will not be planning to stay in ones own brand new home for longer than a few or several years. The advantage is the rate of interest is gloomier than just a fixed price property finance loan nevertheless, any downside happens when you actually keep in the house after dark 5 to 7 yr period, you would have to safe and sound a completely new bank loan or reverse mortgage loan to empty the balloon property finance loan.
Source: http://accountinga-z.blogspot.com/2012/07/what-is-lowest-price-for-property.html
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Most auto glass companies serve the auto homeowners for all kinds of difficulties ranging from modest chips to major cracks. The car glass business is very aggressive that have led to the emergence of numerous service providers managing a quantity of complicated glass relevant issues of all sorts of cars.
Let?s know additional about the vehicle glass replacements and maintenance by means of this write-up. Go by way of these things:
Repairs & replacementsDistinct varieties of issues with any portion of auto needs specific system of motion. In phrases of windshield, some groundbreaking enhancements can be identified and this is anything that has made specified recover things to do effortless. But, with the software of substantial tech resources and large intensity resin epoxy, any form of chip or crack can be set in significantly less time. It is an easy and fast way of restoring the car glass back to its authentic form and energy.
The auto glass repair specialists inject the epoxy in the afflicted location and is still left to dry. When the epoxy bond dries up, a form of obvious glow can be viewed and it will turn out to be quite hard for one particular to detect exactly where the crack had been. As a result, it is an straightforward and speedy way of fixing the cracks in the windshield.
As considerably as windshield substitution is involved, it in fact can take 24 or more hrs. Exceptional adhesives are utilised in this regard and the drying time is dependent on the product and kinds of automobiles.
Repairs remediesA higher velocity, smaller pebbles and even temperature fluctuation result in cracks in the windshield. Also, the professionals are acknowledged to hold a sequence of checks to study the crack appropriately and find an suitable remedy. Considering checks assist the specialists to serve the clientele with entire pleasure in phrases of occupant penetration, roof crush resistance, windshield mounting, crash security and a lot more.
Serious temperatures can direct to tiny cracks or chips that can speedily distribute through the portion of glass specifically the windshield. In some problems, a chip can turns into far more considerable. Listed here, the substitution becomes a need far more than an alternative as it is all about preserving basic protection specifications as effectively as structural integrity of the car. Including to it, car or truck glass program routine maintenance jobs that include restore and replacements can help one particular to keep on being protected on all forms of streets.
The fact is that a protected auto is an individual that will come featured with good quality visibility, not just for the motorists but also for the passengers traveling on the highway. That?s why, 1 is needed to always hold in head that any kind of minimal glass-relevant concern really should be held from getting greater.
Car glass restoration or alternative companies can be availed from skilled auto company providers. They come with expert specialists, superior-conclusion technological innovation centered tools and equipments to make service or substitution of car glass productive.
But, through this post, you will occur to know about some of the helpful info worried with vehicle glass repair and other companies. Check out out the details listed below:
Evolution of windshields
If we converse about windshields, the windshield was not usually considered as safety function on vehicles. Previously, these are built of one pane window glass due to which they shattered effortlessly and result in really serious mishaps or health dangers. But, the situation is changed. In the current moments, the windshields are deemed among major safety capabilities or parts of cars. They are manufactured of two levels of tempered glass with 1 layer of plastic in involving to assist the energy.
Car or truck glass repair & replacements
Unique designs and would make of automobile come with different windshield and just about every kind of damage involves particular training course of action. Revolutionary enhancements can be observed in windshield technology and this has created the service task basic. With the coming of high intensity resin epoxy, cracks or any chips can be very easily fixed by automobile glass repair experts. Epoxy is injected in the destroyed region and is provided time get dried and offer you clear glow. After the epoxy bond is dried, it nearly will become difficult to detect in which the injury experienced the moment been.
As considerably as substitute of windshield is involved, it takes close to 24 several hours for comprehensive alternative of broker windshield. Unique adhesives are utilized for the substitute and drying get is dependent on the makes and styles of cars. One particular is expected to test for high quality supplies and processes concerned in windshield fix or alternative chores.
Vehicle glass restore Coquitlam services
Cracks in windshield can happen because of to various factors. Higher-velocity freeways, large temperature fluctuation and rocks are particular factors that can bring about chip or cracks to the portion. A collection of assessments have been recognized by qualified automobile service experts to check out out the reasons of crack. Exams consist of governing of glazing components with the aim of blocking occupant penetration, windshield mounting, roof crush resistance, windshield zone intrusion and occupant crash safety.
By the total dialogue, it can be claimed that in modern automobiles it is incredibly considerably expected to concentrate on auto glass service projects which includes restoration or substitution of windshields to assure safe and sound generate on all varieties of streets.
Find more information on glass repair Solon, Visit us glass repair Solon
Source: http://articlereference.net/automotive/auto-glass-repair-solon.html
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It is very easy for a business office staff to become satisfied. They can fall into the routine where these people become very self-sufficient and rely on their particular fellow workers less and less. While this may seem like the best thing, many office responsibilities can be accomplished quicker and better when the team really does them as a whole instead of relying on the input of only one person. In case a business is in Toronto, team building events activities from a firm like XPEERience Group can help create that ?we? mindset again.
This company specializes in Keynote Speaker Canada activities in a number of settings. Choosing the proper team building events activities is important when setting up an event such as this as it is important to be sure all staff members are happy with the events. All things considered, it would not serve a reason to alienate staff during a team building pursuits as you want everyone to sign up in the events.
One of the most popular packages with regard to Toronto team building activities is the Ultimate Xpeerience. This bundle encompasses low bodily impact activities including dodgeball, water balloon chuck, and volleyball along with more demanding team development activities like the inflatable obstacle course and also the outdoor rockwall. Most employers will have a pretty good thought of what their employees are capable of and can choose the team building activities that may work best for their staff.
The beauty of an outing such as this is that the majority of employees forget exactly why they are actually there in the first place. They are getting so much fun, they naturally form a greater bond with their other workers and improve the teamwork frame of mind that has been missing from the office. So how really does all of this actually incorporate itself back into the business office?
Something that a lot of companies will do is have a personnel meeting to discuss the outing the next time the whole staff is together in the office. Keep it very informal and talk about the various events and how your winning teams were able to perform so well. Preserve stressing how they employed each person?s strengths to aid the team perform greater.
Once this topic gets rolling, begin to bring up examples of assignments around the office that have been delayed because the ?team? had not been working together. Keep in mind this is not a disciplinary meeting, just a reinforcement of how successful it is to work together. From that point, hand out exactly the same assignment to both of these people and teams. Allow them to have a limited time to develop them and then carry a meeting later within the day to monitor development.
While there may be many people capable of pulling off of the upset victory, most of the time, the teams will be able to present a better and more complete project. This is when management can bolster the idea of how important it is to work as a team whenever possible instead of operating alone all the time. It certainly won?t be long before the entire business office benefits from the Toronto team development activities they liked during the outing.
For more information about Team Building Toronto visit our website.
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INDIANAPOLIS?? When this summer's drought turned her prized lawn brown, Terri LoPrimo fought back, but not with sprinklers: She had it painted green, making her suddenly lush-appearing yard the envy of her neighborhood.
The Staten Island, N.Y., resident and her husband, Ronnie, hired a local entrepreneur to spruce up their yard by spraying it with a deep-green organic dye. By Monday, the couple's property was aglow with newly green blades of grass and no watering needed to sustain it.
"It looks just like a spring lawn, the way it looks after a rain. It's really gorgeous," said LoPrimo, a 62-year-old retiree.
With two-thirds of the nation covered by a drought that stretches from coast to coast, residents and businesses in normally well-watered areas are catching on to the lawn-painting practice employed for years in the West and Southwest to give luster to faded turf.
LoPrimo paid $125 to green up her roughly 830-square-foot lawn. She said it was worth every penny to keep her home of 33 years graced by an attractive yard.
Neighbors and friends have complimented the LoPrimos on their lawn's appearance, and she said one envious friend asked for the number of their contractor, Joe Perazzo.Perazzo, who teaches physical education at Brooklyn's High School of Sports Management, began painting lawns during his summer break three years ago. His Staten Island company, Grass Is Greener Lawn Painting, has touched up close to 20 lawns this summer, making it his best year to date.
"I'm booked solid for next week. If you look around, most of the lawns need some TLC," Perazzo said.
He charges 15 cents per square foot to spray on a non-toxic, environmentally friendly turf dye that he said is commonly used on golf courses and athletic fields to give them a lusher appearance.
Perazzo said the dyed lawns will hold their verdant look for a few months, in some cases up to five months.
"It's a night-and-day difference," he said. "People are amazed by how natural it looks."
Kansas City, Mo.-based Missouri Turf Paint Inc. has been selling latex turf paints for more than 40 years. Company president Jon Graves said his primary customers are golf courses looking to keep their greens attractive and athletic fields "getting ready for show time."
But he said he's seen a slight increase this year in calls from people interested in either greening up residential lawns or wanting to get into the lawn-painting business.
"We've had calls primarily from people saying 'Hey I think I'd like to do this for a business,' but we've also had them about houses in foreclosure, homes they want to look a little bit better," for potential buyers, he said.
In the frequently parched Phoenix area, Brian Howland has been painting lawns for about five years as a side business to his full-time job with a sign- and banner-making company.
Howland said he started Arizona Lawn Painting after the foreclosure crisis left scores of Phoenix-area homes empty and their lawns neglected. He charges $200 for up to 3,000 square feet, and more if there are numerous lawn features to paint around.
Some of his customers have been residents fearful that their homeowners' associations will penalize them for letting their lawns fade.
"Usually it's people who don't feel like messing with their yard or it's a rental or a foreclosure or a sale ? something where before everything gets going they want it to look nice," he said.
A newer entrant into the lawn-painting business is Tim Birdwell, whose Imperial Painting normally paints Indianapolis-area homes and commercial properties. But this month, Birdwell painted his own desiccated lawn.
His first paying customer was a Meineke muffler shop on the south side of Indianapolis, which, like most of Indiana, is in the midst of an extreme drought.
Last Friday, two of Birdwell's workers sprayed the long strip of brown grass in front of the store with latex paint, creating an oasis of green in a suburban strip mall filled with faded grass.
Store manager Damon Riggles said Birdwell's price for the paint job ? about $600 ? was worth it because the vibrant-looking grass has attracted customers.
"It looks great," Riggles said. "It gave us some curb appeal and definitely got us some new customers' attention. And that's what we were hoping for."
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48359400/ns/business-consumer_news/
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Friday, 27 July 2012
Naturally you want to increase your business consulting profits just like any other person. One approach that is not used by so many others is learning the intangibles.
Although it is important to focus on the mechanics of daily marketing, this is not what it is all about. In essence, intangibles references your business relationships on a psychological level. If you look desperate, you will not do well in this business. In fact, avoid all extremes as possible. The key is to be very positive about your clients business, and being professional at the same time. This is what you need for success. Show them rather than telling them, and there are lots of ways you can do that. reversephonelookuphq.org
What you want to do with this business is spend most of your time finding clients are marketing, not other activities. All of the administrative work will begin to increase once your clientele is on the rise. Get help early on and it?s fine if they are inexpensive freelancers or VA?s. It is so easy to get good help, as long as you hire people at a slow but steady rate. Even if you have just one client, have a least one person to help you in whatever way.
Always shop around for hired help prior to really getting your business going because you simply won?t have the time to do it later. Have someone in place, trained and ready to go once business picks up.
As the consultant, if you are brought into a company and working with an entire staff of people, use careful diplomacy. People that work with you may not like you, something you need to keep in mind. You may be resented by the employees, something that may get worse. Your goal is to allow people to realize you are a good listener and that you are open to their ideas if they have some. You want to decrease any defensive posturing that may arise. You also want to avoid challenging anyone at all. Remember that you are there for a purpose, and were hired for a reason. Never forget that while doing your consulting. click here
If you want to do business consulting, you must understand a little bit about the company you will be working with. You need to know about the company that is hiring you. It is important to know how they operate each and every day. The key is to be prepared ? knowledge is power, and it will help you solve problems and handle objections that may arise. Your best bet is to research this company online, using a search engine. You can also contact similar companies to find out a little more about this particular business model. Research is a great tool. It can help you solve the company?s problems prior to your arrival, making you look all that much better. After you have this info, it will be easier for you to help the company hiring you. Proper preparation key to your success. Look at your business consulting service with your clients in mind and the services you offer. You can certainly get more revenue streams by bundling what you offer into packages people will love. If you really want to see a revenue increase for your business, get creative with your offers, and see which ones convert the best. By improving your skill set in regard to relationship building and marketing, you can improve your business overall. Just be a little creative, and brainstorm from time to time in regard to your business, and opportunities will certainly come your way. IWinButtons
Tags: Blogging, business, Internet Marketing, Online Business
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Source: http://580areacode.com/business-consulting-tips-and-tricks/
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2 hrs.
John Roach
Scientists have cranked up a supercomputer to improve on one of life's simplest pleasures, by tweaking the texture and extending the shelf life of ice cream.
This might be seen as an egregious overuse of technology to anyone who?s stood around an old-fashioned ice-cream maker cranking the handle on a bucket full of rock salt and ice, but serving up the treat to the masses is big business, and tastier, longer lasting frozen treats could mean big bucks.
Big enough, Gizmodo notes, to justify harnessing the power of computer packing a total of 1,872 processors to model the complex interactions between the various ingredients in your favorite pint of frozen flavored sugar milk to find the best combination.
The collaboration between?researchers at the University of Edinburgh's Soft Condensed Matter Physics group and the Edinburgh Parallel Computer Center harnesses supercomputers to "study, predict and ultimately improve the behavior of 'soft matter'." Ice cream happens to be the tastiest example.
The same technology has been used to model weather patterns and nuclear explosions, explains a promotional video from Nvidia, whose processors are packed in the Cray supercomputer.?
The ice cream modeling research is also applicable to engine oil, paints, ketchup, mayonnaise, even soaps and shampoos, according to Alan Gray at the University of Edinburgh.
??via Gizmodo?
John Roach is a contributing writer for NBC News. To learn more about him, check out his website. For more of our Future of Technology series, watch the featured video below.
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Moody?s put Germany on notice Monday as the outlook on Germany?s Aaa rating was changed from ?stable? to ?negative.?? Even worse news would be if the announcement is followed by a full downgrade in the near future.? Moody?s also revised the outlooks on the credit ratings of the Netherlands and Luxembourg to ?negative.? ? From CNNMoney (July 24, 2012): ? Moody's said the revisions for the three countries were prompted by "the rising uncertainty regarding the outcome of the euro area debt crisis" and the "increasing likelihood that greater collective support for other euro area sovereigns, most notably Spain and Italy, will be required." ? The possibility of a Greek exit from the euro, Moody's said, could threaten banks throughout the eurozone. German banks also have significant exposure to other struggling countries on the continent, particularly Italy and Spain, the agency added. ? Even if the monetary union remains intact, Moody's said Germany, as the eurozone's largest economy, will likely bear an increased financial burden as further bailout funds are required. ? For discussion: ? 1.????? What impact would a credit downgrade have on Germany? 2.????? What impact would a German credit downgrade have on other Eurozone economies? ?
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Robert Pattinson needs a break from all this drama. Following Kristen Stewart's public apology for her affair with Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders, People is reporting that Pattinson has moved out of the home he shares with the actress (likely on a temporary basis since he reportedly owns the house).
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AUSTIN, Texas (AP) ? As tea party superstars smelling an upset close ranks around conservative insurgent candidate Ted Cruz, traditional Republican favorite David Dewhurst is leaning on his party's old guard.
The Texas lieutenant governor is hoping to regain the air of inevitability that once made him look like a slam-dunk in the race for U.S. Senate.
Dewhurst racked up another key endorsement on Thursday, appearing at a running-shoe shop in Austin with Texas Comptroller Susan Combs, who said the state has $6.1 billion saved in its rainy day fund because Dewhurst kept state lawmakers from raiding it.
"David Dewhurst, in the Senate, held the line in keeping that money set aside for the future," Combs said.
Cruz and Dewhurst square off Tuesday in a runoff election, with the winner considered the overwhelming favorite to prevail in November's general election.
Dewhurst has overseen the state Senate since 2003 from the powerful lieutenant governor's post. He has been endorsed by Gov. Rick Perry and most of the Texas GOP establishment in the race for the Republican nomination to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.
He beat Cruz by 10 percentage points in the May 29 state primary but fell short of an outright majority in a field featuring nine Republican senate hopefuls.
Combs' nod came as state Sen. Dan Patrick, a Houston Republican, also endorsed Dewhurst. Patrick is a tea party favorite himself and has clashed frequently with the lieutenant governor, but he also got into a high-profile yelling match with Cruz during a recent radio interview. The race has become one of the nation's most-watched ? seen as a test of the tea party's grassroots prowess against mainstream Republicans in Texas who don't lose many elections: a Democrat has not won statewide office here since 1994.
But this time the challenge is coming from the far-right, and coming hard. Cruz was in Dallas on Thursday for a major tea party rally featuring U.S. Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Mike Lee of Utah, as well as radio host Glenn Beck and former U.S. Rep. from Texas, Dick Armey ? chairman of the grassroots group FreedomWorks.
Meanwhile, the Tea Party Express parked a bus doubling as a "mobile phone bank" in the Dallas suburb of Irving to get out the vote for Cruz.
Another major Cruz bash Friday in Houston was expected to feature former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. She had previously recorded a phone message to voters for Cruz but had not traveled to Texas on his behalf.
Cruz, the former state solicitor general, strikes a fiery, populist tone. The tea party also has targeted Dewhurst because, while he has overseen some of the most conservative legislatures in Texas history, he has also occasionally compromised with Democrats to approve key legislation.
Dewhurst also has a halting, at times uneasy speaking style. But he says he never reached out to national tea party leaders because he's been too focused on Texas issues.
"I'm comfortable that there are more Dewhurst voters in Texas than Cruz voters," Dewhurst said Thursday. "The challenge to both of us is turnout."
A court battle over redistricting maps pushed the Texas primary from Super Tuesday to May 29, which means the runoff is coming when many Texans may be on vacation. About 1.4 million people voted in the primary, but fewer than 1 million are likely to return for a second round of balloting.
Cruz has gotten millions of dollars from national conservative groups, including the Washington-based Club for Growth. Dewhurst, who has a personal fortune topping $200 million as the owner of an energy business, has lent his campaign more than $10 million. Both sides have flooded the airwaves statewide, with Dewhurst attacking Cruz as beholden to his out-of-state benefactors and Cruz branding the lieutenant governor as a two-faced moderate.
Cruz has vowed to win the runoff, saying his supporters are motivated enough to turn out no matter what.
"We're seeing very strong enthusiasm among our base. Not only voters, but volunteers who are block-walking, phone-banking and pouring their blood, sweat and tears into this campaign," said James Bernsen, a spokesman for the Cruz campaign.
Dewhurst is countering by campaigning with Perry the day before the election, visiting a San Antonio veterans center before heading to a joint fundraiser in Dallas.
But the lieutenant governor is also quietly mobilizing his own supporters. He's using networks of volunteers organized by groups across the state that have endorsed him, including the Texas Association of Business and the Texas Farm Bureau, which is especially strong in rural areas ? where Dewhurst largely beat Cruz handily during the primary.
Also Monday, Dewhurst will make his first visit to his campaign's major phone-banking operation in Dallas to fire-up his hardcore supporters. Perry will also be there as will the Republican third- and fourth-place finishers in the primary, former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert and ex-NFL running back and ESPN commentator Craig James ? both of whom have since endorsed the lieutenant governor.
"They're not just endorsing us and 'see you later,'" said Dewhurst spokesman Matt Hirsch. "They're out there campaigning for us."
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/senate-hopeful-dewhurst-leans-old-guard-gop-215101684.html
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The HP TouchSmart 600-1370 All-in-One Desktop is very convenient for people who take lots of pictures and want to manage, edit and share them easily. Want to transfer your digital images from your camera to your computer without cables? No problem! You can do this with the 6-in-1 Digital Media Reader built right in. For people that do a lot of photos or videos, this can be so helpful. You won?t have to connect your camera or camcorder to the computer anymore! Creating slideshows is also a breeze using your photos with mp3s. Just use the touchscreen! The TouchSmart technology also makes it simple to manage your photos, as you can manually drag them from one place to another, whether you want to create a new album or share them online. Although there may be times when you want to use your keyboard and mouse, the HP TouchSmart 600-1370 All-in-One Desktop is really designed to incorporate touch screen technology. No worries here! The computer comes with a wireless optical mouse and wireless keyboard for you to use whatever you want.
Peripheral devices do not come with cables. It connects wirelessly, sticking with the all-in-one style of this innovative PC. It makes everything user-friendly, neat, and easier to set up wherever you may be. Any games that you play with the keyboard or mouse are still possible with this wireless digital computer. You can use these devices when you need them, and keep them out of your way when you don?t.
Although this computer is innovative, the HP TouchSmart 600-1370 All-in-One Desktop has a few issues that need to be addressed. This computer is a little disappointing, especially when it comes to high quality graphics. There are many things that you will be unable to do with this PC. This would include playing three games, doing Adobe Photoshop, or anything that is beyond the capability of the NVIDIA graphics card installed. If you?re watching a movie, we?re going to different websites, everything will appear fine. This only applies to high-tech graphics. And if you want to watch movies on your TV, you can?t ? there is no HDMI video input connector to make this possible.
If you are looking for a new innovative desktop computer, the HP TouchSmart 600-1370 All-in-One Desktop has so much to offer. It isn?t perfect, and it?s probably not the best choice for avid gamers or anyone who requires high end graphics. This computer has strong points, and most people will enjoy using it. The touchscreen technology makes it fun, innovative, and can do most computer tasks with ease.
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Band previewed a handful of songs from their new album, Battle Born, at sold-out Webster Hall show.
By James Montgomery
Brandon Flowers
Photo: Island Records
Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1690314/killers-battle-born-webster-hall-nyc.jhtml
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By Barbra Murray, Contributing Editor
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Four years after closing its initial $230 million real estate private equity fund, Federal Capital Partners has closed on the $529.5 million FCP Realty Fund II L.P. Opportunities in the multifamily, office, retail and industrial sectors will be the focus of Fund II, which, when leveraged, will allow for a total of approximately $1.5 billion of investments.
The economy has hardly recovered, yet Fund II was over-subscribed. ?We were very fortunate to have a great base of investors from Fund I, the vast majority of whom came into Fund II, and many of whom increased their investments,? Esko I. Korhonen, FCP managing partner, told Commercial Property Executive.? ?And then we went out and we raised money from pension funds, endowments, foundations and additional investors. I just think our strategy, our performance and our team resonated with them and the market that we?re in.?
FCP?s strategy is one that has been in place since Korhonen and partner Lacy I. Rice founded the firm in 1999. It is a strategy that focuses on sustainable cash flow. With that goal in mind, the firm has invested a great deal in the multi-family sector. Acquisitions include Phase I of downtown Durham, N.C.?s West Village, a restoration and conversion of the former Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. warehouses; the property is being transformed into an apartment community with ground-level retail. FCP also provided $7.5 million in mezzanine debt to the company behind the redevelopment and construction of the Robert Morris Building at 1701 Arch St. in Philadelphia for the purpose of repositioning the 14-story building as a luxury apartment destination.
?I think that today a lot of our investors are really looking for that; they want to see cash flow,? said Korhonen. ?We?ve been able to make a fair amount of distributions in Fund I from operations and as well as refinancings. Even before we sold any assets, we returned a fair amount of capital, and I think that?s appealing to them because a lot of them are looking for that cash-on-cash return that they depend on every year.?
There is something else that may have attracted investors to Fund II. ?We really invested in the company in anticipation of our growth,? Korhonen said. Investors, he added, meet with the company to obtain a ?level of comfort.?
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James Eagan Holmes, the suspected gunman in the deadly Aurora, Colo. movie theater shooting, makes his first court appearance. NBC's Brian Williams, Kate Snow and Mike Taibbi report with TODAY's Savannah Guthrie.
By Michael LeiterNBC News contributor
While lessons learned from previous mass shootings may have helped limit the carnage in the Aurora, Colo., theater shooting, it remains unclear whether there were warning signs that might have been missed.??
Although it is too soon after the tragedy to draw any hard conclusions (unlike the shooting that took but a few minutes, investigations of such events are meticulous, time consuming affairs), it seems likely that lessons learned from similar events might well have reduced the human toll, which currently stands at 12 dead and 58 injured.?
It appears that first responders in Aurora arrived on the scene no more than a minute or two after calls began flooding 911.? That rapid response meant that the suspect was quickly detained, possibly preventing additional casualties. In addition, emergency medical care arrived shortly after, undoubtedly comforting and likely saving many of the wounded.? And in the coming days, counselors and other medical professionals will surely provide support to both the countless physical and emotional victims of the early morning shooting.
Each of these efficient and effective responses is born of past tragedies.? Through similar events close by (Columbine) and far away (the 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai, India), first responders learned of the need for rapid intervention, securing a perimeter and waiting for specialized units.? Whether it is an active shooter scenario or a Mumbai-style terrorist attack, state, local?and federal authorities have modified their tactics and training to fit what has regrettably become a semi-regular occurrence.?
Hard questions remain
But early indications are that some other lessons of the past may be more elusive.? Much focus has of course been on the shooter, and indeed it is critical that his past behavior be closely examined for warning signs that might have been missed.? In some cases, terrorist or non-politically motivated shooters display outward signs of future violence ?either through antisocial behavior or obtaining weapons or their precursors ? potentially putting officials in a position to disrupt the attack before it happens. As last week?s report on the Fort Hood shooting noted, however, even when such warning signs are present, our ability to identify them properly and take action is mixed.?
Such is surely the case as well for non-terrorism-related violence, as criminologists have long struggled with accurately identifying future criminals.?
That can be a slippery slope. If concerns about ?false positives? are discounted, then we are more likely to intervene in the lives of those who show warning signs, but are merely eccentric, not dangerous.
As the nation agonizes over Friday's massacre in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, family and friends are sharing stories and memories of the 12 people who lost their lives. NBC's Savannah Guthrie reports.
In short, although we might be able to improve our ability to spot the next mass shooter or serial killer before the crime is committed, attempting to do so raises numerous legal and ethical questions and likely won?t be easy or particularly effective.? It hasn?t worked in the past and it is unlikely to work in the near future.
One need not be a terrorism expert or criminologist to know that every society has faced criminals and mad men before.? Are there more terrorists or mass murderers today than in the past?? Perhaps.? But what is unquestionably true is that it has become increasingly easy for murderers of any stripe to kill more and more people in one fell swoop.
In some parts of the world, terrorists have had to be innovative to do so.? The 2005 al-Qaida-inspired terrorist attacks in London, for example, used improvised explosive devices composed in large part of concentrated hydrogen peroxide.? Creating these weapons wasn?t excessively difficult, but doing so required some care. More than a few trained terrorists have tried and failed in the past, both in the U.S. (Faizal Shahzad in Times Square in 2009) and the U.K. (the bombers of July 21, 2005).? Early reports also allege that Holmes engaged in such explosives plotting.?
In the U.S., however, counterterrorism officials and police have long since accepted that neither creativity nor immense skill is required for an individual to be an effective mass murderer. The ready availability (either legally or illegally) of semi-automatic weapons with high-capacity magazines makes such killing remarkably easy.? Moreover, given the endless supply of ?soft targets? in our open society, it is simply impossible to harden every theater, school and workplace.?
When I served as the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, whenever I was asked, ?What keeps you up at night?? I without fail focused on a lone wolf who would be difficult if not impossible to detect and armed to the teeth with deadly firearms.? And while some of my foreign police and security counterparts had similar fears, all were sympathetic to the vastly greater challenges we faced in the U.S., where such weapons are so easily accessible.?
Looking ahead
None of this provides an easy answer.? Would stricter control of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines in the U.S. reduce mass murders?? Perhaps, but the current inventory is so vast that we might only be closing the proverbial barn door. Would an armed moviegoer have been able to stop the Aurora shooter in his tracks?? Again, perhaps, although given his preparations and the mayhem it would surely have been difficult for even a highly trained individual to do much good.? Needless to say, addressing any of these issues is made even more difficult by the political swirl around gun control -- not to mention the very real limitations of our Constitution?s Second Amendment.?
That being said, we must be honest about the challenges we face. We will never identify and stop all of the crazed killers before they strike, whether they are motivated by al-Qaida or something even more mysterious within their heads. ?We can detect some through community-focused efforts, but there is no panacea or even anything close.? In addition, while we can reduce the carnage, no system of first responders will make us perfectly safe.?
While the truly committed killers will always find ways to kill, we regrettably live in a society where even the near-spontaneous, untrained individual can bring tragedy to the doorstep of entire communities.? Our freedom -- to live in a non-police state, to have a degree of privacy and most especially to bear arms -- has very real costs.? The destructiveness of certain firearms in the hands of some individuals increases those costs. We must all pay the price -- but none moreso than the victims in Aurora and elsewhere.?
Michael Leiter is a former director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center and NBC News consultant.
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A new probe developed collaboratively at Norris Cotton Cancer Center and Dartmouth College's Thayer School of Engineering uses an innovative fluorescence-reading technology to help brain surgeons distinguish cancerous tissue from normal tissue. The probe tool, now already in use at the Cancer Center for brain surgery, may one day be used for surgeries for a variety of cancers.
Performing surgery to remove a brain tumor requires surgeons to walk a very fine line. If they leave tumor tissue behind, the tumor is likely to regrow; if they cut out too much normal tissue, they could cause permanent brain damage.
"Primary brain tumors look just like brain tissue," says Keith Paulsen, PhD, a professor of biomedical engineering at Thayer School of Engineering and a member of the Cancer Imaging and Radiobiology Research Program at Norris Cotton Cancer Center. "But if you look at them under a particular kind of light, they look much different."
To improve their ability to differentiate between tumor cells and healthy tissue, surgeons can have patients take an oral dose of the chemical 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). An enzyme metabolizes ALA, producing the fluorescent protein protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). Tumor cells have a higher metabolic rate than normal cells, so they accumulate more PpIX?and therefore fluoresce, or "glow," when exposed to blue light.
But this method was thought to be not sensitive enough to highlight brain tumors that are less metabolically active, like low-grade gliomas. To address this problem, MD-PhD student Pablo Valdes, PhD, and his research mentors?David Roberts, MD, the chief of neurosurgery at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and Dr. Paulsen?used a probe (which they helped develop) that combines violet-blue and white light to simultaneously analyze both the concentration of PpIX and four other tumor biomarkers: PpIX breakdown products, oxygen saturation, hemoglobin concentration, and irregularity of cell shape and size. The probe reads how light travels when it hits the tissue, sends this data to a computer, runs it through an algorithm, and produces a straightforward answer as to whether the tissue is cancerous.
"Our big discovery is that we can use the probe's reading of the fluorescing agent to measure the existence of a low-grade tumor in tissue," says Dr. Paulsen. "The probe is basically an enabling technology to show that information to the surgeon ? a visual aid."
He says that when they first saw the results of using their fluorescing agent and probe on low-grade brain tumors, it was "jaw-dropping. The tumor glowed like lava."
The Thayer/Norris Cotton Cancer Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center team, which has been working on the brain probe for about six years in collaboration with researchers from the University of Toronto, built on research that was originally conducted in Germany about 15 years ago. But the German research did not focus on low-grade tumors. The assumption, Dr. Paulsen says, was that, due to the blood-brain barrier, low-grade tumors did not have enough PplX and therefore would not fluoresce.
In a pilot study, Roberts operated on 10 patients with gliomas. He used a microscope throughout the surgery to see the fluorescence and used the hand-held probe to evaluate sections of the tissue where the fluorescence was not definitive. After the surgeries were complete, a pathologist evaluated how accurately the probe had identified tumor tissue.
The results, published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics, are striking. Diagnoses based on fluorescence only had an accuracy of 64 percent. But when Roberts used the probe, the accuracy increased to 94 percent, meaning that Roberts was much more successful in differentiating between tumor tissue and normal tissue. Although the study was small, it introduces a promising method to help surgeons remove only what they want and nothing more.
Dr. Paulsen says that a protocol is in place for a similar study on lung cancer tumors. He thinks the brain probe may have applications for other cancers as well, but for now the research will have to proceed one cancer type at a time.
Source: http://www.sciencecodex.com/new_probe_provides_vital_assist_in_brain_cancer_surgery-95473
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Whiz Kids Workshop co-founder Bruktawit Tigabu
While it?s true far too many Africans lack access to decent healthcare, education, food, and water, and that governmental corruption and instability continues to stagnate the economic growth of some countries, the success of a new generation of sub-Saharan business leaders is bringing positive changes to the region. ?The rise of an indigenous, often brilliant, brand of social entrepreneurialism is increasingly providing local solutions to local problems.? says Elsie Kanza, head of Africa, for the?World Economic Forum on Africa. ?There is still much work to be done,? Kanza continues. ?But transformation is truly under way.?
Examples of the kind of entrepreneurship Kanza is referring to are plentiful and varied; there?s?Whiz Kids Workshop, a children?s educational media organization based in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, that creates television programs for pre-K through high school aged students,?soleRebels, an internationally recognized and again, Ethiopian-based footwear company whose shoes are made entirely from recycled, local materials and designed by local artisans, and?Mad?casse Chocolate, who makes gourmet chocolate ?from bean to bar? entirely at the source on the island country of Madagascar.
According to the International Monetary Fund, over the next five years,?Africa will have the world?s fastest growing economy of any continent. Seven of the world?s 10 fastest growing economies will be African, including Ethiopia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Congo, Ghana, Zambia, and Nigeria. The rise of commodity prices, including cocoa, cotton, copper, and oil, is partly responsible for the region?s current economic picture. But high priced commodities are not the sole reason for Africa?s rise, nor can they, being a temporary boom, sustain it. What is currently driving sub-Saharan Africa?s economy forward are?small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), including wholesale, retail, transportation, telecommunications, and manufacturing companies, which constitute the majority, up to 90 percent, of the region?s businesses operations, and over 50 percent of its employment.
The women and men behind these businesses are categorically positive in their outlook; they don?t dwell on challenges that many in the West might find completely insurmountable. Their attitude and spirit is fueling the region?s economic growth.
Whiz Kids Workshop co-founder Bruktawit Tigabu (bottom row, center) with some of her Whiz Kids.
Self-taught filmmaker and television producer?Bruktawit Tigabu?grew up and taught elementary school aged children in Addis Ababa. Many of her students were orphans, abandoned by parents unable to care for them, or had lost a parent to AIDS. To help these children process their feelings of confusion and grief, and address the fact that over half of Ethiopian children grow up illiterate, Tigabu and her husband Shane Etzenhouser created Whiz Kids Workshop, a media company the produces shows for national television and schools.
Whiz Kids Workshop?s popular show?Tsehai Loves Learning?features an Amharic speaking and singing giraffe named Tsehai, who learns the things any preschool aged kid needs to know, such as the importance of washing your hands,?why it?s important to tell the truth, and the value of being patient. But other episodes show Tsehai confronting serious grown-up subjects, including malaria, AIDS, and the child-slave trade, subjects the show?s young Ethiopian audience are all too aware of.
Whiz Kids Workshop is only somewhat similar to the Children?s Television Workshop (now Sesame Workshop), home of Big Bird and Elmo. ?We are similar to them in the sense that we create educational media for children,? explains Tigabu via email. ?We operate like a not-for-profit, but our legal structure is that of a social enterprise.? Whiz Kids Workshop is a for-profit venture, and not a children?s advocacy organization, although its mission is to engage and educate Ethiopia?s young people.
So how does Tigabu, named by?Fast Company?magazine as?one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business 2012, keep Whiz Kids going?
?Almost none of our income comes from charitable aid,? says Tigabu. ?We try to win grants and contracts to promote education in Ethiopia. The bottom line is we struggle to sustain our project and stretch ourselves thin and rely on volunteers to make the productions possible.?
?Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu, CEO of soleRebels Footwear.
While growing up in the Zenabwork/Total area Addis Ababa, one of Ethiopia?s poorest communities,?Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu?saw that her country had plenty of what she calls ?charity brands,? but not the kind of grassroots, localized development that could provide sustained economic development. Unemployment was rampant, and the type of aid perpetuated by charitable and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) was actually stifling her community?s creative and business talent.
In 2004, inspired by recycled tire sole shoes worn by Ethiopians for generations, including rebel fighters who, in 1896, successfully defeated Italy?s attempt to colonize the country, Alemu founded soleRebels footwear, locally sourcing the raw materials for the shoes, and employing local artisans to design them. Since then, her company has become incredibly successful, selling what is a finished export product made out of a zero-carbon, eco-sensitive process, from 100 percent local inputs.
soleRebel sandals, shoes, and boots are hip, eco-friendly, and, unlike footwear made by some internationally known giants, not made by starving children working in inhumane conditions. Not surprisingly, soleRebels is the world?s first and only?World Fair Trade Federation (WFTO) fair trade certified footwear company.
To build on what has become the world?s fastest growing African footwear brand, Alemu recently launched Ethiopia?s first ?fully commerce enabled global website?-?solerebelsfootwear.co. The website is created and maintained in house, by their design team, and gives anyone with an internet connection ?the opportunity to have a soleRebels store on every type of web enabled screen on the planet.? She believes the current expansion of the soleRebels business, which includes partnering with several e-commerce companies, will create not only more jobs and economic growth for Africa, but for other countries as well, including Canada and those throughout the European Union.
MadEcasse?s co-founders?Tim McCollum and Brett Beach
There are many examples of exports that are produced in Africa, such as cocoa, and then processed and packaged by companies in the West who ultimately profit the most from sales of the final product. Writer Daniel Bergner, who recently?profiled the founder of Ugandan company Good African Coffee for the New York Times Sunday Magazine, points out that while some argue coffee beans produced in Africa should be ?celebrated? as an export, ?most of the profit goes to the roaster (the Western roaster), even if the earlier aspects of processing are well carried out in Africa.?
Like soleRebels, Mad?casse Chocolate?s products are made, in this case, ?from bean to bar,? utilizing 45 cocoa farmers, a single factory, and several local businesses in the ecologically diverse country of Madagascar. The hand-wrapped chocolate bars are then shipped to retail stores all over the world. The company was co-founded by Tim McCollum and Brett Beach, two Peace Corps volunteers from the West who met and worked in Madagascar for over 10 years before creating Mad?casse Chocolate. Their business model is unusual in that they?ve taken every step possible to stimulate economic growth within the island nation they love.
?One of our goals is that we prop up and support local businesses in Madagascar to become our suppliers,? says McCollum via email. ?We have five independently organized and governed cocoa operatives that supply us. Our list of suppliers includes a local chocolate factory, a local printing press, a local box manufacturer, a local raffia producer, local sugar producer, local vanilla producer, local spice supplier, and a local vanilla extract company. All of these companies existed before us, but they are much stronger and stable now that they are working with us. Our growth is driving their growth.?
Madagascar, like Ethiopia and other countries throughout sub-Sahara Africa, is no stranger to?political upheaval. McCollum acknowledges Madagascar?s ?mismanagement of the government? is one of the biggest challenges to starting a new business in that country. And yet, as they and their local partners have shown, it can be done.
With the emerging world set to account for half of the world?s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the end of this decade, it remains to be seen if such growth will be attributable to business practices that stifle local entrepreneurship and instead encourage foreign ?investment? at the expense of jobs, public health, and human rights, or the kind of ?social entrepreneurialism? Elise Kanza speaks of and is practiced by Whiz Kids Workshop, soleRebles, and Mad?casse Chocolate.
One thing is certain; innovative entrepreneurship in sub-Sahara Africa is stimulating the economic health of not only that region, but of the world.
Re-posted on Afritorial.com by permission of author, Chris Becker, Consumer Media Network -?http://www.cmn.com
Chris Becker is a full-time writer for Consumer Media Network and a music and arts columnist for CultureMap Houston. He?s also written for the Houston Press, Option Magazine, and the contemporary classical music blog Sequenza 21. Before CMN, Becker was the director of public relations for the Houston-based new music and educational programming organization Musiqa. Find him on twitter ? @cbeckermusic. (103)?
Source: http://afritorial.com/africas-entrepreneurs-driving-continent-forward/
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